WESTERN_ACRES_AMD_L2_8-5-46_WCROWNER/FOR: PURPOSE'. KELLCO, LLC SUBDIVISION DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2007 OF WESTERN ACRES t. 0 S1/2 of Section 18, T28N R21 W, P.M., M. Flathead County, Montana nor 7 f ' 7t4,476 84.56'Lot 1B CNTERLINE (5EEACH SDE10'€ASEMENT Sq. Ft. y EXISTING WATER LINE) 0.103 Ac. �, P% d N � e (A`" ' z n 0 4 S88'47 3^"W: �05.5�„ 7.�.���..� .�.� � o Lu Lot 2 N N � W d 4 10,974 Sq. Ft. o N o ; 0.252 Ac. Lot 1 A � o z 4,476 Sq. Ft. o o 0.103 Ac. o iY w Ut n S88'44'00"W 105.57" ... �: 3 ro N. N O — o- o, _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----m N L. o � 10' WIDE PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT DEDICATED TO THE CITY. N 189.83' 7S1 88'44'00"W8ASISOF BEARINGS PER PLAT OF WESTERN ACRES 94.33' mot 3 I LEGEND 8 FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED "DOYLE 2516S" J FOUND 5/8" REBAR (NO CAP) O SET 5/8" BY 24" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP MARKED "MARQUARDT 7328S" SCALE: 1" = 20' N 0 N 5.5' DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY PER PLAT OF WESTERN ACRES CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION KELLCO, LLC, the undersigned property owner does hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots and streets as shown by the plat hereto annexed, the following described land situated in the City of Kalispell, Montana, to -wit: Lot 2, Western Acres in the South 1/2, Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M., M., Flathead County, Montana, containing 0.47 acre of land all as shown hereon. Subject to and together with easements as shown hereon. Subject to and together with easements of record. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Amended Plat of Lot 2 of Western Acres, and the lands included in all streets as shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. I hereby certify that the tracts are within first-class or second-class municipalities for which the governing body certifies, pursuant to 76-4-127, that adequate storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities will be provided to said tracts of land; therefore, these tracts of land are exempt from review by the Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to 76-4-125(2)(d). The water and sewage easements as shown hereon are hereby dedicated to the city of Kalispell. All new utilities shall be installed underground. The undersigned hereby grants to each and every person, firm, or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under, and across each area designated on this plat as "UTILITY EASEMENT" to have and to hold forever. i�, Dated this d"ay of 200 KELLCO,LLC RRY LLY, MEMBER STATE OF AO,ci 1�< l " , County of �n This instrument was acknowledged before me one ,wC 7 , 200Z, by TERRY KELLY, MEMBER of KELLCO, LLC. Printed Name: Notary Public for the State of /ko n 4�,e�c Residing at , 5 /� y My Commission Expires CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL -CITY: The City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, does hereby certify that it has examined this subdivision plat and, having found the same conforms to law, appr �4t, and hereby accept Is the dedication to public use of any and all land as shown on this plat as being dedicated to such use this day of 200_ at .7.e, "I j x o'clock. Parkland Dedication is exempt per Section 75-3-621(3)(a), MCA. Mayor City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY 4TTORNEY, I "" City Attorney for the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that 1 have examined the Certificate of Tale, issued by a licensed title company, attached hereto, of land described in the Certificate of Dedication of the annexed plat of Amended Plat of Lot 2 of Western Acres, in the city of Kalispell, Montana and find that the owners in fee simple of record have consented to platting of said subdivision. Dated this raof °*s - 200_? . ww City Attorney Notes: Property owners shall waive their right to protest the creation of a special improvement district for road upgrades in the area to City standards which are impacted by this subdivision. All areas disturbed during development shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. At the time the lots are developed, acress for the lots shall meet the provisions of Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code for fire service and shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Fire Department. Prior to combustible materials being brought on -site, an all weather driving surface, water supply and hydrants required for the subdivision shall be in place. In the event Lot 3 of Western Acres is subdivided with the use of a flag lot configuration, the owners of Lots 2 and 3 shall enter into a shared access agreement. Access shall be developed to provide a single paved driving surface that is a minimum of 20 feet in width with the general location of the shared access having 10 feet along the southern boundary of Lot 2 and 10 feet along the northern boundary of Lot 3 or as otherwise reviewed and approved by the City of Kalispell. Plat # 08-05-46 Abstract# 2431 Approved: 200 Examining Land Surveyor Registration No. 5428S CERTPF,ICATE OF SURVEYOR DAWN MARdUARDT Registration No. 7328S STATE OF MONTANA County of Flathead By: S ;1 2 Date r day of t 200A.D., at a ` o'clock''_m. Field Crew: SM Date: Oct. 25, 2007 Revision Date: n/a Project Name Kelly Project Number: 07-213 Filename: Working Drawn By: Augusta NOTE: NO SEARCH HAS BEEN MADE FOR EASEMENTS AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY AND THIS SURVEY DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL APPURTENANT EASEMENTS. 200800011016 Fees: $6,50 by: JL by NARDA WILSON Date 4/24/2008 Time 12:27 PM Paula Robinson, Flathead County Montana u § , s Instrument Record No.,.. ^ KELL