04-20-05 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY COUNCIL Minutes — April 20, 2005 Present were: Airport Advisory Board Members Scott Richardson, Keith Robinson, Dan Snyder and Tom Webber; City of Kalispell Staff Jim Patrick and Becky Spain; Guests Tip Clark, Fred Leistiko — Airport Manager and Pete Gross The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. The approval of March minutes was postponed until the May meeting. HEAR THE PUBLIC — Tip Clark, president of the Flathead Flying club, thanked the council for involving them and allowing them to comment. He would like to recommend not making these laws hard and fast and putting them out for a trial basis. He believes the noise abatement is critical. $2 MILLION BOND — Passed through council on an 8 to 1 vote with Hafferman voting against. The appropriations for the $2 million will be spent on Phase I which is the North West Ramp and taxiway, acquisition of Red Eagle and Monk Property's. Once the towers are down the city airport can start getting FAA reimbursement dollars. The FCC did not renew the license for Stokes at this time. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS — Bid opening set for May 31", June 6th approval at council meeting, June 15th Start date on project, August 1st Completion date. The runway lights are currently not working. The transmitter for the runway lights will be moved to a new location. The City would like to have the airport finished in time for the Airshow in order to accommodate overflow parking. HANGAR LEASES — All of the hangar spaces are currently leased and there are four people on the waiting list. RENAME ROAD - The road has been named Ryan Lane. MANAGER UPDATE — Their have been a few changes made to the Airport plan, such as an internal road has been added. Fencing is on its way by Penco and Murcoch's. Signs' have been ordered that will be placed on the outside airport fence that say Active Airport — City of Kalispell, the signs are 18"x24". We will need some volunteers to help chalk lines by Red Eagle for parking next Saturday. All planes have been moved to the east side of the airport for tie downs during the construction process. Red Eagle is currently collecting all Tie -down fees and splitting with the city 50150. Next years budget will be considerably higher, both income and expenditure sides. NEW BUSINESS — Tom Snyder's term is up and has submitted a letter of interest to serve on the Airport Advisory Council. Jim asked for a volunteer to form a committee to review the letters of interest to serve on the Airport Advisory Council. Tom Webber volunteered. Senate Bill 255 passed on March 14, 2005, stating that all NPIAS airports will have an area of influence. The committee will be formed of two county officials, two city officials, and one member at large. This board recommended last month to appoint Fred Leistiko, Tom Jentz and Todd Worthington. Dan made a motion to adjourn, Keith second.