Resolution 3470 - Design and Construction StandardsRESOLUTION NO. 3 y-rlO
WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell adopted on the 15th day of March,
1982, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1003, the "Standards and General
Provisions for Design and Construction", City of Kalispell, Montana,
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend and correct the "Stan-
dards and General Provisions for Design and Construction" for the
off�.cierit operation of the City of Kalispell Public Works.
SECTION I: As set forth in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and thereby made a part thereof.
SECTION II. This Resolution shall become effective
immediately upon 'passage by the City Council and
approval by the Mayor.
"('brag ity Clerk -Treasurer
a . = City Clerk of the City of Kalispell certify that the foregoir)g is a tru :
o_' the Resolution passed by Je ^ity Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana at a
meting held
City C _erk of the City of Kalispell
e * Article GP--07 Bonding Change the Specifications on Bonding to read as follows: ,
Bonding. Permittees shall provide assurance the work they do within the right--
of-way or public easement area will be in accordance with the Construction
Standards herein and the materials and workmanship will be guaranteed for
period of one year from the date of written acceptance by the City. The Bond
amount shall be as follows:
a) City financed 100% of bid price
b) Not City financed 20% of Engineer's estimate, with minimum
of $500 and maximum of $5,000.
Bonds maybe in the corm of a Surety Bond, a Certificate of Deposit (CD) or a
personal check. Contractors furnishing the City with an annual Bond of at
least $5,000 for work on various projects will not be required to furnish
added bonding, provided said Bond meets the requirements of this article.
If a Surety Bond is furnished, the Bond shall specifically state its purpose,
which,is to (1) assure completion of the work, (2) ass;:re conformance to these
Standards and (3) guarantee the work for a period of one year after the date of.
acceptance of the work by the City. .
lf,a CD is used, it shall be made out as "City of Kalispell. or XYZ-ABC Company"_
The CD held by the City for one (1) year after the date of acceptance of
the project by the City_ During said one year, the Permittee shall correct -any
k�efects in material, equipment or workmanship upon notification by the City that'
=iich a defect exists. If the Permittee does not correct the defect by the time
.'_aced in the notification, the City will have the correction made and bill the
P,i!-rnittee the actual cost of correction, plus 15%1 which total amount must be paid
__fire the Bond is released. The CD will be returned to the second named party.on
k._CD after the one year guarantee period is over, provided there is no unpaid
.6.11i.axg due the City relateZ to the project(s) for which the Bond is furnished_
:a x-.:rsoral check, if used, shall be made out to the City of Kalispell and will be
r_:n�r;a��xei by the City upon receipt. After the one year guarantee period, the amount
.;,e check will be refunded less any City costs, as determined in the foregoing
": r c'efect correction.
J_-5 :while GP-09 Construction Inspection: In the ninth line of this article, change
".J:- .word "development" to:
e 1--5 Article GP-12 'as follows:
;,:.' -.... "~reconstruction Conference
to beginning any construction work on the extension of water systems, sewer
7,Vstema and/or public roadways, there shall be a preconstruction conference among
at: parties involved. Included, but not limited to, shall be representative of
�.-.Ih- Developer, inspectingprofessional engineer, contractor and the City. it is
the responsibility of the Developer to arrange a time and place for the conference,
-ihi.c.h is agreeable to all parties.
�'ir_'ticle DC-01 General, Design: Revise the word "designated" in the third line to:
-.!. Article DC-01 General, Design: Revise the fourth paragraph to -read as follows:
Upon project completion and before final approval will be issued by the City, the
Developer shall submit record drawings, in accordance with Article DC--09, and a
certification from the Professional Engineer, in accordance with Article GP-09.
TI-2 Article DC-01 General, Design Calculations: on the first line between "etc." and
"are" . insert the wnyan -
contained herein
nci `13 Article DC-02 Water Systems: Revise this entire article in accordance with the
_ ...
WaterSys. __tems__-_.
Fire Flow. The amount of fire flow required for structures shall be based on the
latest "Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flog", as prepared by the Insurance
Service Office, Municipal Survey Service, 160 Water Street, New York, N.Y. 10038.
Non-structural utilization of an area shall have the fire flow requirements deter --
mined by the Fire Chief. For single story structures, the minimum available fire
flow shall be 500 GPM, with a minimum of 20 PST residual pressure at the hyrdrant
during the flow. For each additional story, add 5 PSI to the residual pressure at
the hydrant_
1--- —_
Hydrant Spacing and Location:- Unless otherwise approved by the Fire Chief, the h*;3r
drants shall be spaced no farther apart than one standard city block, which is 366 '
feet. The Fire Chief reserves the right to require additional fire hydrants if the
demand of the structure(s) require more hydrant connections than the maxi.num spacing
provides. Hydrants shall. be located no farther. than 25 feet from a roadway usable
by fire trucks, and at a location which does not require a fire truck to back up on
either arrival or departure.
Minimum Pipe Sizes. Unless otherwise approved by the City, the minimum line size
of all mains shall be 8 inches, except fire hydrant runs less than 50 feet -in length
may be 6 inches. T
Separation of Water and Sewer Lanes. Water and sewer mains must be -separated in
accordance with the attached Standard Drawing. Water and sewer service lines must
be horizontally separated by 10 feet from the main to the curb stop. If wt:er and
server services are closer than 10 feet horizontally anywhere between the water meter
and the water 'Main, the water service line shall be equipped with a back.flow pre-
vcntor, installed in a manhole type enclosure.
Design Data Submission. For residential. developments having more than 100 dwelling
units or other developments requiring more than 50,000 gallons per day, the Pro-
fessional Engineer shall submit a written report to the City which addrestt:s the
fire and domestic flows needed and currently available. The report'shall include
data on test results at the nearest hydrant which shows pressure at zero flow from
the hydrant and pressure at a 500 gallon per minute flow from tha hydr.dnt. The
CilLY will provide the test data, at no charge when requested_ The City may require
a written -report for developments of less than the above flow when the ability to
provide the fire flow required is in doubt.
e - I ::.di Article DC-08 as follows:
l I __ ��. - - 3�rivaways , ._ —
._cFparate driveways with access or egress from collector streets shall be sepa-
r,:tc.d by at least 60 feet between their nearest edges, unless otherwise approved
by the City Council. On any street the nearest edge of any driveway shall not
be closer than 30 feet to the nearest edge of the pavement of the street inter-
er i.rr.q the street serving the driveway. if curbing exists, the roadside face
z�f th,,! curbing shall be the measuring point.
Gn .?,�4w development after March 31, 1983, no access from any off street parking
a-o =r`y street shall require backing of the vehicle onto the street, unless other--
".,J-s.o .approved by the City Council or unless the area is zoned for single family
::esldences. After the above date, only driveways serving single family resi.--
e-F.nces In a zone permitting the same may have driveways constructed which re-
^j_iract backing of a vehicle onto the street.
1- II -9 y:dd Article DC-09 as follows:
__awin Submittal.
?'-"z addition to submitting drawings to the City, it is also.the responsibility of
Developer'to'obtain the approval of grater and sewer system extensions from
the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. No'construction_per-
mit for the extension of.any water and sewer system will be issued by the City
until approval is obtained from AHES.
Changes necessary to be made during construction must be approved by the City,
and by DHSS for water and sewer extensions, before making the change.
Two sets of reproduced_record drawings shall be submitted by the.Developer'which
_ incorporates any changes made from the original approved drawings, together with
the location of the. terminal end of water and sewer laterals.. The'.measured loca-
tion of the terminal end of the laterals shall be referenced from property cor-
ners or other permanently discernable features satisfactory to the City. If, on
rare occasions, the location of the terminal end has been covered before record-
ing, the Developer is requested to notify the City for assistance in either lo-
cating the end or recommendations for notations on the record drawings.
�_� YI1-2 Article E7•-01. Materials, Gate Valves
Change "A 2380-24 or A 2380-34" to:
A 2380
and delete the following from the last sentence:
and show the direction in which to turn the valve to open.
I.I1-2 Article W-01. Materials, Fire Hydrants: On the seventh lane, change the minimum
standpipe I.D. to:
cie 1:11-3 Article W-01.
5'z inches
Materials, Curb Stops: Change the numbers for'PE tubing to:
Muellar H-1505-2
Ford B66-333
eJc- 111--3 Article W-01 Materials, Garb Boxes: Change to read as follows:
Curb Boxes shall be equal and similar to Yluellar H-10308 design, cast iron, arch
type 1� min. upper section diameter, min. length of 61�1, with extension rod and
with a lid having a pentagon nut in.the plug.
Poge 1 1-3 Article W-01. Materials, Service pipe: Change to read as, follows:
__.Service Pipe shall be Type K seamless copper tubing conforming to A.S.T.M.WSpec--
ification B88-62 or federal specification WW-T-799 or polyethylene (PR) tubing
conforming to Table 4 of AWWA Specification.0 901 Glass 160 with maximum DR of
9.0. Service pipe and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the
attached Standard Drawing. Joints in the service pipe between the corporation
stomp and the curb box shall be avoided, except for runs longer than pipe lengths
available from suppliers.. When joints are required due to the foregoing, only
a joint- approved by the City shall be used.
Pae i!-E--6 Article W-04. Laying Water Mains,,Mains:. Add the underlined to the last.sen_
tence of.the first full paragraph on this page so the whole sentence -reads as
V&�':. i
Deflections of PVC pipe shall be aade--in- -the --barrel,-not -at the :joint, excopt
xn)nn a City approved special'manufactured''joint is used which wag -made speci-
:,:_ruliy for 'oint deflection. - ----- -
7;rtic:le W-05. Trench Backfill, General,: At the end of the third- lane from
-the bottom of the page,.after streets; add:
&nd on the last line of page,'cross out:
some alleys
:article W--06. Testing, Cleaning and'Disinfecting Water Mains 'Change the first
paragraph of Hydrostatic Tests to read as follows:
r_ _ Tlydrostatic Tests.- All newly laid pipe.shall be subjected to hydrostari.c pres
sure and leakage tests after backfilling. The City will furnish the gauges,
pressurizing equipment.and peform the actual tests at no charge to the Con-
tractor. The Contractor, at his expense, shall furnish all labor, equipment
and materials necessary to receive the equipment used by the City. The hydro-
static pressure to be applied shall be 50 psi above normal static. -operating
pressure but not less than 150 psi for the pressure test, The.duration of the
pressure test shall be at .least one hour, while the leakage test. shall be'for
two hours minimum.
F'k� a I' I'-' 8
i _: C-8
4 -07
Article W-06. Testing, Cleaning and Disinfecting Wag er Mains, Hydrostatic.
'tests: Change the number 3,700 of the formula to:
Article W--06. Testing, Cleaning and Disinfecting 'Water Mains, 'D_i_s_infecting
Water Mains: Change the chlorine residual after 24 hours to:
Twenty-five (25) parts per million.
And add the following sentence thereafter:
The City, at their own expense, will do the chlorine
residue testing.
Add Article W--07 as follows:
Meter Pits
Meters must be located where they areieasily accessible for purpoGPs o:.rea,ding
and repairing. When the meter is not installed within a structure:, which would
also provide frost protection., the meter.'shall be located in an appurtenance
satisfyingthe minimum requirement shown on the attached Standard Drawings.
There are a number of meter pits manufactured that will satisfy the aforesaid
T11-: P.rticle S-Oa. Materials, rr-olyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe .ch 11ye DSR to:
TIT-13 Article S--05. Tests. Delete the paragraph: (4) 'Materials 'and rquipment for
Testing and add the following:
Deflection Tests. Pipelines constructed of flexible pipe shall be -tested for
out•-of-roundness'by the deflection test, unless such test is waived by th^ in-
specting engineer. The test shall, be conducted not sooner than 7 days and pro
ferably 30 days after the final backfiil is in place. A successful test con-':.-
sists of passing a rigid ball or mandrel through the pipeline from manhole to
manhole without -the use of mechanical pulling -devices. The ball or mandrel
shall be 95% cf the inside diameter of the pipe for the 7 day test and 92�%_
for the 30 day testa The Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, shall take
c.orrectivd action, satisfactory to the City, sufficient to attain a successful
test. The portion requiring corrective action shall be .retested 7 days after
the correction is complete.
Materials and'Equipment for Testing. All labor, equipment and materials (in--
ciuling watery necessary for making the tests of sewer lines shall be furnished
by the Contractor.
5'-,i—idard Drawing SD-4, Catch Basin -Manhole: Change the upper note to read as
The manhole shall be watertight
unless otherwise approved by the
City. .jointing material shall
be "Ramnek" or equal,
;Ind ;Zdd the fallowing sentence to the lower note :�. .
Watertightness will be required unless otherwise approved by the City.
change the distance between the bottom of the basin and the pipe invert to:
24" minimum
_zt:a-n,f,a-d Drawing W-2, Fire Hydrant: Add the following dimension between the
surface and the top of the pipe:
Standard Drawing W-5, Water Service Line: Delete the "min. 9" radius" diren--
;. rand add the following in Iiau thereof:
The ininimum radius shall be in accordance with the.manufacturer°s
To the Table of Contents add the following:
GP-12 Preconstruction Conference
DC-08 Driveways
DC--09 Drawing Submittal