City Council, Creekside Commons Public Comment from Maggie DavisAimee Brunckhorst
Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL City Council, Creekside Commons
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Council members,
The proposed senior housing on the former Gateway West Mall property is a needed
land use. However, the lack of planning and incremental parceling out of this former
retail mall has created a jumble of easements and poorly connected roads that
compromise the delivery of all city services in the future. Preliminary approval of this
project is premature.
Among the dysfunctional aspects of this often amateur redevelopment are lack of
adequate connecting roads between Financial Drive, Two Mile, Glenwood, and Hwy
2. Multi private uses access the property through the mall's former parking lot(s). The
conditions for approval do not directly address storm water drain line
relocation. Senior housing should specify how residents would access public
Although parking requirements for senior housing are less than for other higher density
housing, it is unclear how the developer will accommodate it on a one acre lot. Clearly
the expectation is that access the apartment complex will be through property it does
not own.
FCEDA is taking RFPs (Legal notice 28573, published 4/29/2022 DIL) for "best future
use of a portion of the Gateway Community Center ... at 1203 US Hwy 2". The RFPs
are due May 15, 2022. Deferring action on the Creekside Commons proposal until
there is some clarity on the FCEDA parcel may be the prudent option for the City of
Kalispell and Home Solutions.
Maggie Davis, homeowner 160 Charlotte, 59901