09-08-09 ARC MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, September 8, 2009; 7:30 a.m.,
I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 ls' Ave E
MEMBERS PRESENT: Carol Nelson; John Hinchey; Corey Johnson (Chairman);
Russ Skelton; Mark Norley; Janet Clark
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff—PJ Sorensen
Guests — Terry Kramer (Fed Ex/Kramer Enterpr.); Greg Lukasik
(ASI/Morrison-Maierle); Dan Ringquist (Applied Water/Ringquist
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes: Russ moved to approve the August 25 minutes; John seconded.
Approved 6-0.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Applied Water Consulting — 475 N Main; new freestanding sign. Part L• Applicant is
not present. There are some concerns/questions regarding materials, landscaping around
the sign, and the post structure. John moved to table; Mark seconded. Motion to table
approved 6-0. Part H: Applicant came late to the meeting. John moved to remove the
project from the table; Russ seconded. Motion passed 6-0. Discussion focused on earlier
issues. The posts are 4 inch powder -coated, and are more navy blue. The sign is 3/4 inch
MDL, and has some 3D visual relief. The bottom of the sign is 14 inches off the ground.
The posts are '/z inch from the sign. Extensive discussion regarding landscaping under or
adjacent to the sign. Mark moved to approve as presented; Janet seconded. John moved
to amend the motion to require landscaping at the ends of the sign. Russ seconded.
Motion to amend passed 6-0. Main motion passed 6-0.
Fed Ex — 165 Schoolhouse Loop; new distribution facility. Metal building. Using
landscaping for screening and architectural elements for interest. Matching
color/materials of elements of the Morrison-Maierle building. Mark moved to approve;
Carol seconded. Approved 6-0.
ASI — Grandview Dr; new 23 unit senior housing building. Placement of the building and
the roof pitch are the result of several council meetings, a neighborhood meeting, and
community input. They will have a brick veneer near the base. Discussion regarding the
color selection. Mark moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 6-0.
Other Discussion:
Nickle Cars' sign was discussed, particularly the bright yellow posts. Staff will discuss
any options. Mountain Mudd landscaping continues to be addressed by the Parks Dept.
The Library options were discussed. Russ will not be available for the next 2 months
due to a work project he has recently accepted out of the area. Projecting signs on Main
Street were discussed, with more discussion when time is available.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:00