Five Story Hotel Proposal Public Comment from Danielle PeirceAimee Brunckhorst
From: Danielle <>
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2021 11:18 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Public Comment for Five Story Hotel Proposal
Good Evening,
Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments regarding the proposal for a five story hotel on Main street
I am against the proposal.
1. Why add another hotel when our current hotels are struggling to find enough employees to thoroughly run their own
properties? What makes anyone think this hotel will not face same problems? (Including shops, restaurant this build
may also be suggesting )
2. The jobs this hotel will provide are the "level" of jobs this community is struggling to make affordable living for. The
majority of the type of jobs this hotel will create will not be offering a livable wage for here in Flathead County.
3. Parking. I assume a majority of it will be for the hotel guests.
4. Parking. Where will all these "employees" park?
5. 1 do not believe our road system downtown can handle efficiently and safely this extra amount of traffic, people
pulling in and out, 5 o'clock rush hour;. It is all ready strained.
6. Our community has many sites that are large and sitting vacant; the old Kmart. The old Shopko. Why not revitalize
these vacant spaces?
7. Our downtown has shops and restaurants that have normal business hours; we do not have a opera house, or
performing arts center that would entice people to feel the need to stay close by to downtown. I do not feel adding a
hotel downtown will add anything. The draw is still glacier national park.
8. How many thousands of vrbos and air bnbs have been added to the market in our area? Studies show that people
would rather stay in these type of accommodations than your regular hotel.
The market is all ready inundated with competition.
9. 1 think our community needs to focus on a plan to not be so reliant on tourism.
10. 1 think our community is struggling because the middle class, blue collar worker (who this hotel, restaurant, shops
will need to be able to operate.) Are getting exiled. Pushed out.
I think the focus needs to be on a county growth planner to slow the exodus of the middle class out of our county. Stop
looking at dollar signs and start looking at the people of this community.
11. Will people really fill the hotel in the middle of January? February? You may say Big Mountain will draw them but,
most of Whitefish seems to be air bnbs, and there are plenty of accommodations closer to the winter seasons draw.
12. 1 suggest more community focus and concern; and Less about money and catering to tourism. We are losing our
middle class and taxing our communities infrastructure as it is.
Thank you for listening,
Danielle P.