Sandy Carlson Conflict Disclosure StatementK.L SPEII[JI[d CITY c(Illwn.. Ct.I I« ..m]I.C'TS 111.I1SCI.MUI .E SI I ATEMENT Resolution 5607 adopted on. March 4, 201.3 established the Policies and Procedtires for tine Kalispell(:.ify (..ouncil. Chapter , Section. l3. 7 of that: doc�,�:t e�n�t: requires xnerdbem°s of the Kalispell City Coanncill. U.) file a disclosure statennn.ent with the City Clerk by Ja:rriiary 31." of each. year. I.I.e disclosure staterrien:t shall include the name and address of the Council unetniber, all. current ennployinient: of Comicuil rnernllxr that is in addition. to the elected. position with t1he Criity; and th.e name of any board's on whic1h the (:'.ouinci:l uineniber ca;uT ntly serves. Address:l d. Oa-r k Current Employer(s) other than City- w.a.." i ...... .. _.. Organization(s) of which I am currently a Board member: h 5 (~ I certify under penalty of perjury that the above statement is true and correct. If any of the above information should change, I acknowledge I am obligated to immediately file an amended Conflicts Disclosure Statement with the City Clerk. I further acknowledge that this Conflicts Disclosure Statement is intended to be a public document and I hereby waive any right to privacy in the information I have provided herein. Date Received City Clerk