DMV Entrapment Public Comment from Chastity LincolnAimee Brunckhorst From: Chastity Lincoln <c12724111 @gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 2:38 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL DMV entrapment Hello! I have been living in Kalispell Montana hotels, and out of my vehicle since September of 2020 (that is close to $25,000 spent locally in Kalispell Montana for all the money hungry local business types). I have been working in your local businesses, making sure that food and home improvement supplies are on the shelves of your local stores, and trying to save up to further relocate out of the area; because you all are not building apartments that do not have some freaky requirements, like being 65 or over. However, in the mean time I have had to purchase another vehicle after sleeping in my vehicle through the harsh negative 22 degree weather, a storage unit, and several towing fees because a vehicle can only do so much through the extreme changes in hot and cold. Look, it is simple.. the way you all have this place set up is nothing more than an entrapment for ANY legal matters within reason that you all wished to prosecute me on anyhow, because you all have chose to push people out towards Missoula and are not building for the over population in the area. The worst, I am breaking the law DAILY by driving myself to work, to get food, ext.. this is not by choice of mine, as you all require that one have physical property here in Kalispell Montana in order to put a vehicle title in their name. Completely chained and shackled anyone like myself fleeing Domestic family violence, in the pursuit of live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is like historical entrapment, and slavery of the Native American... I'm very disappointed. You know.. if I am FEDERAL government property, due to the fact that you all can not meet the needs of humane living for the areas population, I should be able to register my purchased vehicle with only a FEDERAL POST OFFICE box number, and keep my purchased property in Montana without being a petty criminal, and having my name pulled by local law enforcement nearly biweekly. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, and with all due respect for my Russian, German, Cherokee Indian bloodline, as well as whatever the next man or woman's bloodline maybe, I am in need of a "Federal hardship motor vehicle title" that last at least 2 years, as I am once again being forced to travel the United States to look for yet another state to reside in, along with 5 other states over 10 years that have also not been able to meet we the people's needs, this is a real issue that needs to be addressed. Thank you, Miss. Chastity Lincoln AKA: TRUE TAZPERLINSKI.