Department of Veterans Affairs - New Medical Clinic Public Comment from B.G. DickeyAimee Brunckhorst
From: B.G. Dickey <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 4:43 PM
To: Mark Johnson
Subject: EXTERNAL Department of Veterans Affairs - New Medical Clinic
As you may be aware, the Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) recently (re) -issued a solicitation for a new Community
Based Outpatient Center (ie, a walk-in medical clinic for Vets) to be built in Kalispell that will replace the current VA clinic
located at 31 Three Mile Drive in Kalispell. In fact, the new clinic will be approximately 18,400 - 22,275 square feet with
100 parking spaces and will be a great addition to the City of Kalispell.
I am interested in potentially purchasing vacant land currently owned by the City of Kalispell in order to build this clinic
for the V.A. via a competitive bid process. By way of introduction, I am a real estate developer that has built over 20
such clinics for the VA across the country. As such, would it be possible to hop on a quick call to discuss the possibility of
acquiring some unused/under-utilized land (between 5 and 10 acres) from the city? Or, feel free to email if that is
easier. Additionally, please feel free to forward this email to the appropriate person(s) at the City, if you are not the one
who handles these matters.
B.G. Dickey
Matterhorn Capital, LLC