That proposed giant development under the Bonneville Power lines Public Comment from Ted PattenAimee Brunckhorst From: Ted Patten <tedpatten@charter.net> Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 10:38 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL That proposed giant development under the Bonneville Power lines Greetings, As a gesture of goodwill, perhaps the council can see a way to remedy the poorly done roadwork at the 400 block of Two Mile Drive, site of an earlier giant development. Does the council imagine that automobiles are able to make the turn that the hastily painted highway lines suggest? On the western edge of the work, the painted lines do not even meet. How long before the council receives news of a vehicle driving on the new sidewalk to no where? This was all very poorly planned as I suspect the one under the high tension powerlines will be. At least the ajacent homeowners at Aspen Knoll probably have the financial means to litigate.