I, Ken Chrisinger, the under-,icTned p opertv .)wner, do herebv certif%„
that I have causod to be surve -er, a4 sno *n by this Certificate of on this 1¢_day of June, 1976, before me,".;t `.�tnders ?ned
I Survey, the fo12Vt3inn describek' tract of Lanr.: Notary{ > i.ic for the State of Montana', ner "+ ly;appear.ed James
I T. Shaw, known to me to be the nerson whose 4s subscrihed to
P, part of Lots 5 anJ 6 of Block 1.66, Kalisnell '.^ownsite, Company's
within instrument and acknowledoed to me that a executed the sarne.
A / Addition, Principal Meridian ^Intana described as follows:
IN ,aITNF s t•'ItFREOF, I have hereunto set ma hand and r> _ar, al Seal
IY/ Commencing at a 5/8" x 24" aluminum capped rebar Stamped 23411S on the the da; and ;ear in this certificate above written.
I Northeast corner of Lot 5 of Hloxk 106, Kalispell Townstt;e, gipnnanv' s NOTARY PUBLIC for the Stare of Momasir
e 'Addition, as per records of Flathead County on the Vestlerl' 'qht of Residing at KalbpeR, Montana
way of 6th Avenue 4est; My Commission Ezpires� ✓_T/pZ9 �o `�isoaect�
IThence 'lest 62 feet along the Sortherly line of Lot 5 of Block 166 _ iC=JFICAT� .OF CITY COjjV(IL
Kai ispelJ..%Wasite, Ccmpany's Addition as per records of Flathead
County, 1i x 24" aluminum canned rebar stamped 2343S; We, the tlavor and City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Flathead
County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat was
TheesaA St�W '!'parallel to 6th Avenue West 100' feet to a 5/8" x duly examined and annroved by the City Council of the City of
24" alum nLi►a'eapged rebar stamped 2343E on the Northerly right of Kalispell at its regular meeting held on the day of
way of 3rd Street Hest; 1976.
Thence alono the said Northerly right of way of 3rd Street West which toe do hereby further certify that the following order was made by
is also the Southerly line cf Lot 6, Block 166, Kalispell Townsite, the City Council at a renular meeting thereof, held on the
Cc-c n-'e Addition as, ner records of Flathead County 62 feet to a day of 1976, and entered into the procee in
y" alutninarn, capped rebai stamped 2343S on the Westerly right of said> body to-wit:nasmuch as requirements for Dark purposes
•of°r.'Ay -)f 5th Avenue West;were met in accordance with laws in effect at the time of recordation
of Chrisincer Subdivision No. 68, it is hereby ordered by the Cite
Thenr.e i.n a Northerly direction along the Easterly line of Lots.5 Council of the Citv of Kalispell, Flathe d County, Montana, that
an di o, Block 16E ualisnell Townsite, y's Addititlri t6S per further rec ::rcments for park nurnoses be waived.
records of Flatheac' Count. 100 feet t:o't nt of beginning.
Parcel contains .142 :Acre,
e� The above describeki tract of land LS to be known and designated - ^" Mavor, City o Kal$ l' '�1e;r,.:ara�
as Chrisinger Su1-d1vis3_ur, number 68.
Dated this // day o: June, A.D. 1976.
City Cl ; C tv of Ka isr,ell,
:den Chrisinger
I, Harvey Knebel, Director of Public Works for the City of
Kalispell, Montana, Do hereby certify that the accompanying
plat conforms to the adjoining additions or plats in the '_'•
City of Kalispell, Montana, already platted, as near as.— � �r
I circumstances will permit.
F t
rvey e el, i ector of Public Works
STAT^ OF MONTANA 1� � City o Kalispel , Montana
County of Flatheads:
-this dad► June, 1976, before me Charlotte A Rossiser,
I aryin aife3 for the State of Montana, personally
j eared Xei chrisinger, known to be the person whose name iW
I s ribttn�,tiw the foregoing Certificate of Consent and acknowledged
to aw executed the same.
L1;0`FITN WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal the day and year STATE n ;r s
ArSt a&We written. COUNTY
Filed fir,�r'', thisdli -,v o A.D.
19 a* —_
-� - -a,--
NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Mosiare
Residing at Kalispell, Montana
FOU/IO� BO�f My Commission Expires Algsg at /P70
1/� 14
11 ` < =-erk er,c,. i'e. ��r,-:er
"�< a„ ''o t,- "ontana
I, the undersigned, James _. Shaw, Land $urvevor, Montana License`
Number 234.5, do hereby certify that between 1976
and 1976, i. surveved-Chrisinger Subdivision No.68
and platted same as shown on the accomnanyinq plat and as described
in the accomnan'rina certificate of consent, and that same was made
in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Chanter 38, RCM 1947.
Dated this 1¢_day of 197 .
() N10�y
T S haM43
_i -ens No.;/ 43
j t9N4D SURv�
a��to/✓a�' � JtG� ♦97L
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Sho�Y S/r,/y`�i Ir�C. 710