STANLEY_ADDITION_NO_42_12-3-8_SAN�!/4 CORNER 12 7 FD. BRASS CAP per CORNER REC. 0 140. 2 - �. us�-� 1910.00 o 1/ RAp1US RAD.= 1650.00' � L=379 I u LOT 5 002 W In n (0 N e SCALE :1"=100' \Ag!Z'i rose LEGEND • FOUND POINT AS NOTED O SET 31120" IRON PIPE STAKE WITH BRASS DISK STAMPED ES 2989. ACRES 245.55' N. 89.12' 00" IN, PIPE SET 1.0' WEST ON LINE. m It w Im IN • 3i i0 0 jy O Z CO Q It O so u5 2 12 13 STATE OF-MONTANA COUNTY OF FLA/�THEAD Filed on the _!S dhv Af X/Y` 301 N U) Z 3 -. 4f STANLEY ADDITION N0. 4.2 Cb;RTIFR':ATI: OF DF:n'(1:ATI01 STATE of \10V'I':AN:A )SS ('Ol N'FV 01' FI'ATIIE:AD) IiO� ti'I'V';I,): (,I;FVIMIJ:1". A \1OVI':AN:A (Olil'( 1i\Ti0N, 'ncnec IC tile propel" cle oiled heloA. d.)e= herehv cc Ii::<,:..,, it ;:as caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted irito a lot as shown by the plat hereon and described in this (EI;TIFI('_ATE O' IVDIC ItTION ae follows: i tt pot o )' :le 1 /4 Southe,ts't I / 4, St•1; for 1 1'own�hip _­8 \orth lunge 22 ACeSt, Flathead ('o -a ', Al')utana desk') i; (cd as ' of low Cununen �.g a- it icci stake r1 ill Sat iiea�t , ui Ii,er o! Section 12 ❑c,'n•din to the corner record t: o" , , g ,ere ) .1'etl ,�� A4. F:. A lec•ic�l ,1 ncc t',olig 1i1e. F;Ir:1 I1 of Set ','a 1:' North 0 48'00 Ira,t .)G0.0o feet: tl,t :' a North 89" 12'00" \Rest 30.00 feet to a 'i/4 " 1 20" iro;, pipe. :take n the AAc �t line AL•ridt.u+ Noad at the Point n` Pcg nni•tg, thence• co 'inuing North 811 l::'oo" West 24) 5. 'c(,1 :a 3/4'� x t.on pipe stake: tht e S -t` 1 0 8 ' 2 0 " \Aest ' 4. (1 feet, then: eS,)u*h 68' 4:i'n0" A1est 148. 27 to t: thence North P 2ii' ,..,�� F:apt Bail.41 tee. o tl:e Scntthe,t ,e o' w,t♦ iiue 1 I Iligltwav- N11mhe•r `. ccllich rn•tt it in a 1.850 00 'o,t radius curve c � .ave tiout ntving a I c hen. c rl. radial i,c t u ){ '> ):ti: 12 11'10' E.a't; +Leuce No t..c a te•rlc along; 11'e , urve th»•ottgh a , t•r.'.;tl a•tgle of 11 ;'0 " 37". 78 'ee, 1,1 „ e \Aest title of \Icridi;r, Fi.)td: lien((. glomthe kAest line ti,11'.IL 0 48'00" \Ae 148.10 feiet to the Poi:1t. of Beginning, (onta'inillg o.00'2 acr(•s of tat I to be known as `TAN LI.Y :A1)I)l'FIOS Dated t;,is t l day V1'I0.A u•� On ..his t.Sa day o'' N1�r 1' i.c`Fuee mf• V)',try Puhlic in and for the State of _11o1n 1 ,1 p',rs'lnall upperlred BOY Llrm it to tnc _ a Irt• tt,e {'1z id' n1. au,l (':\IIUI, :\. S'I \S I 1:ti', known o me to Ili- tite Secre u o KO , '-IT I,I:`• C'IIEVIMTA. I . A A10V'I :AN:1 ('Olil'OR.A'I'IU\. -.town 'u me to I e e [)Ili so c> wh'.ose ,range>: ,t, e ,t`ii'xed to il,e IC AT1ON and a, know'ledged to ,:Ie 'hat tilt•v. I' <t•r11'ed tl,e saint . N: a I'tlil.c ); te S•.ate n- .at, taaa, nru..;,• Aiv Con mi,<-io1 e_ Aires ten_ .2� /973 C'ERTIF•IC':\TE OI ('11" COI N('Il. We, L HF;\('F: G. I;.IORNF:I'l \1: v o o° t; 1 1 ;ra W I�ali=o, Il, Alontana and '(:E GE BEIARD C'itc Clerk of said City of Kal- i4pc Al n1Jlatia do he reov c ertt that tl t : cgul n nx 1 tnn o( till ('itv ('n.ntdilf e halt ,p' 11, 1 c )tan held on '1.is _� f day o olle-" ielz_ . 1F)7'J we ex:uninecl tt,e fiat of S'F \S I.I'Y ADDI I I 1'. N). 4"' i dut)Ll aye ; r do 1 rebv approve of sane anti a at t:nu p io,t of a P,trlOF s;t ud ill liell t t c'as' p o! c•yt,al crti�.ro. �� O--- O �_ VcRF:M'F. (i.- lit oliS it - \lav-or � (;F:( GF F3F.,ARI)SI.F? . 'itg C'Ic•rk m C'FaRTIFIc'-vI'I: OI- CI1, " ES(il.AI:1':Ii ro STATE OF MOVf':A\:\ i . ('oP\•r1 of FI,:\'I'11I: AD)SS 1, I,. I:. Alc('L[S L'I('li, ('itv ICn'ineer for tt:(. c'itY')I' KztIir:petl, Alontana do hertehy certifv -hint I have es:unined the flat or Map':f 1 7 S'f'ANLI:1 :ADDITIO\ NO. 42 ;It. l I.he s:n yo it vepres;•uts and I :'it, 1 Il.;1, ,' e stone cor,fot Ms ro law and (1_) f;crc'nv approve o; ;utne. FD. SPIKE per CORNER REC. Dated this /y A? WHEELER) _--dav' of _�(�� ���✓ 1'172. I.. 13.. _IIcCLIV'l'I('1i-<'it) 1;n meet-_b.Q f._ _ (_ CERTIFICATE. of SF KVIa" 18 STATE of MONT ANA I COUNTY oF' FLATILEAD)SS a IIARC�I 'lltD'I', it rei=tc red C ivi F'.ugi,wer ,end Laud Survevor certify tl-tat the plat. hereon portray= a st:rvev' tnade i,v me in October' sh00% that raid plat t: t, t,e arid crunplete as shown and that the nlwn'nie'nts found and set are of the chary' ter at.d occup•: 'h p>sitionsQhuwt, thereon. D. U RQ1 AIIED'1'- Reg 1. 2i18f1 P:S- STATE of MONT,XN:A ) . COF NTY OF 1' :AT I,HE:ADiS'S 9 O r this day of , 1 I) r 2, he fore me it \o)tar)- Publi,, in and for the St tie o: \1 , itana person;illy appeare and known I" me to he the person whose name is ;affited to the Certificate of Sarver a,;d ackno" leciged to me that, he executed the same. _ 11 C'omnr,ssio❑ expires_ of t ublic of t t4' \Iootana _� . Deputy R di'ng at Kalispell, Ml )ntana -' r n, J♦ a r. ... 7 ry I w.y. Y _ -r. �.k i i,A, { 4. ♦.'L. r. 'Y y�� ♦ '.f ... 4- I A' A, .4W . v , i .'� .: n'v .. a ... ♦ . . �. ,]P .. .. 3i' ..� :k_.. t ,r . a .,.. w. ,. ,.., ,t• ... - .. s ,rr.:,r- t. .� .H • . ., ., .'4 ., b .. x y.f _rq. '4 t ,".rhyiy..♦ ., i:.:} N y. ,,. N' ht. + .. ,.I. v .v Y♦.�ir'♦vT.+l�a�bi .5., n .10.v.-� ,F.y �.: �.. e. < f w ... . r r �a•�t .. +k�> bhe ,..M+lixal. { 1 .. :.u' t �.: i. n. .1• .. .'�'\,:T. L r , ... .:. : ,. t. c...:' .. . � :r ., .. .: y ':� is .. ,. } Y.n .. a, .. -.•'< _,... ....41.. vn.. ..r ,, , e..ea�'F..Rw-r. ., ,�0�, .! "�kz f ..Y .w 'o^�wer.-m a, r a,f [tt.. •N.e. .. ',. .. ... .; ♦r . w o s r a r(:. r: o. t. ., :....i a 4W. �. . A?y r ♦ rr .♦�: �., . i<::VY.. Yr fa + 1f.. s}. -R,.� :. •�., t... �,. A Lf'"i.5.rr'r-... .. e . .. u. .�'•"G..,�,... I