05-19-05 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes — May 19, 2005
Present were: Airport Advisory Board Members Scott Richardson, Keith Robinson,
Tom Allison and Dan Snyder; Absent: Tom Weber and Rod Bitney; City of Kalispell
Staff Jim Patrick and Becky Spain; Guests Fred Leistiko — Airport Manager
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. The March minutes were approved with a
change to the spelling of Keith's last name. The April minutes were also approved.
HEAR THE PUBLIC — None present.
NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES — Fred completed the Rules and Regulations.
Tom recommended making a few changes to Tip Clark suggestions and inserting his
AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA — We now have one year to establish the board. Four of
members already appointed and will meet and elect a fifth member, Todd Wirthlin has
been recommended for the fifth spot. Only NIPIAS airports need to form these
committees. Their will be a lot of public testimony and everyone here needs to plan on
attending. The committee will then come up with the regulations and adopt them after
the public hearings. Their will also be opportunities for public input.
MANAGER UPDATE — Rules and Regulations are done except for any adjustments for
Noise Abatement Procedures.
Fencing is complete to the south of Murdoch's. We will continue as easements and
purchases allow.
We are in our final negotiations with Robert Monk. If we can not get an agreement we
will turn it over to the FAA negotiator.
Red Eagle is within 30 days of an offer. The second review appraisal is not back yet.
Sent letter to Mr. Barrett requesting he start paying commercial fees. If he does not
comply we will fence off his property from the airport.
Fred is currently researching properties to the South — Seiler, County and Wise
New signs are done and we are now working on mounting them on the new fence.
City Airport purchased a 9' used mower and contracted for a 50 hp tractor to start
mowing next week.
Runway lights were out for a week or more because of a cut cable. The cable was pealed
back to taxiway and re -buried to the last electrical vault four feet down so it would not be
disturbed on the next project.
It cost the City $19,000 to bring T&L Property hangar sites to grade. They should now
be pouring foundations by the end of the week.
Pre -bid conference will be next Monday, the 23r6. The Bid opening will be on May 31S`
in the Conference Room at City Hall. Construction will begin on June 15`h and be
complete by August V.
By August I" we hope to have the electronic gate, internal road and designated parking
and NO Parking areas designated.
NEW BUSINESS: City Manager announced that Gib Bissell was appointed to the open
position on the Airport Advisory Committee.