10-18-21 Council AgendaCITY ,� KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday, October 18, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 201 First Avenue East The public can participate in person in the council chambers or via videoconferencing. Register to join the video conference at: https ://us02web. zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_h-Dd3 Br-TwKL3 9PSD4Iakg Public comment can also be provided via email to publi ccommentkkali spell. com. A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE D. AGENDA APPROVAL E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed on the consent agenda will be accepted by one motion. If a council member desires to discuss an item separately, the item can be removed from the consent agenda by motion. 1. Council Minutes — October 4, 2021 2. Award Bid for a Front -End Loader with Clam Bucket and V-Plow Wing Combo Unit Staff recommends awarding this bid to RDO Equipment Company in the amount of $221,750. Ordinance 1864 — Second Readina - Parkland Meadows Zonina and Planned Unit Development Staff recommends approval of an application from G23 Properties, LLC for a residential mixed use PUD overlay with RA -I (residential apartment) zoning, for 38.4 acres at the northeast corner of Airport Road and Cemetery Road. 4. Ordinance 1865 — Second Reading - Starling Zoning and Planned Unit Development Staff recommends approval of an application from Kilday & Stratton for a residential mixed use PUD overlay with a change in zoning to RA-1 (residential apartment) for phases 1-3 on 58-acres on the west side of Stillwater Road to the west of Timberwolf Parkway. Pagel of 3 Kalispell City Council Agenda, October 18, 2021 F. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Architectural Review Committee Awards — Julia Pi Chair of the Committee G. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the council on any issue not on the agenda are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the council are requested to give their name and address for the record. Please see the last page of the agenda for the proper manner of addressing the council. Please limit comments to three minutes. Public comment can also be provided via email to publiccomment(a,kalispell.com, or via video conference. H. REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION Persons wishing to address the council on individual agenda items are asked to provide public comment via email to publiccomment2kalispell.com or during the meeting verbally in council chambers or via the online meeting. Please provide your name and address for the record. Ordinance 1866 — Second Reading, Zoning Text Amendment, Marijuana Dispensaries Staff recommends approval of this ordinance amending the zoning code by adding marijuana dispensaries, cultivation, and manufacturing as uses which may be permitted within certain zones with an administrative conditional use permit subject to certain enumerated conditions. L CITY MANAGER, COUNCIL, AND MAYOR REPORTS (No Action) J. ADJOURNMENT UPCOMING SCHEDULE / FOR YOUR INFORMATION Next Work Session — October 25, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Next Regular Meeting — November 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. — Council Chambers Watch City Council sessions live on Charter Cable Channel 190 or online at the Meetings on Demand tab at www.kalispell.com. Page 2 of 3 Kalispell City Council Agenda, October 18, 2021 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Adopted July 1,1991 Section 2-20 Manner of Addressing Council a. Each person not a Council member shall address the Council, at the time designated in the agenda or as directed by the Council, by stepping to the podium or microphone, giving that person's name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Council, shall limit the address to the Council to three minutes. b. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member of the Council or Staff. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the Presiding Officer. d. No question shall be asked of individuals except through the Presiding Officer. PRINCIPLES FOR CIVIL DIALOGUE Adopted by Resolution 5180 on February 5, 2007 ■ We provide a safe environment where individual perspectives are respected, heard, and acknowledged. ■ We are responsible for respectful and courteous dialogue and participation. ■ We respect diverse opinions as a means to find solutions based on common ground. ■ We encourage and value broad community participation. ■ We encourage creative approaches to engage in public participation. ■ We value informed decision -making and take personal responsibility to educate and be educated. ■ We believe that respectful public dialogue fosters healthy community relationships, understanding, and problem solving. ■ We acknowledge, consider and respect the natural tensions created by collaboration, change, and transition. ■ We follow the rules & guidelines established for each meeting. Page 3 of 3