WILLIS_ADD_4-4-11_WILWILLIS ADDITION f0 LiAL /SPELL SCo/e /"r/OOP 1� wt 009 Secotid gt O \C \ Add/tlon No. 2 \ to \ Ko%spell / \ \I Fflunq� SJon� t F.oarth s/ -` C / SAGV4'ui_ �s /1/Mumen/ onument CERT/F1c'19T,E of DE01CAT101v Sfoie of Montano 53S County of Flafheoo} We, Sm,lh Willis and /do Moe Wi/As7 hasbangl and wife do hereby cerlify that we have eausegt to be surrec/ed ar,d platled info Io/s, blocks, ztAree%s, ao& o/k-ys oc-5,10wn by /he p/o/ 5�4 cerhf/cafe of 3•uryec/ hereto otk70heo! a// of to//oWinq des- cribed lor7ql, to wii/,• storlinq of the point of h7lersecf1017 of the eas/ar/y state a/ ryood/vnd .961e. and the e"rianded north line of .Cost -9'-h SY; the,roe east 285.7 fee/ to the true po,i7/ of beginninq; thence eo3/ 25"0, 0 fee/; y/�rxe north /040.1 feel; thence S86"/5'7'v 5'6.0 feet; thence S63'Oj"W3/3.8 feel; thence S36°55'W (95.0 fee/; thenrn S6`7z'W 044.5 feel!' thence S'460/0 'W 73.3 feef• thence ecps/ 2/B.6 feel; /hence Sou//7 53rj,0 feel To the hwe- /coin/ Of beginninq, Coml�.r/sing 2.Q9 acres and //yir7q 17r70' be/nq /n the Soudheos/ gguorfer' of /he .Soulhwes/ quor/ar (SE./v SIY./rJ of Sec/ion 8, and /77 1/7e /Yorlheos/ guor/er o/ the Norlhvveol quorler (NE'V-r 1VW %a) of Sec//or7 /7, o,// i/7 Township 28 /Yor/h, �ar2ge 0/ Wesl, 1W / 1W ; to be hnovvn os the 'WW/3 Hddi//on to /io%cspe//; or7d the /o/2d /nc/ucr�o! in m// s/reels g17Q1 ofi/ec/s /s hereby y/-on/eo/ or7d don0/ed to the use of the pub/ic forever, subject on/y to /,/n//at/on /n u3e os no%d on /he p/q/ here% 0//gCbe0! / In /ri/aess wh ereof yVe h1,et ove Pun s /o e/ our hor7<ls s ar7q/ ea/s /his .- doy 0,A .� A.d. 1944 Stole of hfonbm ? County of FWheod On this //+t do okE * H.D. 1946, Laefore o /16,6ry Public /n on<i for the o1&resoi4/ eta/e, Persor,o//y oppeored Srn/fh {Q/i/ and/do /►voe vyi7//s hiJ wile and /mown/°P/o be the persons whose names ore subocribe'd to the Abrego/nq cert,frcote, and orknoWled,yed to me fhof they executed the same /n wilness whereof / hove se/ my hand and of/,red my ofeio/ sea/ the day 0179� year first obove wr,tfen. My CERT/FICATE OF CITY AT jOF7NEY Notary Pubbe State of Mon/one Countyo pf H (:? ad s5 y/, , Cdy Allbroey //7 or7o/ for the oforeaa,il Q////r do hereby "W&U15 eerfify that / have exam,nec/ the obmllvc/ Of ////e of the /q/,7d described 017 The onneyed .A./ of ADDITION to anp/ /tlOf Srrii/h Wi/his onq/ /ao /Woe Wi//is, his wile, are the orvr7ers /n {ee of the Land so p/aHed. cily Ahbrneq o/ H.o 1.946 - Dated/ of /fa/ispe// this Z day CFRT/F/LATE OF SURVEY Sfafe of 1won161747ss County of FMIt/eadf J C. MOODonolol, o C/vd Engineer 0/701 Surveyor, do hereby Bert/fy /hcy/ r June c7nd July of 1946 / made o oare/v/ anal OCCurOle sUrWel./ o! M& trYrc/ shorvn or7 /he annexed plot of "W/LL/S 900/T/ON to svAc/ /o/a/ was rnea'e in stria conform/ly to sa/o/ survey ar7d the courses c/nd dis/Or70e'T there or7 are true or70/ Corrcot /o ttx bes/o/ r7T[7r rnformOtiorl ar7c/ ,f�//ef and 7`/;t7/ fhe corr7ers of o// %7s oi7p/, b/ocA-s Were p/air7/y Lnor/req/ or, f/7e grouncJ'/ ovn/-s7'o/7e rr7o/7u/77en/s were se/ /8"fo 04" uix�ergrou/7a1/ /Ti(7r/rEd with 'X" o/ Points 7ndieoleloy thus -F- on pb/; rho/ .said survey was mode /r7 sir7cl accordance w/ih Sec/ions 4980 to -4994 o3 o mend of the Poh/76of Codes of /Y/on/orno. , Surveyor � Gvi/ Engi/x-�r Subscr,,h rd ale/worn to before me M/14 iZ doy olSe/ot, HD /946 C&R7-1F/C,97-E OF CITY COUIVC/L Stole of M017/a170 �rss coonly of F/o/head` We, O.S. Coirneron, Moyor, and C.// Brewer, C/t, Clerk, 7n or/d for the C7/y of Ho/ispe/% do hereby cerh /ho/ C// 4 /neeling o/ the (C//y Cougei/ he%Y/ on 'the 3^� doy of �- 90, /94,, the said/ courri/ axom/f/etl a/70 oP,vvrrveo✓ the O.ar7exer/ ,ob1 of "W/LL/S .9b0/T/O/V to " and >`hP �->/ieets orx/ Q//cys dec%rrea/ Pu"6/ic /Yigha"/cry. and the se/linq os/d of aceos for porlrs 5!� ploy9rouncelswas Wa,vec/. �J Moyor C/fy Clerk CERT/F/ CA TE OF C!T r E/YG/NEER Slop of /Y/o17/o/7q ) Coin/y or F(7lheoc/ s`s C AlloeL7on7olq( 447911,1eer in 0r7d for 1/7e ci/y of G(o/i 7jpe//, C/O cerlify f/rof / hove e ram/nee/ the annexed rV/o/ o/ "W/LL/S /990/T/ON to !//�L/ S/�ELLand hereby oporovP Abe sovr/e � C//y Enc/i/7eer ed a/ Lie/ispell 2'17/s 26'h day o / /u/y,, F>D./946