02-23-22 MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: February 23, 2022 Location: KPD Conference Room In attendance: George Giavasis, Dave Hutton, Bob Macek, Mark Pirrie, Joel Schoknecht, Rob Smith and Jim Wardensky Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Perrie 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Bob, second by Joel 3. Approval of February 2 Board Meeting: Moved by George, second by Joel 4. Hearing of the Public 5. Unfinished Business: 6. New Business: Katharine King attended the meeting to provide an update on the Charles Hotel and the parking structure. She said that it is likely that the parking structure will be started first, then the hotel. The transition of the Skyline Lot from unrestricted parking to permitted parking was discussed. Mark suggested the possibility of doing a lottery to make it more fair for those who are interested in getting a permit. Jim inquired about the status of the stakeholder's group and recommended compiling a list of names and phone numbers to be able to pass on new information, as available. Additionally, information will be posted on social media and newspapers. Dave and Jason Singleton have been working on a map of downtown parking that will show all city owned parking lots and other available public parking options. Bob made a motion recommending the removal of parking restrictions on the following streets to increase downtown parking during construction of the Charles Hotel at 3rd St W and Main St and the parking structure to be built at 1 st Ave W and 1 st St W. The proposed changes would provide approximately 48 additional parking spaces. a) 2nd St W, between 1 st and 2nd Ave W b) 4th St W, between 1 st and 2nd Ave W c) Conversion of the block face of 1 st St W, between 1 st and 2nd Ave W to a one-way, going east bound, with angled parking on both sides of the street. Vote on the motion. Bob Macek: Motion George Giavasis - Second Mark Pirrie: Approved Joel Schoknecht: Approved Rob Smith: Approved The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Adiournment: Chairperson Mark Pirrie adjourned the meeting at 8:40a.m. Approved by the Board on Thursday, March 31, 2022 Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado