07-13-21 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 @ 7:30 AM
Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E
MEMBERS PRESENT: Julia Pierrottet; Mark Pirrie; Sarah Turner; Cara Lemire; Robin
Spear; Susanne Wigginton
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff – Rachel Ezell & PJ Sorensen
# of Guests: 5
Hear the Public: None
Approval of Minutes: Mark moved to approve the June 22, 2021, minutes; Susanne
seconded (approved 6-0).
New Business:
Signs: Conoco - 196 3rd Ave E; freestanding sign replacement – Susanne
moved to approve; Mark seconded (approved 6-0).
Buildings: Meridian Apartments - 45 Meridian Ct, apartment building D –
Aaron Wallace present as representative. Susanne moved to
approve; Cara seconded (approved 6-0).
Ruiz Grain Elevator Site Ph 1A - 501 W Center St; apartment
complex – Rachel noted that owner will have to apply for a
conditional use permit for the additional height and this is just for
some additional feedback for the architect. Once they do get the
conditional use permit they will come back for approval. The
board suggested moving the building closer toward the
intersection, simplifying the materials on the apartments, adding
more glass to the elevation on 5th St, adding a band to give
appearance of “floating restaurant”, have a landscape architect
design outdoor amenity, and to see more of the grain silos.
Old Business:
Other Discussion:
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:48 AM