07-11-2019Karl Morell & Associates
4401&1 Street, NW, Suite 440
Washington, DC 20001 248176
July 11, 2019
Cynthia Brown
Chief, Section of Administration
Surface Transportation Board
Office of Proceedings
395 E Street, S W
Washington, DC 20423
Office of Proceedings
July 11, 2019
Part of
Public Record
Re: Docket No. AB 6 (Sub -No. 495X), BNSF Railway Company --
Abandonment Exemption -- in Flathead County, Montana
Dear Ms. Brown:
BNSF Railway Company ("BNSF") hereby seeks an extension of the
consummation deadline until July 27, 2020, for the portion of the
line between Milepost 1226.79 and Mileposts 1227.10 and 1227.58
(the "Line"). The portion of the line between Milepost 1225.19 and
Milepost 1226.79 is the subject of an outstanding NITU.
BNSF is currently considering the sale of the Line and, if that is not
successful, BNSF will need to salvage the Line before consummating
the abandonment. Also, there is the possibility the city will
reconsider its decision not to include the Line in its planned trail.
DECIDED DATE 7/1 2/2019
SERVED DATL 7/12/2019
GRANTED Dir ect;sr
Office of
Proceedings � Extended to 7/27/2020.
If you have any questions, please call me.
2< C
Karl Morell
cc: Mark D. Lalum
Katharine King
Doug Russell
Charles Harball