06-01-2017Karl Morell & Associates 440 1G, Street, NW, Suite 440 Washington, DC 20001 (202)595-9045 karlm@karlmorell.com June 1, 2017 E-Filed Cynthia Brown Chief, Section of Administration Surface Transportation Board Office of Proceedings 395 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20423 243636 ENTERED Office of Proceedings June 1, 2017 Part of Public Record Re: Docket No. AB 6 (Sub -No. 495X), BNSF Railway Company -- Abandonment Exemption -- in Flathead County, Montana Dear Ms. Brown: This is in response to the request dated May 19, 2017, by the City of Kalispell, for the issuance of a Notice of Interim Trail Use ("NITU"), in the above -referenced proceeding. BNSF Railway Company ("BNSF") hereby notifies the Surface Transportation Board that BNSF does not object to the requested issuance of the NITU. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, 7J�4 Karl Morell cc: Mr. Doug Russell, City Manager 1