CHEERY_LYNN_EST_12-3-5_pg1_CLE1 �5ctj P' See Sheet 2 5 I t S so. Z4' 45 W R t 9 'g7`4Z 038+0a°� 10 m 4 a 546 0 .( 0.4 8 Ac . _ m Z 1 , m ?7°04 0 05 N •vy S 16o¢B f 9� � I � e u t � to N O p� Its N See Sheet 2 23 N 88047'30�'E 173,20' m ^ �+ o �1°�� 24 s44 3 o m - • o w W sas 0.397 Acre 0.54-Acre o o ' 0 b - 'p z it w 2 s4z o 10.52`Acre 0 S 5 7g 0 ' 26.0 2 31' S y, d=730 oa R= 26o. 00 L=36.65' 3 1 i ( 540' � 1 j tr � 5 I SO 00 5.00 00 , 1 2 o0 ApproximaFe 20 10 Waters edge, e10� eas Access. and trimn e"'mitteared d a' guild loss h°tcNe to cr � It elo5fitng 9 0.52 { AC re t J 700 27. j5 0 ` iZ° m o p' \�p4 tr C /i369°3k i v ' 5, � cn Legend: • Found point as noted. O Set 3Wx20°iron pipe StaKe with mortar core - and brass of sc Stamped "Ls 29B9." Set 2"x3o`iron pipe with brass cap 15"deep. 5 Indicates house number. Basis of bearings: The East line of sec. 32 Per Deed 5041485, '.e, S 0030'00"F- Scale 501 CHEERY LYNN ESTATES CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY STATE OF MONTANA )SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) 1, 1). ti. AI:ARQUARDT, a registered Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that during April, 1970, I made a careful h c S '1' o�.cn on the BLit her o t 1, at said slat w o LYNN ESTATES. .A ES as sh as made in strict ict confor•mr � 1. nd accurate ..urvey f CHEERY I . I with surd sur�ev, and that the courses and distio ces thereon are true xic' correct uid that the corners of all lots were plainly noarked on the ground kith iron stakes, and that said plat and survey c,ere made in cotrformity with the applicable taws of the State of Mont- ana. Subscribed and scorn to before me this day of , 1970. .Ady commission expires CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I d 1 c EDGAK C. GRANRC�D and HELEN C. GRANRCD, husband and wife, o her e iy certif} that we have caused to he �urv(1ved and )I;.ttccl into lots ,uic3 streets as shown he the plat and certificate of Sarver heron the following tract of land: That portion of the Northeast 1 /4 Northeast 1 /4, Section 32, To• nship 29 tior:h, Range 21 West, Principal Meridian, Flathead Count,-, Montana described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 32; thence along the East line of Section 32 South 03 30100" East 200. 00 fee' to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said East tine South 0° 30100" Eas? 447. 73 feet; thence South 87*04105" vA'est 382..62 foci: thence South 63° 1l'OS" West 104. 14 feet; thence South 14° 30'00" East 8i. 00 feet; thence South 78° 27115" West 171. =�9 feet to .t noinl in it 50. 00 foot radius curve concave Westerly from .:hich point a rL.dial tine hears South 1° 23145" East, them-c I lock- ise along said curse tiu•u a central angle of 156° 55'30'a distance of 136. 94 f �et; thence South 62° 52,30" West n9. 42 feet; thence South 49' 00'00" West 83. 00 feet; thence South 75° 00100" West 180 feet more it less to the thread of the Whitefish River; thence Northerly along the thread of the Whitefish River 750 feet more or less to its intersection with the Westerly projection of t,ie South line of that parcel conveyed by Granrud to Mattingly recorded in Book 504, Palle 687 of Deeds; thence along said tine North 890 52100u .East 600 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said MauinglN parcel; thence along the East line of the Mtttingty parcel North 00 08'00" West 218, 00 feet; thence North 89° 52'00" East 60. 00 f:•et; thence South 0° 08'00" East 218.00 feet; thence 'North 890 52'00" East 401. 20 feet; thence North 00 30100" West 48. 00 feet: thence North 89° 52'00" East 161, 50 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 12.8 acres of land more or less, to be known as C'HLERY LYNN ESTATES. The land included in streets is herch, granted and dedicated to the use of the public for streets. ' In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seats this day of 1970. EDGAR C. Gil \NRUD HELEN C. GRANRUD STATE OF MONTANA )SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) On this day of 1970, before me Notary Puhlic in and for the State of Montana, per- sonally appeared EDG:AR C. GRANRI'D and HELEN C. GRASRUD, hush,mcl it ri 1. ifc. ,aid kno� n to me to be the persons .'dose n.:nu io'(i affix( d to the CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION antl a(knowteciged to me t.Lat til(-, executed the same. Notar% Puhlic ('nr the State of Montana, Residing at Kalispell. Montana Ally Commission expires CERTIFICATE OF COt N`l'`,: St RVE1OR ST \1•F. OF MONTANA ) SS COt NTY OF FLATIIE:AD)' I, WILLIA\I E. WHEELER, County Sur%eyor of Flathead County, Mont.ina, do hereby certify that I have examined the acc•ompanyinl plat of CHEERY LYNN ESTATES in clu,,hcate and tine survey it represents an(. that I find that the same conforms to Lao: and I do llerebv approve of same. Dated this day of 1970. iA'ILLIAM E.."-HEELER, County Surveyor CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COM\4ISSIONERS STATE OF MONTANA ) COUNTY OF FLATHEAD)SS We, t!.c undersigned, DONALD BUCKINGHAV'I, Chairman of the Board of Couf ty Commissioners of Flathead County, Moniana and GLENN E. MILLHOUSE, County Clerk of said County, do hereby certify ghat the pint of CHEERY LYNN ESTATES as prepared in duplicate, has been submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana for examination and has been found to conform to law and was approved in duplicate at their regularly held meeting on tic day of 1970. and that the provisions of the requirement of a Park he waived in that the area. does not exceed 20 acres in size. DON:\LD BUCKINGHAM, Chairman GLENNE. MILLHOUSE Clerk A letter from the County Attorney, J_AME,S H. OLESON, stating o,inership an,_ a Certificate of Titte from a Licensed Abstr!;tctor was filed with tie County Clerk and Recorder upon this day of 1970, GLENN E. MILLHOUSE._ County Clerk and Recorder