07-16-09 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: July 16, 2009
Location: KPC Conference Room
All in attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie, Janet Clark, Ron Trippett,
and John Hinchey
Jack Brooks — Attended from 7:50 am to 8:00 am
Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:52 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Minutes of June, 2009 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by Ron Trippett, Janet Clark, seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statements of May and June 2009:
Update from Mark - Mark talked to Amy regarding the discrepancies in the financials last month. In order to
make our budget balance they had to do a small budget transfer that is why our snowplowing went from
$12,000 - $22,000. Depreciation went from $2,000 to $7000 and contract services went from $1000 to
$3000. There are also some little changes. Janet Clark wanted to comment for the record "our revenue is
down approximately $25,500. Last year our budget for income was $136,800 this year it was $134,000."
Discussion followed. Moved to approve by Ron Trippett, Janet Clark, seconds, Approved by all present.
5. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack
a) Traffic Down — "The only time it is busy is really between 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM."
Discussion followed.
KPC Office Update — Rachel
a) Tickets, Parking Permits & Meters —
1. Ticket Collections —359 tickets written. 79% collected.
2. Parking Permits — 38 permits left from July. Up from last month. Down from last year
$4, 892.
3. Meter Collections — Down $1.78 from last month. Up $29.84 from last year.
b) Collection Reports — Discussion of last month's new report. The 91.54 is partial payments.
Last meeting there were questions about the number of tickets not matching the yearly
amount. The missing amount is the pre -collect amount. Pre -collect amount is $15,777. Boot
is really going to affect these reports. Discussion followed. Rachel will call Karin to get this
c) DMV — we are still not getting any addresses through DMV. Mike at Aims did set up a
database for me so I can enter these by hand.
6.New Business:
Charlie Harball, City Attorney — Boot process: Charlie and Judge Heidi Ulbricht have put into place
the new boot process. Ordinance number 1661 In order to boot:
1. Offender must have 3 outstanding unpaid tickets and be in violation (they have to be parked
illegally) at the time of booting.
2. We are booting the vehicle not the person. Tickets in violation must match the vehicle booted.
3. Judge would prefer if we did not boot on Friday afternoon. KPC must give notice to the court by fax
if we are going to boot somebody and the Judge must be in. If the Judge is gone we cannot boot.
4. The boot removal fee amount is the same as before $35
5. If offender wants to pay they can pay KPC but if they want to protest it they must contact Municipal
Court. If they want the boot off then they must pay the full amount. If they want to protest the ticket
they must go to the municipal court and they will handle whether it needs to be paid in full or
whether or not they can make payments.
6. If they do not pay fines and the boot is left on more than 72 hours it will be towed.
We have to work something out with collections to get those tickets back from them. Rachel will call
Karin and get that rolling. Discussion followed.
Rosebriar — Charlie — did KPC hear from the Rosebriar? Yes, we received a letter and responded to
them. Discussion followed.
Ed Lot Lease — Mark — We are month to month with them right now but to enforce the maintenance
do we have to have a signed lease? Charlie — No, the terms of the lease just fall back to month to
month. Discussion followed.
KPC Office Lease — KPC is still paying rent and just waiting for the next step from the Attorney. We
are still waiting on the improvements that were in our original lease. Discussion followed.
Thursday Fest — Ron Trippett — any issues that you are aware of Charlie? Parking wise? Nothing but
good things other than people tend to walk away from the beer garden. They just need to have
someone to walk around and patrol this better. Janet said this was discussed in the meeting yesterday
and should be take care of. John Hinchey brought up the question of connecting both sides of the
street. Food vendor permits etc. Discussion followed.
By Pass — Discussion regarding closing off Main Street and chip sealing certain areas in the city.
Discussion followed.
August Board Meeting — Rachel will post it as cancelled before she leaves on vacation. She and
Mark will both be gone.
Snow Removal — Mike Baker mentioned to Mark that we have a lot of trees dying around town. We
have one dead in the Eagles Lot. This is due to the salt from the winter plowing. Whoever plows
needs to get together with Mike Baker to make sure they are not using what is killing the trees?
Snow Bids- Mark and Janet would like to have an ad in the Mountain Trader this month before
Rachel goes on vacation. Rachel will make up packets to give out. Ad should say now accepting bids
to snow plow the Kalispell Parking Commission parking lots. Rachel will call and let everyone
know we have packets available. Mark wants a cover letter to go to whoever is in the phone book.
Packets will have letter, map, etc. Discussion followed.
7.Unfinished Business:
Ed Lot Lease — Janet working on lease letter to them. She is still working on this but needed some
verification from Charlie regarding this. Janet is going to address all the weeds and maintenance. She will
also address signing a new lease with them. Rachel let Jay and Jill park in the lot since they were the
owners but now the employees are taking advantage of this. Rachel did not realize this is a breach of
contract. We will no longer be dismissing tickets in the lot for anyone. Janet will address this also in the
letter. Discussion followed.
Lot Maintenance — S & D Lot Maintenance Report. Lots of dead junipers they have to cut away. Work
in progress. Should be done with most of the lots as far as weeding, trimming, and spraying in August.
Janet - Please have them weed the 3 concrete containers on the corner of Valley bank. Discussion
8. Adiournment:
Adjourned at: 9:02 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: John Hinchey, Second by Janet Clark.
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order
to adequately
Meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.