SUNSET_ADDITION_6-1-9_SSA72 6o, /ao s e /a i z I 1 7 Z a� G� N 0 I 6 CrR /F/GATE OF DEO/CAT/ON b STRTE OF MONTgNR sS I COUNTY OF FLBTHERO Oscar O�//son and /00;�r/ys O/song husband an wife, do here�r as,., -Al' - :^Aha/ some hove caused To 66, 1d SUrveyPd and /C7/a/led /nf0 L07Ls, B/OL�S O/7!/ .!%rePTS all f"he fo//O!0-/�7f G�e..f'L/�^/6 P0' 7f"rOGf �O !y/f•: /�// f/7co<OS�' 27,5 feef of 7`he Eos74 one half'ffy) of !`he L-osf ono half CE.%) of 5ovAh.,v,esI ona KS.IW* of Sovthevsf ano �uorter[S. E.%y� of Secfion T. 28N./ R. 22 W. contoini� B.9 fi`cres, more or less, and to 6e known os car "sSUNsET /900/T/ON and ffie StrePf /s hereby�roirtPd o/sd aal7alod Y'a fhe use of, 7 Pub/ic foever. The owner ' refoins or/�'eose/77enf over of /o 'str� across fhe rear of Poch lot for fhe rWll of /dress and dress for ti/P riy//t to corrs/`rvcf-9eA0'e1' line /f some 6oco/nos r/ecesso�y • //jQ ///y/ o --' a G!�_LsJ ArWre' OF MO/VrVwlJ�s s CO&NT/'low. Oil this /he r ' _ day of - - - - Olt/9s4 before /ise �7'� _ �'!✓�� o Nofoiy and for the ot`ore9oid Sto% persona d OrLa/r O/son and zvo�s o/son and !r/7ofr�n fa me i-o be the persons whosB 1/o/7ses o-re 9u6scr164-d to thw for�yai�y csrtificote, o//o' OG/F/lOHilco�PG7 to we fhof they executed f-he so/r.-e. /ir Zvi/ness /yi/ere o/' / have set �7zy hand seal the d_y ond^yeor first adore wriYfon. /O 9 i 8 L T 4' 3 Jv. 2 I 2 I I o Vol e COUNTY ROAD 28N.,R.22w. Resio'i:�e of /Yo/.sfov// lYlor�fona. ca mrr//ss/on rx�/ras %h �•X 3/� CERT/F/GATE STHTE OF MONTRNR� 3, S. LOUNTY of FLRTNE/90 F. P. Sc o 1/;Eby/lseP/- and Sur for do hereby eerfi i t!o/' on /9.f-6 lor/ Hv/Pre/// under sv rrvis/on/ �nodo o careful and occurofr surv� of ; e tree/ of /ar/Q' s/,osvn on she annexed P/of, the ffie soio' P/of suer made /i7 s/ricf conform fo sa/a/-r and she cavrses vifd dis7`or/ces t/iereoi/ pre free o/76/ carra"cf fo ></Te 6esf of /r7�r /nforr/sofio/7 oi7d 6o/imf� and fhof f/ie GoraerS of o// Lafs Ond Z?/oclrs rr�Cre P/oii//y rr/oriFed an dfie�grovi/o� or�s lYere Sef at /rro'/Gat'eo' 0/7 t"hP /alas f/iaf Sa/D' S!/rve� l�OS /77a,de /%7 9tr/Lf occorc%ne1- AvIf/i SeC11or7s /f9&O to /f99y' os o/r/mei7dvd of she /°7a/ifica/ Codes of /Ymloirforro Subscribed 4/7d ssvori7 Al before 177e /y%y comrr//.ssior/ Pxp/r�r .�_ z_3 � ✓-`� /�esio/i� of /fo/is/oe// /Ylonfor/o. I EEi4.'T/F/GATE OOP- CO, ATTORNEY STgTE Of' MONTRNR 55 COUNTY O7F /'Lf/THERO,} �� � ^ �_ _ /0 and far the ofor�soid Cowl do hereby certify that / hove exo/r7//sec/ she CB/'J�ifico/`P of f/7✓e of .7//Scer/SEo/ �r6shoc7Lor' ,and Oscar O/so/s ord /l9or� - O/son ors a svnPrs in APP /e 01f f'he !or/d s P/o/frd_ Oofed of /`�o/isle/%O/7/Lf/74 this _/S' day Co. A/forr?y CER T/F/CATE" OF CO. COMM ST.S'7E OF MONTRN 91 go. COUNTY OF FLRTHEROJJ /^n � r7J ofiiBo/ Baord of Crnour/_y fo/nrr//sianvfrasrChairf� rthe Ofoeeso// eI40 here6 f mePf� of tfia /le/O� O/7 7`%7e AVe eX0/T7/neG'7/ a/7d a��ro /iY0/ f/7e o�o Cheo/ p/o7L a. C/er.E C/7oir n Co. C0177 ss/a/7ers CERT/F/GATE Of CO. SUR IiEYO,e STATE OF /NONTRNf/ COUNTY OF FLf/THEfi0 S,'S• CovT7�y Svry of; //7 or/� for fire oforeso/d Coan>`i� ==�Q/.I.Z`�9�-1fLLG�•-� _ Ca. Jr'urv�or, i SUNSE T ADO/ T/ON IN e.. %2 of E. fie of S.WYy of S.E. %, SEC. 7, T.28N., R. 2z4Y. /Po .T(/L ✓ /9" i