Resolution 3932 - Preliminary Plat - Hall's Addition No 82, Lots 2 & 4RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE AMENDED SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 2 AND 4, HAL05 ADDITION, LOCATED IN W1 SWk, SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, M & C Tire, the owners of Lots 2 and 4, Hall's Addition, Flathead County, Montana, have petitioned. for approval of the Amended Subdi- vision Plat of Lots 2 and 4, Hall's Addition, and WHEREAS, the proposed Amended Subdivision Plat of Lots 2 and 4, Hall's Addition is subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 (Summary Subdivision Review), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the Flathead Regional Development Office has reviewed the proposed subdivision and made a report to the City Council of the City of Kalispell, said report considering and weighing all public interest criterion set forth in Section 2.2(F)(3), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell has reviewed the report of the Flathead Regional Development Office and has found from the preliminary plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest, and WHEREAS, the City Council has based its public interest findings upon the following findings of fact: A. EFFECTS ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY: 1. Police Protection: The proposed subdivision is within the existing service area of the Kalispell Police Department. Said department has expressed concerns relative to traffic safety in the area of the subdi- vision. Traffic safety in the area could be improved by incorporating turning lanes off of Meridian Road. Fire Protection: Fire protection to the subdivision is available from the Kalispell Fire Department. The Fire Department notes that continued development in this area of the City will eventually require the develop- ment of a satellite fire station in that area of the City. Traffic: This area of Meridian Road is a particular area of concern to the Kalispell Police Department. The average daily traffic volumes along Meridian Road in 1989 were 5,530 trips. In 20 years, it is expected that the traffic volume along Meridian Road will more than double. The concerns with traffic safety in the area of the subject property primarily pertain to the hill approach to the intersection with U.S. Highway 93 and the lack of turn lanes off of Meridian Road. Commercial truck usage of the road is increasing. There are no sidewalks or other off -road improvements to separate pedestrian and bicycle traffic from the vehicular traffic. This subdivision would not necessarily aggravate the existing problems to Meridian Road since no additional facilities are likelyto be developed, but it may be possible to mitigate the impacts of these existing uses on Meridian Road by incorporating turning movement lanes into the roadway design of Meridian Road. The private road easement that extends from Meridian Road to U.S. Highway 93 also poses a significant risk to public safety. The approach to the Highway has been identified as a traffic hazard and is recommended for closure by a recent access study by Clete Daily and Associates. Natural Hazards: This property is not susceptible to flooding from any surla'ce o 1es or water. The topography has already been modified to accommodate the existing uses. Most of the modified topography appears to be stable nithough the cut bank at the north end of Lot 1 could pose as a safety hazard. Developed facilities should stay out of that area. Sanitation: This subdivtgTgh-'.4.§ :bu'I ten�tl -�:ing served with municipal sewer collection and water supply facilities from the Cityof Kalispell. Eds m l�lts"'w l 60re4h'if6d sleirig . any diib6ded W64 %hiA c6sAY16t' ':!d °: boundbriFes.' Improved municipal- d)rainage ..faciliCies °a el 6 nerally' l6cAing in the aced ' resul�.ing. in" seasonai - and localized �drainage' problems. N Water/Sewer/Drainage: This subdivision will have no additional impact on a sewer collection system or the water delivery facil- ities of the Kalispell water and sewer systems.. As noted earlier, drainage is a particular concern in this area of the City. A drainage plan will need to be prepared by the landowner/developer .to accommodate the run-off potential from these properties. Since no public run-off/drainage collection system is.available in the area, on -site collection facilities may be necessary. E. EFFECTS ON AGRICULTURE: This subdivision will have no direct or indirect impacts on agriculture or silviculture. F. EXPRESSED PUBLIC OPINION: This three lot commercial subdivision is not subject to any formal public notification requirements. As such, no formal announcement of this subdivision has been made. To date, no one has expressed any particular concerns pertaining to the application. G. NEED .FOR SUBDIVISION: This subdivision will not necessarily create additional building sites for commercial structures. It appears that the purpose of this subdivision may be to facilitate the conveyance of individual businesses, which now share a common lot. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION I. That the application of M. & C Tire for approval of the Amended Subdivision of Lots 2 and 4 of Hall's Addition, a proposal to create one (1) additional lot on Lots 2 and 4, Hall's Addition, located in the W2 SW4', Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the subdivision be approved by the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences in accordance to ARM 16.16.603. 2. That the southerly approach to Lot 3 be paved as extending from the pavement of Meridian Road to,the lot lline of said Lot 3. 3. That the approach to Lot I be shared with Lot 2 with a Further designation of a 30 foot private road easement along the southerly lien of Lot 1. 4, That each existing use comply with the parking requirements of The Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. 5. That a view -obscuring fence or a dense coniferous hedge be established along the perimeter of Lot 3 as per the requirements of Section 4.05 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. The strategy/ plan and time schedule for accomplishing this requirement shall be approved by the Kalispell Zoning Administrator. 6. Lots I and 2 shall submit a storm water analysis ao required within the Standards and General Provisions for Design and Construction for the City of Kalispell. Future development including paving, etc., shall be a component of the analysis. Any required storm water improve- ments must be constructed prior to final plat approval. 7. That the landowner waive the right to protest creation of a Special Improvement District for the purpose of storm water improvements in the area of Meridian Road. i,. tb= thdr' i 6q- vision be;''subject to ap ii� V.of,'bYy♦ 'the`"Litt' of" Kaid ispe1II 4 n 1 1 Medical Services: Major medical emergency services are located nearby af the a ispe Regional Hospital. Emergency ambulance response is available from the Kalispell Fire Department. B. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: The subject property is a completely man -modified site. It is within the City limits of Kalispell and within a commercial zoning district. The entire property is virtually devoid of native vegetation and habi- tat for wildlife. No additional impacts to wildlife are expected. C. EFFECTS ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Water: This subdivision will not affect any nearby bodies of surface water. However, the drainage in the area of North Meridian Road is a particular problem due to the excessive land coverage in this area and lack of facilities to direct and dispose of the run-off. Overland run- off tends to collect at the bottom of the Meridian Hill in the area of Three Mile Drive. Topography: The topography of the site has already been altered to accommodate the existing buildings. A steep cut slope persists near the northerly boundary of Lot 1 where unstable soil conditions may exist. Vegetation: As stated earlier, this site is virtually void of any vegetation. A previous zoning requirement for vegetative screening along the area of Lot 3 has been ignored and will be addressed as a condition. of approval for this subdivision. D. EFFECTS ON TAXATION: With subdivision, the annual "land" taxes for each,lot will be as follows: Lot 1, $432; Lot 2, $1045; and Lot 3, $421. The annual tax revenue for the existing structures will remain unchanged with a total value of approximately $4,100. E. EFFECTS ON LOCAL SERVICES: Schools: This commercial subdivision will not have any adverse impacts an school enrollment, but additional tax revenue will be generated to the benefit of the schools. The traffic associated with the current businesses on the property may be contributing to pedestrian/vehicular conflicts in the area. Parks and Recreation: Commercial development of the property should have a negligible impact on the existing park system of Kalispell. There are no bike paths or pedestrian trails in the area of the Kalispell Junior High school. Fire Protection: This subdivision should not pose an undue burden to the Kalispell Fire Department. However, the Fire Department notes that a substation would benefit fire protection capabilities in this area of the City. Roads: Access to the three lots will be from two existing approaches off of Meridian Road. Lots 1 and 2 will share a common approach off of Meridian Road. An easement will be necessary across Lot 2 to provide direct access to the developed facilities of Lot 1. The existing approach to Lot 3 is currently gravelled and this poses some problems with move- ment of gravel onto the paved portion of Meridian (load. Both approaches are located on a moderate to steep grade of Meridian Road where turning movements are aggravated due to the absence of turning lanes. This particular situation can be hazardous during adverse weather conditions. The Kalispell Police Department has suggested that turning lanes might be a means of mitigating some of the perceived traffic hazards associated with turning into this subdivision. �' :4���V.*r""�i61 ypr'�1�.�'' 1`�•�1??t.}; :a.nyi�:Rh'$51:�'f _'�"Y�a!t7!{ .-��rl 1�`!'�;�''� ���f"��.'�9 ter' .�' •! T7F.�`R' !" "� } .li .,r r ,+' j, „ is , a , c f •- 1 I r� 1 � � � �� , �J r 1- 9. That an additional 5 foot wide right-of-way be reserved along the westerly lot lines of 1, 2 and 3 for the purpose of accomplishing future improvements to Meridian Road, such as center turning lanes. 10. That all required improvements be completed prior to final plat approval. or be guaranteed for completion pursuant to a subdivision improvements agreement as set forth by Chapter 5 of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations. 11. That all water and sewer mains extending across lot lines be located within 15 foot wide easements and be shown on the face of the final plat. 12. That the private road access to U. S. Highway 93 be closed to coincide with placement of a light on Meridian and Highway #93 North. 13. That parking for all businesses in the area of Lots 1, 2 and 3 comply with the City of Kalispell Air Quality Ordinance #1139. SECTION II. The classification of said premises under the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance shall not be changed by the action. SECTION III. That this preliminary plat should be effective for a period of three years following passage of this Resolution. SECTION IV. That Amended Subdivision Plat of Lots 2 and 4, Hal1's Addition is a commercial subdivision and as such is exempt from the provisions of Section 76-3-606, M.C.A. SECTION V. That upon proper review and filing of the final plat of said subdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 4-th DAY OF JUNE , .1990. W Roger W Hap i s, Mayor ATTEST: r Aify H../Robertson City Clerk -Treasurer 1 �",q v '�h�l�', �`� �`A�,�� '5����,a,/�(� ''�' ��yr, T �: ��s-' �.f',�a��E.,•,�(�,,''tr,�:'�r" �(j°±T' i� y�'�t�1gv"�" �y8 }'T{''.,�i�r • vinF q a-lfb''ri' g �e qa 1 rl� 1 ! 1�,� 1 �..9 ,� 'I� a'•:T,9 �� � C ��kr�,�'�, r'1: � '�ti� .n'� � "rt i. .. Yn �j' �� f 1 '