City Parks Public Comment from Shawn BakerAimee Brunckhorst
From: Shawn Baker <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 12:29 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL City Parks
Good afternoon, Mayor Johnson, and City Council Members,
With regard to Council comments at the end of Monday's meeting, I appreciate Mr. Hunter's interest
in developing the City property south of Legends Field as a City Park, and Doug Russell's comments
on budget and a Parks/Master plan work session.
I would suggest that the City keep their existing parks in mind. If budgets are already strained,
another park may be too much. Lawrence Park has had some great maintenance and improvements
done in the past 10 years, but the City's premier park - Woodland Park - really needs some more
focus. It has long been a center focus of our city, but it falls short of being the amenity it once was for
residents and visitors alike. Woodland needs more emphasis, especially for winter use. The stumps
lining the Pond are in disrepair, and it is the only place in the city where the public can skate for free,
but it is infrequently plowed/brushed, and hasn't been regularly flooded in the past decade. The
warming but is in disrepair and hasn't been utilized in that capacity since I was a child in the
80's. The loop needs to be re -paved, and the old trees are aging --with frequent limb damage in wind
storms --and new trees should be planted to become mature in the future as the oldest trees die or are
Best regards
Shawn Baker
2268 Mission Trail