06-22-21 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 g 7:30 AM Kalispell City Hall, 201 1"Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: John Hinchey (chair); Mark Pirrie; Sarah Turner; Cara Lemire; Robin Spear; Susanne Wigginton OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff — PJ Sorensen # of Guests: Hear the Public: None ADDroval of Minutes: Mark moved to approve the June 8, 2021 minutes; Sarah seconded (approved 6-0). New Business: Signs: None Buildings: Glacier Eye- 155 Timberwolf Pkwy; new medical office building. Sarah recused herself, she is a representative for the applicant. Susanne moved to approve with the addition of some evergreen trees and add some additional landscaping to buffer the trash enclosure; Marked seconded (approved 5-0). Old Business: Other Discussion: Meeting Adjourned @ 7:48 AM None Yd and Main RFP Selection Committee— nominate ARC participant — Susanne volunteered, committee ok' d.