Draft Plan 2040 Public Comment from Lynn HavensAimee Brunckhorst From: Lynn Havens <Ihavens@montanasky.net> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 3:54 PM To: Kalispell City Council Subject: EXTERNAL Re: Draft Plan 2040 Dear Council: I would first like to ask you in general to please rework the Draft Move 2040 Kalispell Area Transportation Plan so that it focuses on revitalizing Main Street instead of making it a thoroughfare for more traffic. My husband and I live on Woodland Avenue and consider ourselves part of the downtown corridor. Our hope is that this lovely downtown area, including the Conrad Mansion, can remain quaint and an asset to the city. Currently it's a mecca for walking and biking, and I don't think this aspect of the city has been considered in several of the plans —especially the roundabout at the corner of 2nd Street East and Woodland Ave. Has anyone counted he number of people who cross this intersection to use the walking/bike path and going to and coming from Woodland Park? We see lots of folks on this stretch and feel that a roundabout with no stopping would be a disaster and would result in many, many injuries. If drivers circling the roundabout even see people crossing the street, which I doubt, they would have to stop (pedestrians have the right of way???) and that would result in aback -up of traffic in the circle. Roundabouts have a purpose and work well when not partnered with busy pedestrian traffic. Please rethink this plan! Thanks, Gary &Lynn Havens 205 Woodland Ave Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 257-6614 1