H3. The Silos Conditional Use PermitKALisPEii. Development Services Department 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/plannine REPORT TO: Doug Russell, City Manager FROM: PJ Sorensen, Senior Planner SUBJECT: KCU-21-06 — The Silos Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE: September 7, 2021 BACKGROUND: This application is a request from Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC, for a conditional use permit to allow additional height over sixty (60) feet for buildings on property located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street within the B-3 (Core Area Business) zone. The property is being redeveloped, but has recently contained various buildings, grain silos, and railroad tracks. The existing silos will remain in place with the addition of a restaurant on top, and new multi- family residential buildings will be constructed. A total of approximately 264 dwelling units are anticipated. The project also may include other general commercial uses as part of a mixed -use development. The height of the silos with the restaurant will be approximately 110 feet and the height of the multi -family buildings will be approximately 70 feet. The property is located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street and can be described as Assessors Tracts 8B, 8, 8J, 8D, 8C, 8E, 8F, and 8-0 in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M, Flathead County, Montana. The Kalispell Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing on August 10, 2021, to consider the CUP request. Staff presented staff report KCU-21-06, providing details of the proposal and evaluation. Staff recommended that the Planning Board adopt the staff report as findings of fact and recommend to the Council that the request be granted subject to 15 listed conditions. One public comment was received at the meeting in addition to comments from the applicant's representative. The comment was based on a concern about the number of units near her property and alley access that is currently blocked. The public hearing was closed, and a motion was presented to adopt staff report KCU-21-06 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be granted subject to the 15 conditions. Board discussion concluded that the request was appropriate, and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Kalispell City Council approve a request from Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC, for Conditional Use Permit KCU-21-06, a conditional use permit for additional height in the B-3 (Core Area Business) zone, subject to 15 conditions of approval, located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street, and more particularly described as Assessors Tracts 8B, 8, 8J, 8D, 8C, 8E, 8F, and 8-0 in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M, Flathead County, Montana. FISCAL EFFECTS: There are no anticipated fiscal impacts at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Deny the request. ATTACHMENTS: Conditional Use Permit August 10, 2021, Kalispell Planning Board Minutes Staff Report Application Materials and Maps Aimee Brunckhorst, Kalispell City Clerk Retum to: Kalispell City Clerk PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 City of Kalispell P. O. Box 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 GRANT OF CONDITIONAL USE APPLICANT: Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC 530 W 19th Street, Ste 301 Whitefish, MT 59937 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Assessors Tracts 8B, 8, 8J, 8D, 8C, 8E, 817, and 8-0 in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M, Flathead County, Montana, and as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit «A» ZONE: B-3, Core Area Business The applicant has applied to the City of Kalispell for a conditional use permit to allow additional height over 60 feet for buildings on property located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street within the B-3 (Core Area Business) zone. The Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission, after due and proper notice, on August 10, 2021, held a public hearing on the application, took public comment and recommended that the application be approved subject to fifteen (15) conditions. After reviewing the application, the record, the Kalispell Planning Department report, and after duly considering the matter, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, pursuant to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, hereby adopts Kalispell Planning Department Conditional Use Report #KCU-21- 06 as the Council's findings of fact, and issues and grants to the above -described real property a conditional use permit to allow additional height over 60 feet for buildings on property located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street in the B-3 zoning district, subj ect to the following conditions: That commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date of authorization or that a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion. 2. That the development of the site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted application and architectural/site plan drawings. 3. Architectural renderings are required to be submitted to the Kalispell Architectural Review Committee for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. To ensure the traffic flow and access comply with Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, as well as compliance with other site development standards, the development shall receive Site Review Committee approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 5. The developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval a storm water report and an engineered drainage plan that meets the requirements of the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 6. Prior to construction, the developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department an erosion/sediment control plan for review and approval, as well as a copy of all documents submitted to Montana Department of Environmental Quality for the General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activities. 7. A Traffic Impact Study shall be submitted to the Kalispell Public Works Department. The terms, conditions, and recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits. 8. The frontages for Fifth Avenue West North and West Center shall be improved to the applicable city standards. Those improvements would include, but not necessarily be limited to, curb/gutter, sidewalks, landscape boulevard, trees, and street lights. Additional right-of-way on West Center Street will need to be dedicated to accommodate the width for a collector street and its associated improvements. The width and the improvements will need to be modified to work around the silos. 9. The access shown on the site plan on West Center Street near the intersection with Fifth Avenue West North shall be eliminated or relocated to an appropriate location. 10. The developer shall submit water and sewer main extension plans, applicable specifications, and design reports to the Kalispell Public Works Department to be reviewed and approved by Public Works prior to construction. 11. The developer shall provide pressure boosters for individual buildings that meet requirements of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Kalispell in order to meet pressure requirements for water service and fire sprinkling. 12. The location of any necessary hydrants shall be determined by the Fire Chief. 13. The cantilevered portion of the restaurant extending over the West Center Street right-of-way is subject to review and approval by the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Montana Department of Transportation. The encroachment approval may include any conditions necessary to ensure the safety of the occupants and the travelling public. 14. The crossings over the bike path shall be kept to a minimum, ideally no more than one, but at a maximum of two, subject to the review and approval of the Site Development Review Committee. 15. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any development in the northwestern portion of the property, an easement shall be dedicated to the City for the existing city storm water conveyance line in the northwestern portion of the property either in the current location or relocated to a new location at the developer's expense. Final design will be approved by Kalispell Public Works Department prior to building permit issuance. Dated this 7th day of September, 2021. STATE OF MONTANA W County of Flathead Mark Johnson Mayor On this day of , 2021 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Mark Johnson, Mayor of the City of Kalispell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the City of Kalispell. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. Notary Public, State of Montana EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 1: A tract of land situated in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 50 feet in a northerly direction from the northeasterly corner of block 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition number one to Kalispell and on a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159; thence running in a northerly direction and along a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159 a distance of 136.5 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing in a northerly direction of a line parallel with a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159 a distance of 13.5 feet to the south line of the Burlington Northern Railroad Right of Way; thence running a right angle in a westerly direction along the south line of the Burlington Northern Railroad Right of Way a distance of 511.5 feet; thence running at a right angle in a southerly direction on a line which is parallel with a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159, a distance of 13.5 feet, thence running at a right angle in a easterly direction a distance of 511.5 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 2: Beginning at a point 50 feet in a northerly direction from the northwest corner of lot 12 in block 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition Number one to Kalispell, Montana; thence running 50 feet westerly parallel to the north boundary line of said block 159, thence northerly at right angles and parallel with the west boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 136.5 feet; thence easterly at right angles and parallel with the north boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 300 feet; thence southerly at right angles and parallel with the west boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 136.5 feet; thence westerly at right angles and parallel with the north boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 250 feet to the place of beginning. Also Beginning on a point on a line which lies parallel with and 50 feet distance in a northerly direction from the northerly boundary line of block 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition number one to Kalispell, which point of beginning is 350 feet in a westerly direction from a point which is 50 feet in a northerly direction from the northeasterly corner of and on a line which is a continuation of the easterly boundary line of said block 159; the above described point of beginning, being also the southwesterly corner of a tract of land heretofore deeded by Kalispell Townsite Company, a Corporation, to Henry W. Hammond, George W. Fenwick and Charles A. Peplow; thence running in a westerly direction and on a line parallel with the northerly boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 100 feet; thence running at a right angle in a northerly direction a distance of 136.5 feet, thence running at a right angle in an easterly direction and on a line which is parallel with the northerly boundary line of said block 159, a distance of 100 feet; thence running at a right angle in a southerly direction a distance of 136.5 feet to the place of beginning. The last above described premises being a part of an unplatted tract of land lying between the northerly boundary line of blocks 158 and 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition number one to Kalispell, and the southerly boundary line of the Right of Way of the Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company, and lying westerly from and adjoining a certain tract of land heretofore deeded by Kalispell Townsite Company, a Corporation to Henry W. Hammond, George W. Fenwick and Charles A. Peplow. Also Beginning at a point which is 50 feet in northerly direction from the northeasterly corner of block 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition number one to Kalispell, and on a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159; Thence running in a northerly direction and along a line which is a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159, a distance of 136.5 feet, Thence running at a right angle in a westerly direction a distance of 50 feet; Thence running at a right angle in a southerly direction and on a line which is parallel with a continuation of the easterly line of said block 159 a distance of 136.5 feet to a point 50 feet north of the northerly line of said block 159, thence running at a right angle in an easterly direction a distance of 50 feet to the place of beginning. Also Beginning at a point on a line which lies parallel with and 50 feet distance in a northerly direction from the northern boundary line of block 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition no. One to Kalispell, which point of beginning is 450 feet in a westerly direction from a point which is 50 feet in a northerly direction from the northeasterly corner of and on a line which is a continuation of the easterly boundary line of said block 159. The last above -described point of beginning being also the southwesterly corner of a tract of land heretofore deeded by Kalispell Townsite Company, a Corporation to Kalispell Flour Mill Company, a Corporation of Kalispell, Montana; Thence running in a westerly direction, and on a line parallel with the northerly boundary line of said block 159, a distance 61.5 feet; thence running at right angles in a northerly direction a distance of 136.5 feet; Thence running at right angles in an easterly direction and on a line which is parallel with the northerly boundary line of said block 159 a distance of 61.5 feet; thence running at right angles in a southerly direction a distance of 136.5 feet to the place of beginning. The last above -described premises being a part of an unplatted tract of land lying between the northerly boundary line of blocks 158 and 159 of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition No. One to Kalispell and the southerly boundary line of the Right of Way of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company and lying westerly from and adjoining a certain tract of land heretofore deeded by Kalispell Townsite Company, a Corporation, to Kalispell Flour Mill Company, a Corporation of Kalispell, Montana, according to a map or plat of Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition No. One to Kalispell, Montana, now on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montana. Parcel 3: Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 9961, a tract of land, situated, lying, and being in Government Lot 4 and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 10, 2021 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning CALL Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were Chad Graham, Doug Kauffman, Rory Young, Joshua Borgardt, Kurt Vomfell and Ronalee Skees. George Giavasis was absent. PJ Sorensen, Jarod Nygren and Rachel Ezell represented the Kalispell Planning Department. Keith Haskins represented the Kalispell Public Works Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vomfell moved and Kauffman seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2021, meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote of acclamation. HEAR THE PUBLIC Mark Noland — 8 Hathaway Lane — state representative out of the Bigfork area and noted that he is interested to hear about what the council has to say about the Marijuana Dispensaries on tonight's work session agenda so that he can report back to his committee. KA-21-03 — GLACIER VILLAGE File #KA-21-03 — A request from Go Development, LLC for annexation GREENS and initial zoning of R-4 (Residential) for property located adjacent to the rear of properties at 199-211 Palmer Drive, containing approximately 0.02 acres. The request is based on a desire to add approximately 2 feet in depth to seven existing city sublots. STAFF REPORT PJ Sorensen representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report # KA-21-03. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KA-21-03 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the property be annexed and the zoning for the entire property be city R-4 (Residential). BOARD DISCUSSION None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. MOTION Kauffman moved and Skees seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KA-21-03 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the property be annexed and the zoning for the entire property be city R-4 (Residential). BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER SEATED Young recused himself because he is a representative for the Silos project. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of August 10, 2021 Pagel KCU-21-06 — THE SILOS File #KCU-21-06 - A request from Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC (The Silos) for a conditional use permit to allow additional height over 60 feet for buildings on property located within the B-3 (Core Area Business) zone. The property is being redeveloped, but has recently contained various buildings, grain silos, and railroad tracks. The existing silos will remain in place with the addition of a restaurant on top, and new multi -family residential buildings will be constructed. The height of the silos with the restaurant will be approximately 110 ft and the height of the multi -family buildings will be approximately 70 feet. STAFF REPORT PJ Sorensen representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed #KCU-21-06. The staff recommends that the Kalispell Planning Board adopt staff report #KCU-21-06 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Kauffman asked about projected use inside the Silos. Sorensen responded it will be limited to mechanical type of uses such as elevators and water boosters. Vomfell feels that the three crossings seem a little excessive, Sorensen noted that the site review process has not yet begun and that the site review committee will try to reduce the crossings as much as they can. PUBLIC COMMENT Toby McIntosh — Jackola Engineering — representative for the applicant — mentioned that they are still working on the structural analysis of the grain elevators such as scanning to find rebar and concrete thickness. He also offered to answer any questions. LaRae Miller — 62 6t1i Ave " — she is concerned with the amount of people that will be housed in the apartments on the NE corner because they are so close to her property. She is also wondering if the alley behind her house will be opened to through traffic, right now it is closed off by a chain link fence. MOTION Vomfell moved and Skees seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KCU-21-06 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Vomfell noted he likes the condition limiting the number of crossings on the property. Kauffinan agreed, he would like to see the crossings limited to one. Skees asked staff is the public comment regarding the alley way could be addressed. Sorensen noted that this CUP is for the additional height of the buildings not for the multifamily use, so the board really isn't looking at density or increased traffic with this CUP. At this point a traffic impact study has not been completed and is not required until the building permit application is turned in. Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of August 10, 2021 Page 12 Graham noted he likes the gabled rooves. ROLL CALL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER RE -SEATED Young re -seated. OLD BUSINESS Nygren updated board on recent City Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS Nygren updated board on September 14t1i Planning Board agenda. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:37pm. Chad Graham President APPROVED as submitted/amended: Kari Barnhart Recording Secretary Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of August 10, 2021 Page13 BIG SKY INVESTMENTS KALISPELL, LLC REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT KALISPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT #KCU-21-06 AUGUST 4, 2021 This is a report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and Kalispell City Council regarding a request for a conditional use permit for additional height over sixty (60) feet within the B-3 (Core Area Business) Zoning District. A public hearing on this matter has been scheduled before the Planning Board for August 10, 2021, beginning at 6:00 PM, in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The Planning Board will forward a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council for final action. BACKGROUND INFORMATION This application is a request for a conditional use permit to allow additional height over sixty (60) feet for buildings on property located at 505 West Center Street1740 West Railroad Street within the B-3 (Core Area Business) zone. The property is being redeveloped, but has recently contained various buildings, grain silos, and railroad tracks. The existing silos will remain in place with the addition of a restaurant on top, and new multi -family residential buildings will be constructed. A total of approximately 264 dwelling units are anticipated. The project also may include other general commercial uses as part of a mixed -use development. The height of the silos with the restaurant will be approximately 110 ft and the height of the multi -family buildings will be approximately 70 feet. A: Applicant: Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC 530 W 19'h Street, Ste 301 Whitefish, MT 59937 B: Location: The property is located at 505 West Center Street/740 West Railroad Street and can be described as Assessors Tracts 8B, 8, 8J, 813, 8C, 8E, 817, and 8-0 in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M, Flathead County, Montana. C: Existing Land Use and Zoning: The subject property is currently undeveloped, although there are existing grain silos which remain from the prior use of the property, which involved transferring grain from trucks to train cars. The B-3 (Core Area Business) zoning for the property is a "a district which is intended to provide a variety of both commercial and residential uses. Commercial uses would typically include a mix of retail, office, restaurant, and other similar uses. This zone is based primarily on the core area plan adopted by the city for the area along the railroad corridor and is intended to further the goals and policies in that plan." D. Size: The subject property is approximately 4.8 acres. E: Adjacent Zoning: North: B-3 East: B-3 West: City B-3/County I-1 South: B-3 F: Adjacent Land Uses: North: Valcon (industrial/office) East: Kalispell Center Mall West: Retail and light industrial South: Retail and light industrial Parkline Trail is adjacent to and through the property G: General Land Use Character: The general land use of the area is in a transition area from the downtown retail area into old industrial sites. The industrial uses were related in part to the presence of the railroad tracks. The tracks are in the process of being removed and replaced with the Parkline Trail, which is a linear park and bike path running east to west through town. The trail runs through the property and is a major component in an evolving character that is trending towards an urban mix of residential, commercial, and office use. Kalispell Growth Policy Exhibit- July 12th. 2021 W)RTH Center Stl5th Ave W: Tracts 8b. 8. 8j, 8d 8c. 8e. 8f & 8-0 ® Subpl Pnp—i - Comm b W"4 2 - Um- M.en W. n - H gh De^city Residential Y y � x m ; ` SY X W1� m YS On ,_ aR �"°-- Commercial Subject Property Y� Y I 4 � YW T Urban ixed use „m Y H10h Deripity 1 Rgsidenijal Date: July 12th. 2D21 � Kalispell eve lopwnt S—i;es Fa.t,=JLM2.71=, KALISPELL H: Relation to the Growth Policy: The Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map designates the subject property as Commercial. The Commercial land use category provides areas for commercial uses such as general retail, offices, restaurants, and other uses consistent with general business zoning districts, including multi- family. City services including sewer, water and streets are immediately adjacent to the subject property. The Core Area Plan is a neighborhood plan which is incorporated into the Growth Policy. The Plan was adopted in 2012 and addresses the redevelopment of the area of town surrounding the railroad tracks. The Plan encourages the redevelopment of older sites, particularly industrial sites, with a mix of uses including both commercial and multi -family. Higher density multi -family is specifically encouraged, as are uses which would help attract tourism to the area. The additional height for the multi -family component of this project helps allow more density while providing a better architectural appearance with a pitched roof rather than a flat roof as well as adequate parking, which is being included within the first floor of the buildings. The additional height for the restaurant on top of the silos is necessary for any use of the silos. Preserving the silos with the proposed improvements maintains an important aspect of the history of Kalispell while creating a new, interesting use for the structure. The restaurant would have unique views that would attract business to the core area. The additional height is consistent with the Core Area Plan and the Growth Policy. L• Utilities/Services: Sewer: City of Kalispell Water: City of Kalispell Refuse: City of Kalispell Electricity: Flathead Electric Cooperative Gas: NorthWestern Energy Telephone: CenturyTel Schools: School District 95, Elrod Elementary/Flathead High School Fire: City of Kalispell Police: City of Kalispell 3 s A Ayj MAIN = BLUE r SUBJECT - PROPERTY A►•�~ t" a� EVALUATION OF THE REOUEST This application has been reviewed in accordance with the conditional use review criteria in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. A conditional use permit may be granted only if the proposal, as submitted, conforms to all of the following general conditional use permit criteria, as well as to all other applicable criteria that may be requested. I L mi- - wuPusu�in t� ' V Wad P � ZZ— � � �G PIP II Ii IIIIIMI -Pv 6.1 1= - - - p � PROPOSED SITE AND UTILITY PLAN .r,e i =Po' 4 1. Site Suitability: Adequate Useable Space: The subject property is approximately 4.8 acres. The project site is generally flat with no significant topographical impediments, although there is a gentle slope on the property. The B-3 zoning district does not have a maximum density, relying instead on appropriate design to accommodate required improvements such as parking, stormwater, and recreational amenities. There are two aspects of the site which do need to be worked around. One is the existing grain silos, which the project design is trying to embrace and preserve as part of the project rather than tearing them down. The design with the silos is a key aspect of the request for additional height. The second is the new bike path which runs through the site as well as rail banking areas which cannot be developed according to the rail banking agreement between the City and the Surface Transportation Board. It has less of a direct bearing on the height of the buildings, but it does create a site constraint which tends to push for additional height in order to maintain density. b. Height, bulk and location of the building: There are no setbacks or maximum lot coverage requirements in the B-3. The maximum height allowed by right is 60 feet, and an unlimited amount of height with a conditional use permit. The height of the existing silos is about 71 feet. Until recently, there was a structure on top of the silos which made the height over 80 feet. In any case, the silos are taller than the maximum height allowed by right without the restaurant on top. Adding the restaurant makes preserving the silos financially viable. The multi -family structures would be approximately 70 feet tall. The additional height would allow for the pitched roofs across the elevation rather than a flat roof, and also allow for parking inside the first floor of the buildings. The Architectural Review Committee has been working with the applicant on the preliminary design of the buildings and is in a continuing discussion with them. Final review of the project by ARC will occur after the conditional use permit process is completed and prior to issuance of the building permit. One aspect of the silo structure with the addition of the space on top is that the height brings in the high-rise construction provisions of the building code. When an occupied floor is 75 feet or more above where the fire response would be, there are special structural, fire/life safety, and other considerations that will need to be addressed. The building plans will be reviewed under those standards during building permit review. C. Adequate Access: The access for the development will be from Fifth Avenue West North and from West Center Street, both of which are city streets. There would also eventually be an access from Eighth Avenue West North. While this conditional use permit is not reviewing the use on the property per se (it is for the height of the buildings only), the height of the buildings helps generate density which is related to access. Some improvements to the frontages are necessary to bring them to city standards, but the street system would provide adequate access. Those improvements would include, but not necessarily be limited to, curb/gutter, sidewalks, landscape boulevard, trees, and street lights. Additional right-of-way on West Center Street will need to be dedicated to accommodate the width for a collector street and its associated improvements. The width and the improvements need to be modified to work around the silos given that they are fixed in location. Also, the access shown on the site plan on West Center Street near the intersection with Fifth Avenue West North should be eliminated or relocated due to the proximity to the intersection and the potential for traffic conflicts. Removal of the approach will likely result in a minor change of the site plan. Based on the number of trips generated, a Traffic Impact Study ("TIS") will be required to establish what, if any, additional street improvements need to be made to accommodate the development. The TIS should be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit and any recommendations from the study should be implemented as part of the project. d. Environmental Constraints: There are no known environmental constraints, such as steep slopes, streams, floodplains, or wetlands on the area of the property proposed for development which could affect the proposed use. As a former industrial/brownfields site, Phase I and Phase 2 environmental assessments for the property were conducted. The Flathead Economic Development Authority, which owned a significant portion of the overall site prior to selling to the developer, took steps to help clean the site. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality issued a statement of no further action, so the site has been cleaned up to the point where there are no development restrictions. 2. Appropriate Design: Parking Scheme/Loading: The off-street parking requirement for multi -family dwellings is 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit with one or more bedrooms and 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area for the restaurant, which reduces to 1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area after 4000 square feet. In the B-3, those minimum requirements are reduced by 50%, although the developer plans to provide additional parking for the residents in the range of 1.5-2 spaces per unit. The parking and loading areas will be reviewed at the time a building permit is submitted and will go through the site review process to ensure compliance with parking design standards. b. Lighting: Chapter 27.26 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance sets standards for all outdoor lighting on commercial or residential structures. Exterior lighting installed in conjunction with the development will be reviewed for compliance with the zoning ordinance during site development review. C. Traffic Circulation: As noted above, the primary access will be from Fifth Avenue West North and West Center Street with an additional access from Eighth Avenue West North. On -site traffic circulates through parking facilities that will need to be designed to meet city standards and will be reviewed during the building permit and site review process. The current plans include valet parking for the restaurant. The overall site design will need to account for solid waste collection by the city. As mentioned above, one of the site constraints is related to the bike path bisecting the property. As a practical matter, being able to cross the bike path is necessary for the development. However, the design and intent of the bike path is as a continuous linear park through the city to the extent possible. Therefore, crossings over the bike path should be kept to a minimum, ideally no more than one, but at a maximum of two. The additional height granted by this conditional use permit provides for greater density than might otherwise be available on the site, but the impact of that density on the Parkline Trail should be kept to the minimum necessary. d. Open Space: There are no specific open space requirements, although, under the zoning ordinance, 500 square feet of land with recreational value per unit or the equivalent value in amenities shall be provided and will be reviewed as part of the building permit and site review process. The access onto the new bike path and the adjoining park area is an attractive feature of the site and initial designs for the project include a layout which seeks to take advantage of that public amenity. Fencing/Screening/Landscapiinn : There are no screening requirements and, as it relates to the height that is the issue of this conditional use permit, the design of the 7 building itself is more important. There would be, however, significant landscaping features and trees throughout the site, along the street frontages, and blended into the interface with the Parkline Trail. f. Sig_nage: The development shall comply with all of the sign standards as set forth in Chapter 27.22 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. 3. Availability of Public Services/Facilities: a. Police: Police protection will be provided by the Kalispell Police Department. No unusual impacts or needs are anticipated from the project. b. Fire Protection: Fire protection will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department. Fire hydrants will be located as required by the Fire Chief, and fire sprinkling will be required for the buildings. There is generally adequate access to the property from the public road system. The buildings will be constructed to meet current building and fire and safety code standards. Station 61 is approximately 0.5 miles from the subject property giving good response time. C. Water: City water is available in the adjacent street frontage and would serve the property. An extension of the water main will be necessary to serve the development. The design will need to be submitted to the City of Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval consistent with the Standards for Design and Construction. Due to the height of the buildings, the developer will need to provide pressure boosters for individual buildings that meet requirements of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Kalispell in order to meet pressure requirements for water service and fire sprinkling. The location of any necessary hydrants would be determined by the Fire Chief. d. Sewer: Sewer service is available in the adjacent street frontage and would serve the property. An extension of the sewer main will be necessary to serve the development. The design will need to be submitted to the City of Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval consistent with the Standards for Design and Construction. e. Storm Water Drainage: Storm water runoff from the site shall be managed and constructed per the City of Kalispell Standards for Design and Construction. There is an existing city storm water conveyance line in the northwestern portion of the property. The line is not in a formal, recorded easement and has been part of an agreement between the prior owner and the City. When the project development in that area occurs, an easement should be dedicated to the City either in the current location or relocated to a new location at the developer's expense. Final design will be approved by Kalispell Public Works Department prior to building permit issuance. Prior to receiving a building permit the developer will also need to submit a construction storm water management plan to the Public Works Department. This plan will need to show how storm water will be treated and where it will be directed during construction activities. f. Solid Waste: Solid waste pick-up will be provided by the City. The number and location of these trash enclosures will need to be approved by Public Works. g. Streets: The primary street frontages are Fifth Avenue West North and West Center Street with an additional access off of Eighth Avenue West North, which are existing roads that provide access to the greater City of Kalispell circulation system. As detailed above, some improvements to the frontages are necessary to bring them to city standards, along with a dedication of additional right-of-way width on West Center. Due to the location of the silos, the cantilevered portion of the restaurant would extend over the street right-of- way, similar to a sky bridge. Public Works and MDOT will both need to approve the encroachment and preliminary comments from both indicate that it would likely be acceptable given the clearance under the extension. The final design would be subject to review and may include conditions which prohibit open windows or balconies over the right-of- way, as well as other conditions to ensure the safety of both the occupants and the travelling public below. CONCEPT SECTION h. Sidewalks: A sidewalk will need to be installed along the full length of the street frontages and be designed to meet City of Kalispell Standards for Design and Construction. The zoning ordinance also requires a pedestrian connection to the public sidewalk for multi -family dwellings. i. Schools: This site is within the boundaries of School District 95. An impact to the district may be anticipated from the proposed development depending on the demographics of the residents. On average, 132 students (K-12) would be anticipated from 264 dwelling units. E Parks and Recreation: Section 27.34.060 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance requires 132,000 square feet of land or the equivalent value of improvements as recreational amenities for the 264 unit development based on a ratio of 500 square feet of usable land per dwelling. The specific plans for the recreational component will be reviewed during the building permit and site review processes. 4. Neighborhood impacts: a. Traffic: The multi -family project gains its primary ingress and egress from Fifth Avenue West North and West Center Street, which are improved public streets. Based on the number of trips generated, a Traffic Impact Study ("TIS") will be required in addition to other required street improvements. The TIS evaluates the impacts the development has on the traffic system and indicates mitigation necessary to maintain acceptable levels of service. The TIS should be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit and any recommendations from the study should be implemented as part of the project. b. Noise and Vibration: The development of the property as multi -family residential with the restaurant will create minimal additional noise and vibration. While any development of the property from vacant land will increase the amount of noise, the expected level would be consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. C. Dust, Glare, and Heat: The use of the property would not generate any unreasonable dust, glare, and heat other than during construction. d. Smoke, Fumes, Gas, or Odors: The development of the property will create minimal additional smoke, fumes, gas and odors. Hours of Operation: As the property is proposed primarily for residential use, there will be no hours of operation, although there will be people residing on the premises 24-hours a day. 5. Consideration of historical use patterns and recent changes: The historical use pattern in the neighborhood is a mix of industrial and commercial, with residential in close proximity. The industrial uses were related in part to the presence of the railroad tracks. The tracks are in the process of being removed and replaced with the Parkline Trail, which is a linear park and bike path running east to west through town. The trail runs through the property and is a major component in an evolving character that is trending towards an urban mix of residential, commercial, and office use. 6. Effects on property values: No significant negative impacts on property values are anticipated as a result of the requested conditional use of the property. It can be assumed that property values will increase since city services to the property are being added and the property is currently needing to be redeveloped. 10 RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends that the Kalispell Planning Board adopt staff report #KCU-21-06 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. That commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date of authorization or that a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion. 2. That the development of the site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted application and architectural/site plan drawings. 3. Architectural renderings are required to be submitted to the Kalispell Architectural Review Committee for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. To ensure the traffic flow and access comply with Kalispell Design and Construction Standards, as well as compliance with other site development standards, the development shall receive Site Review Committee approval prior to issuance of the building permit. 5. The developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department for review and approval a storm water report and an engineered drainage plan that meets the requirements of the City of Kalispell Construction and Design Standards. 6. Prior to construction, the developer shall submit to the Kalispell Public Works Department an erosion/sediment control plan for review and approval, as well as a copy of all documents submitted to Montana Department of Environmental Quality for the General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activities. 7. A Traffic Impact Study shall be submitted to the Kalispell Public Works Department. The terms, conditions, and recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits. 8. The frontages for Fifth Avenue West North and West Center shall be improved to the applicable city standards. Those improvements would include, but not necessarily be limited to, curb/gutter, sidewalks, landscape boulevard, trees, and street lights. Additional right-of-way on West Center Street will need to be dedicated to accommodate the width for a collector street and its associated improvements. The width and the improvements will need to be modified to work around the silos. 9. The access shown on the site plan on West Center Street near the intersection with Fifth Avenue West North shall be eliminated or relocated to an appropriate location. 11 10. The developer shall submit water and sewer main extension plans, applicable specifications, and design reports to the Kalispell Public Works Department to be reviewed and approved by Public Works prior to construction. 11. The developer shall provide pressure boosters for individual buildings that meet requirements of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Kalispell in order to meet pressure requirements for water service and fire sprinkling. 12. The location of any necessary hydrants shall be determined by the Fire Chief. 13. The cantilevered portion of the restaurant extending over the West Center Street right-of-way is subject to review and approval by the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Montana Department of Transportation. The encroachment approval may include any conditions necessary to ensure the safety of the occupants and the travelling public. 14. The crossings over the bike path shall be kept to a minimum, ideally no more than one, but at a maximum of two, subject to the review and approval of the Site Development Review Committee. 15. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any development in the northwestern portion of the property, an easement shall be dedicated to the City for the existing city storm water conveyance line in the northwestern portion of the property either in the current location or relocated to a new location at the developer's expense. Final design will be approved by Kalispell Public Works Department prior to building permit issuance. 12 Development Services C ITY of Department Kalispell, MT 59901 1K:A11,11SPE11,11, 201 1st Avenue East Phone (406) 758-7940 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Email: planning(@kalispell.com Website: www.kalispell.com Project Name RUIS GRAIN ELEVATOR SITE Property Address 740 W Railroad St; 505 W Center St NAME OF APPLICANT Ruis Holdings Applicant Phone 619-889-7749 Applicant Address PO Box 1928 City, State, Zip Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Applicant Email Address mickruis@sbcglobal.net If not current owner, please attach a letter from the current owner authorizing the applicant to proceed with the application. OWNER OF RECORD Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC Owner Phone 619-889-7749 Owner Address PO Box 1928 City, State, Zip Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Owner Email Address mickruis@sbcglobal.net CONSULTANT (ARCHITECT/ENGINEER) Jackola Engineering &Architecture; Toby McIntosh Phone 406-755-3208 Address 2250 US Highway 93 S city, State, Zip Kalispell, MT 59901 Email Address tmcintosh@jackola.com POINT OF CONTACT FOR REVIEW COMMENTS Toby McIntosh Phone 406-755-3208 Address 2250 US Highway 93 S City, State, Zip Kalispell, MT 59901 Email Address tmcintosh@jackola.com List ALL owners (any individual or other entity with an ownership interest in the property): Big Sky Investments Kalispell, LLC Legal Description (please provide a full legal description for the property and attach a copy of the most recent deed): S18 T28N R21 W Tracts 8C & 8E (S2 SE4 SE4 SW4), 8D & 8J (SE4 SE4 SE4 SW4), 8F (S2 S2 SE4 SW4), 80 (SE4 SW4 SE4 SW4) Please initial here indicating that you have verified the description with the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder and that the description provided is in a form acceptable to record at their office. Development Services ciirvr• Department KALISPELL Phone 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone (406) 758-7940 1. Zoning District and Zoning Classification in which use is propsed: B-3 (Core Area Business) 2. Attach a site plan of the affected lot which identifies the following items: a. Vicinity map and surrounding land uses X b. Dimensions and shape of lot X c. Topographic features of lot X d. Size(s) and location(s) of existing buildings X e. Size(s) and location(s) of proposed buildings X f. Existing use(s) of structures and open areas X g. Proposed use(s) of structures and open areas X h. Existing and proposed landscaping, screening, fencing, open space & signage X i. Exisiting and proposed parking, loading, lighting & traffic circulation X j. Exisiting and proposed garbage collection, streets & utilities X k. Floodplain if applicable X I. Adjacent sidewalks & bike trails X 3. Attach Building Elevations - (drawing of any proposed building and/or addition showing views from north, south, east and west ) 4. On a separate sheet of paper, discuss the following topics relative to the proposed use (please elaborate beyond referencing materials listed above): a. Traffic flow and control X b. Access to and circulation within the property X c. Off-street parking and loading X d. Refuse/garbage collection and service areas X e. Utilities (water, sewer, electric, etc.) X f. Screening and buffering X g. Signs, yards and other opens spaces X h. Height, bulk and location of structures X i. Location of proposed open space uses X j. Hours and manner of operation X k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes, vibration, glare and heat X I. Storm drainage X m. Fire/Police X 5. Attach supplemental information for proposed uses that have additional requirements (consult Planner) I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell City staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and development process. Applicant Signature Date Development Services Department 201 1st KALISPELL honeAvenueEast Kalispell, MT 59901 ( Phone406)758-7940 APPLICATION PROCESS (application must be received and accepted by the Kalispell Planning Department 35 days prior to the Planning Board Hearing) A pre -application meeting with a member of the planning staff is required. Application Contents: 1. Completed application form & attachments 2. A bona fide legal description of the subject property and a map showing the location and boundaries of the property. *Note - verify with the Flathead County Clerk & Recorder that the legal description submitted is accurate and recordable. They can be reached at (406) 758-5526. 3. Electronic copy of the application materials submitted. Either copied onto a disk or emailed to planning@kalispell.com (Please note the maximum file size to email is 20MB) 4. Application fee based on the schedule below, made payable to the City of Kalispell: Single Family (10 or fewer trips per day) $250 Minor Residential (2-4 units or 11-49 trips per day) $300 + $25/unit or every 10 trips Major Residential (5 or more units or 50+ trips per day) $350 + $50/unit or every 10 trips Churches, schools, public/ quasi -pubic uses $350 Commercial, industrial, medical, golf courses, etc $400 + $50/acre or unit or $.05/sf of leased space over 5,000 sq ft whichever is greater PARCELI: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 50 FEET IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF BLOCK 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NUMBER ONE TO KALISPELL AND ON A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159; THENCE RUNNING IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION AND ALONG A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159 A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159 A DISTANCE OF 13.5 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE RUNNING A RIGHT ANGLE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE SOUTH line OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 511.5 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ON A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 13.5 FEET, THENCE RUNNING ATA RIGHT ANGLE IN A EASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 511.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: BEGINNING ATA POINT 50 FEET IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 12 IN BLOCK 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COfPANY'S ADDITION NUMBER ONE TO KALISPELL, MONTANA; THENCE RUNNING 50 FEET WESTERLY PARALLEL TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, THENCE NORTHERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 300 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 250 FEETTO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO BEGINNING ON A POINT ON A LINE WHICH LIES PARALLEL WITH AND 50 FEET DISTANCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF BLOCK 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NUMBER ONE TO KALISPELL, WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING IS 350 FEET IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION FROM A POINT WHICH IS 50 FEET IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF AND ON A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159; THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POINT OF BEGINNING, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF ATRACT OF LAND HERETOFORE DEEDED BY KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, TO HENRY W. HAPIF4OND, GEORGE W. FENWICK AND CHARLES A. PEPLOW; THENCE RUNNING IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION AND ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET, THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION AND ON A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. THE LAST ABOVE DESCRIBED PREMISES BEING A PART OF AN UNPLATTED TRACT OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF BLOCKS 158 AND 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NUMBER ONE TO KALISPELL, AND THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY COMPANY, AND LYING WESTERLY FROM AND ADJOINING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND HERETOFORE DEEDED BY KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY, A CORPORATION TO HENRY W. HAMPIOND, GEORGE W. FENWICK AND CHARLES A. PEPLOW. ALSO BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 50 FEET IN NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF BLOCK 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NUMBER ONETO KALISPELL, AND ON A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159; THENCE RUNNING IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION AND ALONG A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET, THENCE RUNNING AT RIGHT ANGLE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION AND ON A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159 A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET TO A POINT 50 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO BEGINNING AT A POINT ON A LINE WHICH LIES PARALLEL WITH AND 50 FEET DISTANCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF BLOCK 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NO. ONE TO KALISPELL, WHICH POINT OF BEGINNING IS 450 FEET IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION FROM A POINT WHICH IS 50 FEET IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF AND ON A LINE WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159. THE LAST ABOVE -DESCRIBED POINT OF BEGINNING BEING ALSO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND HERETOFORE DEEDED BY KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY, A CORPORATION TO KALISPELL FLOUR MILL COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF KALISPELL, MONTANA; THENCE RUNNING IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION, AND ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159, A DISTANCE 61.5 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT RIGNT ANGLES IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT RIGHT ANGLES IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION AND ON A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 159 A DISTANCE OF 61.5 FEET; THENCE RUNNING AT RIGHT ANGLES IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 136.5 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. THE LAST ABOVE -DESCRIBED PREMISES BEING A PART OF AN UNPLATTED TRACT OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF BLOCKS 158 AND 159 OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NO. ONE TO KALISPELL AND THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LZNE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND MANITOBA RAILWAY COMPANY AND LYING WESTERLY FROM AND ADJOINING A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND HERETOFORE DEEDED BY KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, TO KALISPELL FLOUR MILL COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO A MAP OR PLAT OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY'S ADDITION NO. ONE TO KALISPELL, MONTANA, NOW ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. PARCEL 3: LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 AND 10 OF BLOCK 21 OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. TOGETHER WITH THE ABANDONED ALLEYWAY ADJOINING THE ABOVE LOTS IN SAID BLOCK 21. PARCEL 4: PARCEL B OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 16528 SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Ruis Grain Elevator Site Conditional Use Permit Supplementary Information General Project Description: The Project involves redeveloping the 6-tower grain elevator historically owned and operated by CHS with a combination residential/commercial use, and developing several multi -family residential buildings over several phases on the grain elevator site and the Stahlberg property directly to the north. The project is bounded by 5th Ave W.N. to the east, Center Street to the south, existing commercial properties to the west and a former BNSF railway spur running in an east -west direction along the northern boundary. The railway and spur lines bisect the western portion of the Stahlberg property and are covered under a railbank easement, which is currently owned by the City of Kalispell. The railway line and spur lines are currently in the process of being converted into a pedestrian trail by the City of Kalispell. The current property zoning (B-3) limits building heights to 60-feet without a CUP. As discussed above, a new commercial/restaurant business is proposed to be constructed on top of the existing silos. The silos are currently greater than 60-feet tall; therefore, any additional structure on top of the silos will exceed the zone's building height limit. Additionally, the proposed residential buildings are proposed to have lower -level parking garages with multiple levels of multi -family residential units, which drives the building heights above 60'. A Conditional Use Permit is being requested to remove the height restrictions for the proposed development. a. Traffic flow and control The initial phase of the development will have access points off of both Center Street and 51n Avenue West N (51" Ave WN) and a future access is anticipated to be provided off 8th Ave West N. Due to the proximity of the east entrance onto Center Street to the signalized intersection with 51" Ave West N, that entrance maybe limited to right-in/right-out. A Traffic Impact Study will be provided as the Site design develops which will identify impacts the development may have on adjacent City -owned streets. Additionally, the project is anticipated to include frontage improvements along both Center Street and 5th Ave WN. b. Access to and circulation within the property As a part of Phase 1 of the development, there will be three site access points; two on Center Street and one on 5th Ave. The future phases of development on the remaining portion of the Stahlberg property will be provided with an access point off 8th Ave West N, in the NW corner of the property. All phases of the development will be connected by interior 24-foot- wide drive aisles. The site access points and interior drive aisles will provide adequate access to the site amenities and efficient circulation through the site. The proposed roadways will be designed and constructed in accordance with City standards. c. Off-street parking and loading Off-street parking will be provided in compliance with City zoning standards. The property qualifies for a 50% reduction in required spaces due to its location in the B-3 zone and therefore zoning only requires 0.75 parking spaces per unit. Considering the residential nature of the property, the developer has requested that a parking ratio of 1.5-2 spaces per living unit be targeted. d. Refuse/garbage collection and service areas Trash chutes are proposed to be located within each of the buildings. The trash chutes will collect the residents' solid waste in a collection bin located on the bottom level of each structure. Facility maintenance staff will be responsible for transporting the bins to a centrally located trash compactor. The trash compactor will be hauled off and emptied by a private contractor. e. Utilities (water, sewer, electric, etc.) New city -owned water and sewer mains will be extended from the existing City -owned mains to serve the proposed development. Individual building domestic and fire water and sanitary sewer services will be provided from the proposed mains. A water booster pump for each building connection is planned to meet the plumbing code pressure requirements. Each parking garage will be constructed with an oil/sand separator to capture run-off from within the enclosed parking area. This will be connected to the proposed sewer service leaving the building prior to the sewer main connection The development's power requirements will be served from an existing power pole in the NE corner of the first phase of the development. This will feed underground to the western boundary of the initial phase to allow for a future connection to the overhead lines in the Stahlberg property. Transformer locations will be coordinated with FEC during design, but initially (x3) three phase vaults are anticipated for phase 1. Phone and cable utilities will be run from the Center Street ROW and will be run parallel to power where possible. Individual phone/data services will also be provided to each building. Natural gas piping is stubbed into the property from Center Street and is anticipated to be extended to each building f. Screening and buffering Landscaping will be provided in accordance with City standards to help provide screening and buffering from neighboring properties. A 5-foot landscape buffer will be provided where parking is adjacent to the property boundaries, and additional planting beds will be located adjacent to the buildings and within the proposed parking islands. Additionally, an architectural screening wall is proposed around new utility structures such as meters and transformers. g. Signs, yards, and other open spaces A monument sign and architectural feature is proposed at the site's eastern entrance off 51n Ave NW. Additional smaller building -mounted signs and signs related to the site's history may be proposed as the site design develops. All site signage will be in accordance with City standards. h. Height, bulk, and location of structures As discussed above, the overall development is proposed to consist of several new construction multi -family residential buildings and one building constructed around the backbone of the existing silos structure, all of which are expected to exceed the zoning height restrictions. Preliminary architectural elevations are being provided with this application. The proposed silos building will consist of multiple uses — restaurant/commercial around the silos structure, and residential in the remaining portions of the building. As mentioned above, the existing silos structure is currently greater than 60-feet tall; therefore, any additional structure on top of the silos will exceed the zone's building height limit. Additionally, the remaining multi -family residential buildings on site are proposed to have a first level parking garage with several levels of residential apartments above. Based on the preliminary building designs, the overall building height of the residential buildings will be approximately 70-feet. The site buildings will be located generally around the perimeter of the site. i. Location of proposed open space uses City zoning does not dictate a limit on the permitted lot coverage; however, open space will be provided throughout the development in the form of site landscaping and sidewalks. Additionally. the City of Kalispell is developing a pedestrian path that bisects the site in an east/west direction. Connections to the pedestrian path will be provided via on -site sidewalks. j. Hours and manner of operation With the exception of the restaurant, the site is mainly a residential use. As such, typical residential hours will be in use. The restaurant will operate on typical business hours in compliance with City code. k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes, vibration, glare, and heat Noise impacts would be negligible; limited to the typical low level of noise associated with residential living and associated traffic. Temporary increases in noise and vibration associated with construction activities would occur during normal daytime working hours during construction but would be mitigated by the Contractor to minimize any nuisance to adjacent property owners. Cut off parking area lighting and low-level building mounted lighting would be used to minimize light impact on neighboring properties. Dust would be generated primarily during construction. Dust impacts will be minimal after construction as disturbed areas will be stabilized with either hardscape or landscaping. The potential exists for glare from building windows and cars may impact neighboring properties. Fumes and odors may impact neighboring properties due to the increase in traffic traveling to and from the site. No other fumes or odors are anticipated. 1. Storm Drainage Stormwater will be directed to a series of catch basins in the parking lot areas via sheet flow. Due to the density of the development, stormwater will be detained in an underground detention system. Prior to the proposed development, stormwater runoff entered the City ROW; therefore, runoff from the site will be connected to the City storm drain at run-off rates that meet the pre -development condition. A new stormwater main is proposed within Center Street to connect the proposed detention system to existing City -owned infrastructure. Water quality treatment per the City standards will be provided via a stormwater mechanical treatment unit located upstream of the retention system. m. Fire/police Fire and police services will be provided by the local jurisdictions. Each building will be provided with a fire water service for sprinklers, and fire hydrants will be provided throughout the development. ArcGIS Web Map 6/23/2021, 1:12:37 PM 1:4,500 0 0.04 0.07 0.14 mi KalispellTrail B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS R-4 RESIDENTIAL 0 Parcel Information B-3 CORE AREA BUSINESS RA-1 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT 0 0.05 0.1 0.2km Zoning (Color) B-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS RA-2 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT/OFFICE M 0pe,StreetMop R,d) co,mb- , CC BY SA, Esn Community Mops Co,mb- ,BulldthgFootpn,HJSA, Esn Canada, Esn, HERE, B-1 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS PUBLIC Zoning (Outline & Labels) Gortnln, 8ofeGreph, INCREMENT P, METVNASA, USGS, Bureau of Lend Management, EPA, UPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, Web AppBUllderfor ArcGIS Maxarl Jaso,Sl,gleto, I Jason Singleton I Core Area Drone Imagery 0628201981 FGDC Colostral Subcommittee I Credit glue, to Flathead County CIS would be eppreci,t,d,h,, denN,g products from this data. I Flathead County CIS I Es, Community Maps C,,Mb-, Bh Id I,gF,,t,,NHJSA, Es n C-ede, Es, I fi I I I I I ICI I I I I f �smas=.E—=_=_ bI=---------- --= m~ 2955-- /� - - 'I rd — ` m.z- ____------ � LLAHL9ERG TAsa ,—�—' I_ — �i — I ___________________ ____________I g I o gL F �I I _ - - REMOVED RFORLPARKLINf-RAIL I T ----------- ---__________ #I m✓ I w �_I/-____-2g55,�__� __ ___ - YYY�--- i _____s-----__--- - li --------------- CITY 'fi ______ _______ __--_--_-�= SERVILE/VALCON T TR saa _- �- — --- - EXIST. RAIL9ANK EASEMENTI i it ---- W IOT VARIES / -- NYK saEE 1a99aa ---- — — ----- Q ____ __-- ___--------------�— -- —_____ate'_ _ _ ____________ ________________-_______________a_-_____________________________________�296 - J � ---- �- ___ ___ lam\ --�1 I � �_�__�� i ♦ 'ter- � _ ,-_ ,_ `__ _ _ _______ _ ___ ' - ___-- __---� _ ___ _ _ _ _ T - �_ c.✓ v �_ . I W Q v6i alG SKY INVEST. KAiISPELL, LLC L TRa N ;t �o SIN PIG SKY ��alG SKV-- a KV 1 ' INVES ' -- I I�InI o INVEST. _ � � I VEST. T. 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