Resolution 6037 - Budget - BID Work Plan and Budget1 Return to: City Clerk City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell MT 59903-1997 111111111111111111 IN III II11111 IN202100 Page: 10 1` 6 38 Fees: §48.00 Debbie Pierson, Flathead County MT by AW 8/17/2021 1:38 PM RESOLUTION NO.6037 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 FOR THE KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AS RECOMMENDED BY ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WHEREAS, on April 3, 2017, pursuant to Section 7-12-1101, et seq., MCA, the City of Kalispell, passed Resolution 5801 creating a Downtown Business Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the board of directors of the Downtown Business Improvement District has recommended to the City Council a work plan and budget for the Downtown Business Improvement District for the fiscal year 2021-2022; and WHEREAS, having fully considered the work plan and budget presented, as well as the proposed method of assessment, the City Council now finds that it is in the best interests of the City as well as the District and the properties therein to accept the work plan and budget, as well as the proposed assessment method. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The proposed work plan and budget of the Business Improvement District, attached hereto Exhibit "A" and fully incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 2021-2022. SECTION 2. The proposed assessment formula of the Business Improvement District is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 2021-2022. That assessment formula to be applied against all properties within the Business Improvement District shall be $.015 per square foot, plus a $100.00 flat fee per property. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2021. Mark Johnson Mayor ATTEST: Ir it Airqee Brunckhorst, CMC Citv Clerk ci� 1892 _ 10 :^; Exhibit A C, .11119114 140001- KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2021-2022 BUDGET Board of Directors Kisa Davison, Chair Marshall Noice Curtis Bartel Gabe Mariman Jon Fetveit Cara Lamire Pam Mower Mayor Johnson and Kalispell City Council, The proposed budget for the Kalispell Business Improvement District follows this letter and keeps in mind the Mission, Vision and Purpose of the District. The Mission of the Kalispell Business Improvement District The Kalispell Business Improvement District is an organization comprised of its members: proud and dedicated people who work together to inspire and create a healthy, vibrant downtown culture that embodies its rich history of beauty, integrity and kindness while fostering a thriving economy. The Vision By creating a beautiful downtown culture, Kalispell will be an attractive, worthy place for the delight of its residents, and the continued success of it entrepreneurs. The Purpose To accomplish its vision of creating a vibrant and dynamic business district the BID works to: • Build effective partnerships with businesses, institutions, property owners, and city government to maintain a clean and safe community • Attract, retain and promote quality businesses and retail segments to support our local economy • Promote Kalispell as a renowned destination point with a business, retail, entertainment and institutional mix offering unique products, services and events • Promote Kalispell as the preferred place to shop, work, learn and live PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 253-6923 www.downtownkalispell.com KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BID ASSESSMENT FORMULA Montana Code Annotated 7-12-1133 (2) directs the governing body to annually assess the entire cost of the district against the entire district using a method that best ensures that the assessment on each lot or parcel is equitable in proportion to the benefits to be received. The BID Board has reviewed the current assessment formula and is recommending that the formula for fiscal year 2022 remain the same as the 2021 fiscal year. All property owners within the district will be assessed a flat fee of $100.00, $0.015 per square foot assessment and a taxable value assessment from .0225%. Owner occupied residential properties will not assessed. The formula would leave the overall budget at approximately the same level as the 2021 fiscal year. After discussion of the new work plan the BID Board of Directors believes that the proposed assessment formula will ensure proportional benefits for the entire district. WORK PLAN 2021 The BID Board of Directors is pleased to let the Mayor, Council and property owners know that the following list from the 2021work plan will be completed prior to the end of the current fiscal year. • Worked with the Kalispell Downtown Association to design and assist with funding of three bike racks downtown the first to be installed May 2021. • Provided funding for 12 new trees to replace dead and dying trees downtown • Awarded 18,570 in Facade Improvement grants • Beautification — Provided plants for 54 downtown corner planters and 115 hanging flower baskets • Continued representation on the CORE trail committee by the BID Executive Coordinator • Assisted property owners/business owners resolve issues downtown • Continued investment in our website and social media presence • Promoted public art within the Business Improvement District • Continued to be an advocate for downtown • Beautification — Provided 1 fulltime Downtown Ambassador and 1 part time Downtown Ambassador to clean & maintain downtown public areas and BID -provided flowers • Developed a plan to address the entire district needs and fair distribution of services offered by the BID such as flowers, cleaning, etc. • Secured a Department of Commerce grant to hire a contractor to develop historic building standards. • Create a digital program for visitors highlighting restaurants, retail and the downtown walking guide through virtual passports As we all recognize, 2020 was a year of great changes. While we cancelled most events downtown, we were encouraged that our community continued to support the downtown district. We lost a couple of our downtown businesses early during the pandemic but quickly saw many new businesses opening despite the uncertain and changing future. PO Box 1997 Kalispell, NIT 59903 (406) 253-6923 www.downtownkalispell.com KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WORK PLAN 2022 The following pie chart and detail demonstrates the proposed expenditures for the fiscal year 2022 work plan. BID BUDGET 2021 - 2022 z% 3% Development Activity • FaVade Improvement Program • Development Activity • Cleaning & maintenance • Print advertising • Sponsorship/Events • Insurance Communications • Web Development & Management • Social Media & on line marketing • Conferences/Travel/Memberships • Newsletter • Cell Phone Beautification • Flowers • Art Tourism • Printing/media programming Staffing • Executive Coordinator — Contract • Rent/supplies/conferences/mileage City Administrative Fee a Communications ■ Development Activity ■Tourism ■ Beautification ■ Staffing/Office City Admin fee $15,000 $40,000 $35,000 $ 500 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $96,500 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 0 $ 6,500 $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 38,500 $ 900 $ 39,400 $ 3,859 $ 3,859 PO Box 1997 Kalispell, ,NIT 59903 (406) 253-6923 wAw.downtownkalispell.com KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $166,259 Projects for the 2022 fiscal year include: • Hold an annual property owner meeting to garner feedback and gather suggestions for future BID areas of focus & projects • Develop a long term plan for BID and utilize feedback gathered from property owners and the City Council to determine long-range focus and projects • Continue the Fagade Improvement Program and award up to$15,000 in grants throughout the BID • Continue to work on the development of a mentor program for new developers in conjunction with Montana West Economic Development, Kalispell Chamber of Commerce and the City of Kalispell Planning Department • Further collaboration with the Kalispell Parks and Recreation to replace more missing and dead trees within the BID. • Work with the Kalispell Downtown Association and other community members to identify and support public art within the BID • Continue to support the creation and placement of artistic bike racks • Continue investment in our web site and social media presence • Maintain Executive Coordinator and Downtown Ambassador positions • Provide 115 hanging flower baskets and bedding plants for 54 corner planters & provide for their maintenance • Advertise downtown events to continue drawing visitors for the economic success of property/business owners through our website • Continue to advocate for downtown • Continue the development of a digital program for visitors highlighting restaurants, retail and the downtown walking guide through virtual passports The Kalispell BID encourages the City of Kalispell to continue reinvestment in the Downtown core of Kalispell, including improvements to water pressure on Main Street and improvements in City -owned parking lots. As the Flathead Valley experiences substantial growth, the KBID is actively involved in coordinated efforts with the City, Montana Economic West Development, and the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce to facilitate investment and redevelopment in Downtown Kalispell. With the influx of new residents and new development, we view obstacles as opportunities for our collective efforts to facilitate sustainable growth and utilize resources efficiently. We aim to build a community that attracts a wide audience to live, work, and play in Downtown Kalispell. Many thanks for your consideration of the 2022 fiscal year budget. Best regards, Kalispell Business Improvement District Board of Directors Kisa Davison, Chair Jon Fetveit Gabe Mariman Cara Lemire Marshall Noice Pam Mower Curtis Bartel PO Box 1997 Kalispell, NIT 59903 (406) 253-6923 www.doA,ntownkalispell.com