STORMS_MERIDIAN_LOTS_L11_and_12_B3_AMD_3-11-25_SMNj1,/-;;p6 s sr SANDS SURVEMG 1"5 ThW AMW E' EAST Pt 40617' 6"/ "Ab• 66P0/ DATE S£PTEMPER 21 /990 FEW AAdMaSE AEASGRE LEGEND 0 FOUW (AS NOTED) AREAS LOT // LOT /2 0.202 AC. 0./ 19 AC. c e rA C1 Z BLOCK 3rd STREET $ WEST I BLOCK 2 TOTAL 0.321 AC. � r 4 0 S AMENDED PLAT OF LOTH 8 /2, BL:K. 3, STORM'S MERIDIAN LOTS A SUBDIVISION /N THE SE//4 NE//4 SEC. /3, T2BN., R.PPW., P. M,,M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA ;. w JAL ^ rnr�r-r fai«► r 19 FW aa-PM1 BY 2949LEs w 0 a 7 ""a a Ism � , noon 01looms s+Nr s ar wls►�a"sonl�aM�s: Trllt ors Ill► �►, ss , AWA"W"& 'no waftm, Arm now �►sa�riw.�r As limw, Carus sift the boast dame Of Lot oily Book 36 ME !!"OIIox notl w W01k � of M tIRrMlty, UNIU Nl�), I tiab .is a sae crew : w"" am bwmwwy of sold LoR lI a tislaboe at Wool " 40 A �aa pill ae 00 sowllaaat aaewsr t. 'AIMMa an >sl•lM�11�i __ ___i !M sowth Lot Ilta� no axask 3 , at said >rImm a AMMUM z,a a at w.r 4s ft PAN we as 9e00Meat ooewc at salt Ifs awl► s3ap the test s at � asps:.. ,wlt ► • ire& lA awlR tiM=:0'! 99.2 � t0at�b � � � U 34 % iv et to A"a s ' a a aMa 4aa0! iba>ilM����tlRwt Nis ba' boom ggas aOIIj. T= A1111111411 ii"i" O• LO* n 6 at! 'no ,Wft 16, mow* monm LO"Ai. I COMM py TMAT TWO TWIN an OF gas Mtti "1010 Or LAW its To RSLOCATS CGI m RoERI uaT LIMts RLTM01 ABC pawoM'Tlss, RirJ m OT AN = 14 QMa- -- ! OM 11�naws err A No AOOITIOMAL TRACts ARs ESSAW CRsNFUDs T Mel TMt! 89MIOM OF LAMS If 23=01 WNW m vp As A MODXVM M PUW= "T TO sICTVOW 76-3-207 (a)X.C.A. AND Is AL*0 saMMT! TMI RIrISM M= WW1%MA 0WWAMM O/ MSALTM AND MVIVIONNOWAL SCIENCES RMW AS FOR SMCTTOM 10-1"05-2 (b). ttherebl0 we bow oawsed owr hands to be this Of ylOw-X 11 . 1 % - 11 ss COMY Y OF TLA"WAD ) on isWi * day of I�LUW? MkA- , 190" before as allotaryor La)j*a Dzwp the _�- State , At"a , P ly appeared a tau e� o�i WWW ne to be the to person(s) se na"(s) are ib" to the i"trubent and acknowledged to tin that they executed the saws• w a N�oot:aarryy Yub&lc Rssidiwg at kc�� fair t3w "tote ofr eostai—T�'�T�" My salon esp ttw c. ti CerrlT ' Oftecosue' ,xp E s s. SAM , 19q sT"Z OT NDMTANA ) si OGUM OF TLATMSAD ) Tiled for record this q day of z,,__, 11.01Q,0 ate=-c c ock _LM Ra Cowa<t C1eik and)Recorder t MOO SHEET I OF I SHEET