Third Health Board Seat Public Comment from Margaret Dore12/6/21, 6:18 PM Law Offices of Margaret K. Dore, P.S. Mail - Third Health Board Seat: Save Our Children and the Rest of Us Margaret Dore <margaretdore@margaretdore.com> Third Health Board Seat: Save Our Children and the Rest of Us 1 message Margaret Dore <margaretdore@margaretdore.com> Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 7:32 AM To: mjohnson@kalispell.com Dear Mayor Johnson: I understand that you have been charged with filing a third health board seat, to replace Kyle Waterman. I urge you to do so with a person who will protect us and our children from the "safe and effective" COVID vaccines. I say this as a person who suffered a life threatening vaccine injury when I was 36 years old. Perhaps you are already familiar with these sources: 1. "A List of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine," at https://thecovidworld.com/a-list-of-people-who-had-their-leg-amputated-after-receiving-covid-19-vaccine 2. "Children/Athletes Are Collapsing and Dying From 'Sudden Cardiac Arrest' at Unprecedented Levels" (set to music, the first four minutes say it all), at https:Hodysee.com/@TLAVagabond:5/TDWU-11-8-21:4 3. "Jonas Ludvigsson: Swedish Professor Quits COVID-19 Research After Harassment Over His Conclusion About Low Threat [of COVID] to Children," at https:Hthecovidblog.com/2021/03/08/Jonas-ludvigsson-swedish-professor-quits-covid- 19-research-after-harassment-over-his-conclusion-about-low-threat-to-children Thank you for your consideration. Margaret Dore, Esq. 3 Sunset Plaza, B Kalispell MT 59901 206 697 1217 hftps:Hmail.google.com/mail/u/1 /?ik=a7fe5d839e&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar5982553280446322192%7Cmsg-a%3Ar87915869185... 111