DALEY_FIELD_SUB_AMD_L3_3-4-40_DL3I_ ..J - UUU Z) r / U U V. n — t OWNERS: MURCON DEVELOPMENT, INC. PURPOSE: SUBDIVISION DATE: APRIL 22, 2005 �oV� I Plat of AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 3 OF DALEY FIELD S NW 1 /4 of Section 20, T28N R21 W, P.M., M. City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana a�tii� 558'10'09_W (-R p=24'02'02" R°d;o) Opp \� L=29.36' o— do\l ,LO. a=23'32'31" 3, - `R\hh R=50.00' LOT A 0 6 � / Y L=20.54' 9 11 i Lr) 115' 1.02 Ac. (Gr.) -22'23'35" `=,,.7r of i� 0.92 Ac. (Net*) A=25'16'55" , L=22.06' 15' UNDERGROUND I }, UTILITY EASEMENT 4� �}� A=25'16'55" `{ L=13.24' _ / =25'16'55"�\ \ 15' UNDERGROUND 6,gyp` / - L=30.89' \ J'� \, y UTILITY EASEMENT i LOT C 0.96 Ac. (Gr.) 0.87 Ac. (Net*) 9 LOT B v�� v �• pa 1.13 Ac. (Gr.) `L°�\ y0 0.89 Ac. (Net*) �. ° \ \\ \ \ 40' PRIVATE ROAD & UTILITY EASEMENT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 5 00 \ \ 60' PRIVATE ROAD &oo- o \ \ UTILITY EASEMENT o1/ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC / \ \ 5 LOT D ��. \ LOT G A .71 Ac. (Gr.) \\ / 0.82 Ac. (Gr.) /SST 1.55 Ac. (Net') \ \ \\ W UNDERGROUND O 61 Ac(Net") \� UTILITY EASEMENT . \ °. \ \ z \2250 cjfi��1 \\ LOT F sG �' 0.68 Ac. (Gr.)� 4 UTILITY EA EM NVATE RO T \ \\ ~ �\ \° \ 0.52 Ac. (Net*) 2 \ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 65,- N �l530 \ �\ �• a • \ \ 6=89'59'59" LOT E c'• \ Q, \ L=39.20', \ 2270 \ \ F \�6 \ L=39.27' / titi \ / 1.10 Ac. (Gr.) 1.00 Ac. (Net`) h \ 15' UNDERGROUND i UTILITY EASEMENT / p SCALE: 1" = 50' / / a0 & g)arquardt arquardt urveying 285 1st Ave. E.N. tel: (406) 755-6285 Kalispell, Mt 59901 fax: (406) 755-3055 20' PRIVATE ROAD & UTILITY EASEMENT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC UBDIVISION LEGEND Os FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED "SMITH 4740S" 3 FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP (ILLEGIBLE) O SET 5/8" BY 24" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED "MARQUARDT 7328S" O PHYSICAL ADDRESS - HIGHWAY 93 SOUTH XGhlS2\ `X(n Co(\C�e}t✓ *NET ACREAGES EXCLUDE PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENTS ONLY CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION MURCON DEVELOPMENs", INC., the undersigned property owner does here caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots as shown by the plat t following described land situated in the City of Kalispell, Montana, to -wit: Lot 3, Daley Field Subdivision, containing 7.42 acres of land all a shown herec Subject to and together with easements of record. Subject to and together wi'h easements as shown hereon. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Amended Daley Field Subdivision. Dated this day of _ yam_ 200-S O'4VE O AE `r INC. MURPH N. HANNON, President of MURCON DEVELOPMENT, INC. STATE OFt��, jQ ,pJ -\`\ � ss. County of'P�-,,�n) This instrument was acknowledged before me on LZ 21OOr _ by MURPH N. HANNON President of MURCON DEVEL PMENT, JNC. , tinted Name: Notary Public or the State of Residing at My Commis ion Expires�cs CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL -CITY The City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, does hereby certify that it 1- subdivision plat and, having found the same to conform to law, approves it, at the dedication to public we of any and all lands shown on this plat as being dE use this � day of Jt f 200It QA�)o'clock. Parkland j3edic tion is exempt per Section 76-3-621(3)(c), MC, C L&A9 CERTIFICATE OF CIIY,A' TORNEY 1, �..�c CCity Attorney for the City of Kalispell, Montana, do h that 1 have examined the Certificate of Title, issued by a licensed title company, attF of land described in the Certificate of Dedication of the annexed plat of Amended I Daley Field Subdivision, in the city of Kalispell, Montana and find that the owners i record have consented to platting of said subd'.Yision. Dated this 2-day of AL�,✓3 s� V 2001. City hey r Note: Some building height restrictions may be applicable because of the proximit) to the Kalispell City Airport. Jovd. 5 200 Exam ning Land S or Regi tration No. 5428S CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYok, T li'II\ S. Registration No. 73285 �'s \-.. `` 1 fy that it has nnexed.the Lot 3 of fined this y accepts to such !reby certify ched hereto, lat of Lot 3 of i fee simple of of these lots . ow STATE OF MONTANA County of Flathead File on the da of --o_, 20Ci� A.D., at-----b-6�Lo'do k M. Countv Cler and Ree&cler By: wAlA Deputy %,[�/G/ Instrument Record No&h5 „1 J f &; U` Field Crew: SM Date: April 18, 2005 Revision Date: May 19, 2005 Project Name: HannonDaley... Project Number:05-023 Filename: FinalPlat Drawn By: Augusta HANNON (?1-145oo0 =�4,-)