SUNSET_ADDITION_NO_2_10-3-2_SS2579. 07.- To CENTER QF SECT/ON */ _ Y p L s r. y f r� P Ar rA. 1 � Ti Yi q 4 141 - 4,t,., .... V Pr. BEG. 60,71, ` 1 LOT / `.PROPOSED 5 WELL SITE II BLOCKTNREfi'�� o6097- SUNSET AbOT'N� -- NUMf�E R ONE- l i c3�� 3s� oSJ� LOT 2 ! i l4h •$ / , r � o �k 0 <9 4 SUNSET AD&TION NUMBER TWO A/W* SE 4 SECTION 1 T28 N-' R'la,? W P. M. M. SCALE: / "/_ /00 Bear/N95 based ON SuvSe4 f%dd,//ION :it I LEGEND 3B0X 14" /RD/V P/N ® SCR/BED ROCK N194wWNr 18" TEE BAR /'1 Y* BRASS r,` A • Lois = 2.084 ACRES STREETS = 0.266 ACRES STATE OF IQONTANA m - COUNTY OF FLATHEAD Filed ;�/ the, // day of ...!�9�' IY! ad./ �oCloc .. .. 4 -7 L County yClerk Q 5 Recordw - : • o- -1Y - - 44�� CF;RTTY ICATS OF DEDICATION d'r' >, n--crr ^lson and Marlys Olson, husband and wife, do (hereby certify that we have caused to be s d platted into lots, block_;, and streets all the following desrri-bqd tract to wit: Alt that portion of the N'ZA of the SZ: 0; section 1, T-28-N, R-22-W, PhM, more particularly described <; rollows: Beginning a' the "orthwast cnroW of lot{A'1, Block 3 of the Sunset addittoa• mneber.1, a.•_plat.of which is on file in the Clerk and ?ecor•ler's office, Flathead Coutty, Montana; *hence S89055' W, 358,23 ft. to a 1" dia. brasa cap; thence :.outh 61.59 ft.. to an i.ron,,p'in; thence :S4" 'E 104.45 ft. to an iron p3$; thence'Smthwe*terry-along-a-curve.-and the North right-of=way of Northern Lights 'Blvd' , ;be radiva of whhich is,1-80.0 ftr,,a distance of 72 19 ft; thence S45°28'E a distance of 30.0 ft. to a 1" dia brass.; ghts'.:Bl'vd.; thence S4 °28'E, _10.0 ft. to the South right -of - 'flag ::the>^s ].ins of Nor'tifesn Li 5 � ky, way of Northern Lights 91vd.; t4deet Aorta ly along a veazvae•, the radieo,of which is U0.0 ft. a distance of 27.10 tt. to an v iron pin: thence 145°37'E a dis*since of 3t15. l ft. to a brass cap; thence P44°320E a distance of.145.0 ft. to an iron pi-t; thence N45037'W a distance.of 145.0 ft. t6 an i,?Aon pin on thie:,South right-of-way of Mrthern lights Blvd. thence -along a curve to the left the radius of whic'k is 120.0 ft. ,ai.Atance of.r7,8 ft;, to as jror.- pY3i; rthence confj,i4ing:along said curve 55.42 ft. } to an iron pin; *hence NOO*Wk a d"ton" o .60'0 ft. to* ain iron pin on the Northitight-of-way of Northern Eights Blvd. thence on the North right-of-way of .Northern ight.s Bisd. Uowtheasterly aloag,a curve.to the right the radius of which is 180.I'St. a 3i7tance of 60.97 ft;. to an iron pin, tF.e e'N3i2°15'E a d:istarce of 154.A'} ft. to,`the point of beginni. ... w 'his tract contains .35 acres, more or 'es--, oo be rt.lwn'a" 9urset Addition Number 2. '"he streets and avenues are hereby :. grant.nd and dona::,d to the public forever. 1he owner retaiins an easement of 10.0 ft. across the rear of each lot for the right: of ingress and eL;re --. for construction and maintenance cf seiwer lines, water lines and public utilities, if same becomes necessary, not to inclu r ro-:drs. ita+e of ?to;>.`ana JJ County oe Fl , fftYifa`i On this/kiay of 1965, bfT'dre me G Votary Public in and for "r.e state of '9entans, � red Oscnr Cl n Marlys Ci on, h band avid :wife and known., to me to be the whose -amen ar :,ubscr.ihed in the personally peaand person,- foregoing cert.ifioal.ion and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. .. IN ':�T7,1:. :i ':. I11,,?COF 1 have set. my hand seal the day and ,year first ab.^.ve writt,.n. i x e «yy i n . Mont na ' �4nt na ' a ss_on expires //T a— S .'F V'IFICA F OF SURVEY a I, Billie D. Vende, Montana: Registered Nl ber=1838S,;,a (competent surveyor, do hereby dertify.that during the month of December 1964 and under my supervision a careful and'accura,e survey was nwde of the tract as ahown on the annexed plat, that said plat wa.: made ih-, strict conformity to :said F.arvey and that the `uses and distances are true and oorrect to the beat_ of information and belief, and that {" -.. the corners,of'all. Lots were plainly marked o the ground; thhat :,aid survey was made in str�,ct conformity with section 11-601 et.seq. a;. R.C.M. 1947. r w WW Bi rig D. Mende Reg. No. 18385 State, of Montana 1 County of F1avhea^l) ss Subscribed and sworn before me. & Notary't+uvlic in and fsor the State of {ilontana: @pon this /neAd day of 1965• mok ,'".ate of Montana Residing at A-al,spell , Vontana My Commission aspires ifs A letter from the County Attorney, Jartlesl .Salansky, stating ownership, a certificate of title from a licensed abstr=antcr are filed with the Clerk and Recorder upon the .- W of & 1g65, /t ►_ x Flathead County. Montana CE-Tr1FTCAPE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR I, Donald D. Dahl, County Syrveyor•in.and for the lCounty of Flathead, S"tate of M ntana$ do hereby cer',ify that 1 have ex t the annexed plat and do hereby approve same., Dated at Kalislpell, Montana the L4ZM day'gf /1�_�- 1965. Donald D. ^ahl, Flathead County Sur . C:RPIi'ZCA1� OF C`"UtF1y; CQIN►diSSIANERS "; ' I, y , chairinan oi'the"54 boarnl of r,0"a840Wrrs, Flathead toan6,t�SCate of ;robtna, and I, G1 F!illbouae, clP.rk�3 said hoar. ,' o kereby certify that sp a.eatir'of1dlboar4 Meld dy. _"}� _day of om, 1 the tinnexed plat yap ,examined &tad appv+oV#dfiby tRii4 0, arebf tco�nnisaiotzet� . . i� -• _ Il"C'P$S'"�'D , -!L_ CHAIRMAN BOARD,OfCQI9MIS"iI011EAS ' OI.FNN ]t,.+1�11JEHOUSh CLTRX AND RECORDER