Solid waste assessment Public Comment from Roger GussnerAimee Brunckhorst
From: Rogers <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2022 11:55 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Solid waste assessment
Dear City Clerk and City Council,
You say inflation and new service requirements in the city require a rate increase for existing accounts.
Inflation is effecting everyone. It's worse, much worse for those on a fixed income. House prices are exploding, energy
has doubled in the last year, insurance is out of control.
My property taxes increased 17% from FY 20 to FY 21.
My state just cut the highest income tax rates for the wealthy and education funding to the counties.
We're trying to use public education dollars to support private schools.
The City of Kalispell is taking a huge increase in water rates as they saw fit to cut impact fees for new development.
Get real folks! In the last election we turned down funding for elementary education and a new school for West Valley.
Do you think we don't want to educate our children? No! We're tapped out.
Rethink your position on impact fees and the states lack of education funding. That would free up some money to haul
our trash away.
I would also point out we recently allowed fireman to reside outside the city that employees them. I suppose because
they can't afford to live here.
Roger Gussner