CHURMAGE_ADD_4-4-5_CURExis%/n9 I I I I I v�/ S:Adoe 41kw., x /Ye /tee rv',eot fez"W/ STREET Er�atiiny /ilenvnent Sfonr Ali✓ x NEl�AOA Exisfiin9 /Ylwnvmer�t Sfe.�e /✓.fd x l /YEI�AOA . z;------------, l,cc ,- --- ----- ;--- I M /2 is I I h , GERT/F/GATE OF OED/CAT/ON GERT/F/CATE OF STgTEOF/Noloynow.9 ST/1'TC O/'r /WOA1T,'1N,R ss GO!/19'Tr OFtLi7TNL5V0 CO!/NTr Oi iLR7'hW gO- // / /Mrs Mory Cfivrrr/oye� do hereby certify /hot /hove caused fo i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . + _ �•_ _ .., G/ .. /i orn� in and for file be surveyed wnd /o%7f<d /nfb L ofs" B/ocfsJ Sfree� or�d /s�//eyr o: srfo.rr� oforeSd/d CJ,y`�!ficreby certify ffio��'iiovc c,rom/pied /hc by fhe'P/o1 ood Derfifco�r of Surrey hereto Afi`ocheo; o//fuse fo/%cvii�y o6sfroc/ of >=�f/e of ffie /ono✓ dcscr�6<d ors die oo�exCd Jd/off o� descri6eo/ 1rocI of/and fowif : Be�i//rn/r/ ofo/aoii7t o/s 11'e /Yer//i /ine "CfiUR/l1AlaE ftOD/T/ON TO /S'AG/SPELL '' ood ffiof a /Y1ury /Q of Co/ferr/io SfYeef�radviced sA2 � S, 76 '// {fl frar•, ffie S, `f! earner /-v 177e osu'17er /1'7 f<e slit f f e /and -!ro �Co' 236 0/' Ao1.-11i�i4V7 7 /sor�L�er 6 fo iYo/isPB///Ylor/f000f /e.? ff • /fieoce A /3 s /i9' W. .7,79 ft • 7%ence Al. 76 e// E" /93 fY j f/ienceS, /,7.0- v y9 le"' .33,7 ff, fo the /oo/nf of �e /ooin , oao' fo be �r/o�v/T css /Jofed of f!o/-%ell orrfo�o r`L,is .-7.__.or�tzy of _ /9f16 Q � 8 I �I I2n � sv2F/. to S._!s: Cor. B/.E.236 W. 760//'E. gdo�ifivis Ne 6 v ��' .CAL/FORMA S%PEFT i I I I I PLAT OF CHURMfIGE fIDD/T/ON �� lfAL/SPELL SCALE SO'_ / " '"CWZ Mo4E AOD/T/ON TO KiTG/sP�1L "ood 7ih< /i�d,i7c/vo%d i� o// Stieels oi7d f///<ys /s fierle6y 9ro�/<o' Oro' dO.yof<o'rbi< ase of the PLy6/c forever. /,7 wifnsss w/iere of / have herenfts sst my fioisd e►/7d. sev/ ors hs/: the . J8- day af_ _ P�:�✓nh� r_ - - 09' o. /9 y6 . - - --------------- STirJTE OF' MONTi'iN/2 )S•S. COriWTY OF FL,97HE.90 J e _ _7-- _ v'oy Sfrsfe ,vet Oro% o�PGor<d /j'!rs /Y1ory CfinO� .Grown f» rr7e fz he 1he,oersvis khase /7oir/e /s sv6scribediv fair 1vr�i� cerfificofr oisd oc.Fness-/edyso/fo me �iof sfic executed 15/ie wine . //7 svllo7& s ow -here o/ / ha ve set �y hand or7o' /Yofero/S+so/fhc el-7 ano'ycar o60 /ori/lxc/v, /yly cain/r� ss/vn Cx/oirCs Y J j�- CERT/F/CA'TE OF SURI/EY STATE GF MONTgN.9 S.S. cvvasr or FLwrvE,vo /, F, P. Sco7`f o C.�%r/En9/r/eer and Surveyor do hereby certfy ifia f o/s the 6 A*and 7 clays of /Ploy /9 yd� / made o corefv/and occ mote .sa.-red/ of the f7^o4-/ shown on the 4-/7/7exeo' �/of of "GHUR/YlflGE fi00/T/ON TO 4WL/SPELLS /iio/soid�/a/ was rnodc /n Sfritf cor/forin/fy 7ta said svr`ey, a/7d the courses oro' distoices fire/<o/s or< five .viTd correct fa hfe Za5ts1 of rny.�rihorrr/ofio� ono' he//cf o,-/o' 7Lhal the carters of o// Lafs oi7d /oc./es mere /v/oii7/y �a�•fsd 0,07 f/e '9;roLrl;Pd yirof so�o'survey is-os mda'e /r/ sfi<t oeeord°.�eee svifh S�sefio� sf9Po or/d y99� VSorninev7- ded, v f' f/ie � / flea/ God�ss o{ /y1or77`vna. �� IE. cE• $• v<yor. A5-6 6s-v i6 d fo moo' sworn fa before /na �� o,�+y o f GERT/F/GRATE OF :OyTY. '."Ct�•�/�C/G' �, ; • . - ,.:: ST/iTE OF MONT.9N/i 1f s i eOUNTr OF FLgT'WZ0%9 l�Ye,lv�rv�'.��•�r�errTq,.Jlaryvr� +C4/f..ct�r G/cry c% hereby cert�ty that of o rnaefiny examined ood o�/arovaa' the 000e,r<o'P/o/` of, "CHU�S'�Ylf7GE ,St00/T/oiY TD /rfiL/SPELL ' ernd'Sfire/s 4./rd /g//e ys dec/q/rrW hiq/sva� anu ordered f/iof o �,orks ar P/ay��o�cids 6 asldc 'fflPr� :L , STftTE OF /YlONTf7/Vf! Ss cOviYTroF FLAT/!E/70 ... Q = L. �•-osri�_ C/fy •0'/�/%E eev� of ffic �i �oIW4o�c1f7,r1t a/0001v�f7e�Q ot�ohff'o/ecUh/sfyYeo/rmyea9h/ef5y.®YEQ.crieds��f�/1f7 7T`//7OaNf hexam/r/.:-o74h eof oi/o7,/*sreh reeW TD Eor7d.o trre6 /hm�ir4c EtTy./�c�r SLATE OF MONTANA, ss COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ;led on the.'"y of.49&9e A.D.19�& 30 ocWd * county diwand xree.der Ay De" 4-4-5