E3. Water - Sewer ProjectsCITYOF
TO: Doug Russell, City Manager
FROM: Susie Turner, P.E., Public Works Director
SUBJECT: Replacement of Original 1920's Era Water and Sewer Mains in Downtown
Kalispell Project
MEETING DATE: September 7, 2021
BACKGROUND: The City has applied for ARPA funding to support project costs for the replacement
of original 1920's era water and sewer mains in downtown Kalispell. This project will remove and
• —5,550 feet of 75-year-old original clay sewer pipe in various states of poor condition with a
reliable, effective, and efficient sewer collection system meeting City and DEQ Design and
Construction Standards.
• —6,300 feet (17 blocks) of 1920 era fragile water main with new 8" and 12" water pipe, installing
172 new meter pits within the right-of-way and replacing lead service lines when encountered.
The City solicited for statements of qualifications from pre -qualified engineering firms and received one
submittal. The Selection Committee reviewed the submittal and reference information and scored the
submittal accordingly.
REQUIRED SERVICES: The selected firm will provide services as follows:
• Topographic and Utility Survey
• Engineering Design
• Construction Drawings and Contract Documents
• Bidding Phase Administration
• Funding Administration Support
• Construction Administration and Inspection
• Post Construction — record drawings/warranty bond
RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Robert Peccia and Associates be awarded the project
based on their qualifications as submitted in the statement of qualifications.
ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to select Robert Peccia and Associates as the firm to proceed with the
Kalispell's Downtown Replacement of Original 1920's Era Water and Sewer Main Project.
FISCAL EFFECTS: ARPA funding sources are allocated to support the costs of this project. The City
has applied for ARPA Competitive Grant funding to support the consultant services and construcion costs
of this project. ARPA Grant funding for the first round of competitive requests are scheduled to be
awarded in September of 2021. ARPA funding source portions for this project will be dependent on the
allotment of funding the City receives from the ARPA Competitive Grant. Consultant work for this
project will only begin if the City receives the appropriate APRA Grant funding to support the costs of
the project.
ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Council.
Public Works Department, 201 1st Ave E, Kalispell, NIT