Preliminary Plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision (155 Tronstad Road) Public Comment from Colby ShawAimee Brunckhorst
From: Aimee Brunckhorst
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 1:17 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: FW: EXTERNAL Preliminary Plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision (155
Tronstad Road)
From: Colby Shaw <cc>
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 12:00 PM
To: Jessica Dahlman <idahlman()>
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL Preliminary Plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision (155 Tronstad Road)
Yes please.
Also can it be noted that the neighborhood never got a letter in the mail about this meeting. I confirmed with
all neighbors. We also didn't receive a letter when the property was annexed even though the City Planning
Staff insisted they mailed them out. When there are 10 close neighbors to this new subdivision and not one of
us got a letter for the annexation and the meeting tonight I would like for it to be noted please.
thanks again
From: Jessica Dahlman <>
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 5:53 PM
To: Colby Shaw <cc>
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL Preliminary Plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision (155 Tronstad Road)
Thank you Colby. I have forwarded it to all council members for their review. Would you like this to be an official public
comment for this meeting?
From: Colby Shaw <cc>
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 11:47 AM
To: Jessica Dahlman <idahlman()>
Cc: Kelly Shaw <kl.lyshg7O(>
Subject: EXTERNAL Preliminary Plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision (155 Tronstad Road)
Hello Jessica,
I got your email from my wife Kelly Shaw. Kelly and I have been fortunate to live many years in the rural north
end of Kalispell in the County limits. There is a preliminary plat meeting this evening for the zoning change
from R-2 to R-3. Kelly and I are good with this however here are the concerns we have:
• "Developer is to maintain or improve the level of service at relevant intersections, a 3/4 movement
approach (or other mitigation acceptable to Public Works and the Montana Department of
Transportation) shall be installed at the intersection of Tronstad Road and Highway 93." This should be
line 16 of the staff report for this evening's meeting. We are not sure the 3/4 movement approach is
necessary but having a right turn lane both exiting Tronstad Road to Highway 93 and turning on to
Tronstad road from Highway 93 heading North. Currently there is about 4-5 feet of pavement on the
shoulder of 93 at the Tronstad Road intersection, right in the middle of that is rumble strips. Cars
travel 70 plus miles an hour on Highway 93 and trying to make the right turn on to Tronstad road can
be sketchy with cars right on your tail and not much shoulder slow down on the right to make the
turn. When exiting Tronstad Road to turn right on to Highway 93 there is no right lane. So if someone
is to be taking a left or go straight into Silverbrook estates no one is able to turn right until the cars in
front go. Per the traffic study done for this new subdivision there are to be 318 or so more daily traffic
on Tronstad road. This doesn't include the other subdivisions being built on Tronstad Road in the near
future. Within a few years there will close to 100 new homes on Tronstad Road that will be using this
road. Quail Meadows will be 39 homes, so in the near future there will be approx. 1000 more daily
traffic on Tronstad road. This all needs to be planned for now, not wait for a devastating tragedy to
happen then create a safer intersection. Please require right turn lanes added to both sides of Tronstad
Road intersections Hwy 93.
City of Kalispell currently has Standard Street poles of 30 feet in height. The Quail Meadows
subdivision is all one level homes with the tallest roof line at 19 feet. I have talked to Keith Haskins
(Engineer for Public Works) about the light and the height. He said they have to go with what Flathead
Electric has available. I have spoken to Flathead Electric and they do have in fact a 15-foot pole that is
the same lighting parts. There may have to be a few more added in the subdivision vs the 30-foot pole,
however it will look a lot better with lights that blend into the roof lines vs sticking up another 11-15
feet higher than the all the roof lines. Montana is home of the Big Sky, we need to keep our skies
visible for stars and be able to look at the horizon for sunsets and sunrises. Not to look and see lights
clouding our horizon views in this valley. Currently there are zero light poles at any home on Tronstad
Road and now there will be light poles coming into this rural neighborhood. I understand that is City
code however we need to protect our beautiful skies and create some sort of dark sky ordinance or at
least have the light poles fit to the size of the roof lines. I understand some of the subdivisions may
have two story homes and 30-foot light poles will fit those roof lines, but when we know the roof line is
19 feet and lower the City should have options to go to A 15-foot pole that Flathead Electric can
Thank you for your consideration
Colby Shaw
89 Tronstad Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901