04-21 Parking UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: April 2021 Tickets April 2021: Dave 397 $31970.00 KPD 13 $130.00 Combined 410 $41100.00 April 2020: Dave 0 $0 KPD 16 $160.00 Combined 16 $160.00 Ticket Income April ticket income $41285.00 Tickets issued and paid in April $21505.00 Parking Permits April 2021: $71026.00 down $1,320.00 April 2020: $51706.00 Occupancy Report April 2021: Westside 99% Eastside 121% combined 110% April 2020: Westside 97% Eastside 118% combined 107% Meters &Machines April 2021: $613.49 up $497.65 April 2020: $115.84 The Boot April 2021: used once $60.00 fines $35.00 fees $95.00 total April 2020: not used