TWIN_ROAD_ACRES_AMD_L1_and_2_and_3_BLK_2_9-7-47_TWIAY: �i�OOOwAwAlli �00 / ��l�,O AS OO��a ?r00 Onc N)M?v&Xa§-pcg9 mapp ng arrud cac'oela ao c'ansualtayslgf r�y�OrissGc�oi� Gwrlo�lf�. ���� D Rlhonw (406) 76;�'3=90 R. Gam' L.3' A ,roc/ of /and 511uo/ed, lying and being in the fVE 114 of /Ie SE 1/4 Of Secl/an 20, Township 28 Nar/e' Range 2/ Wes/, Pr/nc/pof /I/leridian, Flolheod Coun/y, IWOnfano, nsore particularly described as /011ows. -;i- ,J �,�J ��O/ C1 UO��OC✓OC� O�zz12C 00`/0r-z1 a�go0f ol LOz /, C "e00 C col co �� -- /� C Z/ CJCC CCCC C l . �- C �/ COC C A//- V41 CC 1114 Seci;on 20, T. CC .., C 2 W y fllw�cipof lCeriCCn� CCtheco/ Coergly, ll orsl'ono 40 0 40 80 l20 C��rw✓ll,')C�'fr°� ��C�G'�GJOGGuIi�C�' We, /he uncors/aped hereby cerldy Thar ,ne purpose of ,uf/s survey is for t/Ve Or fewer /O/s w/thin o p/a//ed subdlvlsion, re/ocat/on of common boundaries or the oggrego,/on of /ols Therefore this diVis/on Of land is exempt from review pursuant to secllon 76-3-207 (0) ad), MCA. We also certify /hat Lols l 2 and 3 ore exempt from sanitalion re+r/ew by the Deporlmenf Of Envircnmen/al QuaIlly pursuon/ to APNI 1736.605 l2) (b) as a porce` that has no exlsl/ng facalllos for wafer suppfy, woSlewO/er disposal, or solid wasle d/soosa/ ether /hen those the/ were previously approved by the reviewing authar/ly under Title 76, Chop ter 4, part 1, MC-/', or lhol were exempt from such review, i/: (i) nO new tacit/l%es wi// be constructed on the porce/; and (//) the division of fond w/// not cause approved /ac/bl/es to V/OlOte any conditions O/ Opprov01, and w1/1 not cease elero fa C/////0, /O via/ate Coy coed/rion Of e/emp/ion We a/SO _ni do rJ/<.',/d /,/C, rue SC71-✓9✓Or has rr/ado 00 ;%7VeSt/gail B or /rid Bl'7 E%/'J B,9l SeOrch for e O56?Meriis of re COrd, Bn CiIMDrances, ros"r!clive COVE-naDls, owl-?C'r SIfC) d/e 'J`✓en Ce, or any o/b&r /CCIS lhot an occuro/e and Curren/ tit/e search may disclose. Lots f, 2 and 3 of Block 2 of TW11V POAD ACRES, IS Olalled and recorded subd/vls/on l,c the Ot/ice of fle Coun/y Clerk end Recorder /n the County o/ Flo/head, Store of f onfon0 COnfOin/ng 2-OB acres more or less- Together wi/h and subject /O all easern/eats as shown and of r< card To be k;%Darn os the Amended Ploi o/ Lots f, 2 and 3 of Block ? of TWIA/ PGA[) ACHES 0 , Jame Di Meo _ Carmen PA DI v/eo (CCUI3 ledge AOIW*:fjvVL`` ZU N,t A D G✓ AJXIAE✓ , LIJ Nlul5rOV✓iMR10GV G LA OFLor ay Yll CsI/C;K 1, rKAlr ,'-10140 A^,1 rGREE Fnd /['DDT 2"Alum. C by 10999L S '%l4 �38 " OUvf7Y0POo' James A 8 Carmen M Dr Meo DGM&. April, 2009 Fife Name: Z: � SUP OF KS � 011'VIE01 DWG � BL A. dwg F-OC/POl) /8 1 P -3AR S �'25/ 65 (EXCEPT A S NOTED) 1_'rIR - rr> eor rO E/ did,, X9 2/rbf ✓/l/,7 /�`!i` 1,`C z o' 7-/r 8.j CAP f /14MP-J dRECK=/VRIOGr G'70:3L S O Basis or c7eorino: As/rannm/c Oh/Pnintlnn Plat # 09-07-47 Abstract# NO ABST 200900018104 Fees: $6,50 by: NC by MT MAPPING Date 6/24/2009 Time 9:46 AM Paula Robinson, Flathead County Montana �O6d't, Jei'!ire %i7P r,"2 ✓/Cder C,,BOi, I-nj vv"' lO ; ri e are subscribed /o /%/is ic'S/'rumen, �culed N?e some. o set my ho?a :Ina / '/Xea 'n/ Y, lh/S Ceri/t,J'J%E firs, O!)o Ve ubl"C Yor /nee S/a/e of /Vonf.a„a 017?e O/ ilOtary "_ lssion expires on �-, CrEF91l OF�l l'E OF SW' � PIE "A 9Z' �,di'sf per.. = > - ZE G/S TPA 7/0/1/ f'IUNL%3 ,R ,'/706L riPPRG:VLD ?G EXA1✓lN11VG L AIVD .SU;4 rE YOP REG NO S/1-111 OF A110411AIVA Ss COUV I Y OF FC A j; r/ AlJ ll �D //'-i/S r_ DAY U g'.d i✓i,, 2✓4 J Y� l-. CJ. O CL OCK L4- N/ - CL. Lc-IYK AND PF-CORDEP DCPCY i INST -NT lrlcI/) �V/Ji✓IT1FR �,��r `° `��