The public can participate in person in the Council Chambers or via videoconferencing. Register to join the video conference at: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/83691178297?pwd=Z0FjalZ1dGljekhIL3R4RUUxbXJ4UT09 Public Comment can also be provided via email to planning@kalispell.com
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana.
The agenda for the meeting will be:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call B. Approval of Minutes of October 12, 2021
C. Hear the Public – The public may comment on any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda. (Comments are typically held to 3 minutes or less.) D. Public Hearing:
The Planning Board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the agenda items listed below: 1. Files #KA-21-05 and KPUD-21-04 – A request from Bish’s RV for the annexation of two parcels located at 3100 Highway 93 South containing approximately 8.36 acres of land with an initial zoning
designation of B-2 (General Business). The proposal would add a Planned Unit Development (“PUD”)
overlay on the two parcels along with a third parcel containing approximately 12.58 acres that is already within the city limits with a B-2/PUD placeholder designation. The Bish’s RV PUD as proposed would then be a Commercial PUD on a total of approximately 20.94 acres and would contemplate a renovation and expansion of an existing RV dealership.
2. File #KCU-21-10 – A request from Briggs Anderson for a conditional use permit to allow a multi-family residential development with up to 40 dwelling units on approximately 1.23 acres located in a B-2 (General Business) zone. The project would include covered parking, a fitness center, sidewalks, and an on-site trail system. The overall project would also include a new Jiffy Lube and incorporate the
Mudman building into the site, which would be approximately 2.35 acres in total.
3. File #KCU-21-11 – A request from GMD Development, LLC, for a conditional use permit to allow a multi-family residential development with up to 138 dwelling units on 5.82 acres located in an RA-2 (Residential Apartment/Office) zone. The development would include seven buildings with dwelling
units as well as a community building, greenspace, playgrounds, and parking areas.
E. Old Business F. New Business
G. Adjournment Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2021