Thursday, October 1, 2009
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT
Hear the Public: No one wished to speak.
Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner
Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director
Dan Diehl, Acting Fire Chief
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Performance Bond Reminders: None. Johnson said they are still in the process of working
through the list of bonds.
OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 W Center — Sorensen noted a letter was sent to them with the items
they need to submit to complete the review and the city hasn't received a response. Sorensen added
they did demolish the house recently.
NEW BUSINESS: Best Bet — 1619 Hwy 93 South Smoking Room — Sorensen stated this
project is to construct a smoking but that would be an expansion of the current building. Sorensen
said the expansion would require an administrative conditional use permit however, this expansion
probably doesn't meet the state's requirements and the applicants are going to talk to the County
Health Department. Sorensen noted impact fees could be triggered and there is the issue regarding
fire sprinklers that they are already aware of. Further discussion was held.
ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — Grandview Drive — Sorensen presented the plans for the senior
apartment building on Grandview Drive. The following items were discussed: The road through to
Indian Trail will be constructed by the developer and gated; maintenance of the road will be the
responsibility of the facilities maintenance personnel; the sidewalk will be extended from Commons
Way to this site by the city; the city will upsize the water line from 8" to 12"; and the developer is
required to construct the water line north to Ponderosa Street.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Rezoning — 2282 Highway 93 South — Jentz reported this is a
zone change request by the owner of the property that was proposed for the pre-release center. They
are requesting the zoning be changed back to B-2 (General Business).
Trumbull Creek Crossing (annexation/PUD/preliminary plat) — Jentz reviewed a meeting held
with Sands Surveying and Carver Engineering on this project. The following items were discussed:
Add a condition that would consider design based on the topography; the landscaped medians are
being removed; for some of the small single-family lots alleys will be added; and the detention ponds
will be irrigated. There was discussion about combining parks and stormwater areas in the future and
Fincher said he would go out and take a look at Trumbull Creek Crossing Phase 1.
Discussion continued regarding the 100foot buffer requirement from Trumbull and Spring Creeks and
the need to shift some lots; completion of the access road all the way to Rose Crossing; maintenance
of parks and common areas; a parks maintenance district; and which parks will be turned over to the
OTHER REPORTS: Sign Poles — Intersection of Hwy 93 North and West Reserve — Burnham
asked about the sign going up at this location and Jentz said this is County property and a stop work
order has been issued. They have reduced the size of the poles and planned to install an 84 sf sign.
They have been advised they will need to apply to the County Board of Adjustment for a sign that
Silverbrook 36' x 52' Storage Shed — Sorensen reported that Silverbrook Estates submitted a plan
to construct a 36' x 52' storage building south of the proposed fire station. There was lengthy
discussion regarding the use of the building and whether paving would be required. It was decided
that until that area of the subdivision is constructed an all-weather access road will be required and
other methods of dust abatement could be used. However, prior to approval of final plat for that
phase the access road will need to be paved.
Landscape Ordinance — Burnham noted at a recent council work session the Mayor expressed her
concern with boulevards being landscaped with rocks. There was discussion regarding the need for a
landscape ordinance that would address this concern and Fincher said he would work on a draft
proposal for the City Attorney's office to review. It was decided that the ordinance would cover new
construction/landscaping and not require that rocks be removed from existing boulevards.
House Moves — Fincher said there was confusion on who approved the route of the latest house
move and noted the route was not a good choice and ended up costing the house mover, Steve
Kinniburgh more than $1200 for pruning and limb removal. There is a need for the departments to
better coordinate house moves in the future.
Montana Club Restaurant/Casino — Elkins noted the building permit is almost ready to be issued
for the Montana Club Restaurant/Casino and Sorensen noted the developers have not yet merged the
multiple parcels.
Floodplain Permit — Gazebo at Begg Park — The comment period for the floodplain permit ends
October 5th and the project will be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee on October 13th
Fincher will provide Sorensen with the drawing for Architectural Review.
Spraying noxious weeds on city R/W — Castles reported a complaint was received about noxious
weeds in the city R/W near Northview Lane on the back side of the former trailer park. Fincher asked
him to send a work order to the Parks Department and they will take care of it.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m.