SILVERBROOK_EST_PH_1_AMD_L50_and_51_B18_20180068_SI0L. 5D- 0505980y L.5/-04;10b/85 gy qll vhs 2383 FOOTHILL RD KALISPELL, MT 59901 406-756-9633 SCALE 1"= 20' 20 10 0 20 40 Amended Plat of LOTS 50 & 51 BLOCK 18 SILVERBROOK ESTATES PHASE 1 \-�— T utility easement o \ T to \ SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 29 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, FLATHEAD COUNTY Lot 52 Ngp11610515 140,45' Ng0°15'S8">±,14p.45' LOT 51 15,164 Sq. Ft 0.348 Acres 6 0' RB=S_�1606' R=175.00' `\ L=78.9r \ A=25051'14" \ R=175.W (R) R=175.00' \ L=85.19 Ir78.82' A=2705141" d=25048`25" \ c�1•� 0�5 R=175.00' \)SS61rt� bo.131 A=2°0027" LOT 50 \ \ 152433 Sq. Ft 0.354 Acres Isl \ \ \ \ \ LEGEND 0 Set se diameter tebarwith 13/" diameter yellow plastic cap stamped GLACIER SURVEYING RKW 13110IS Found %" diameter mbar with IX" diameter yellow plastic pp stamped Sullivan 9095 IS Read infonndknperthe PldofSihvb=k Estates Phase 1 mwds of Flathead Comm#, Montow O-tlddnrr BASIS OF BEARINGS Plat of Silverbrook Estates Phase 1 records of Flathead County, Montana ✓ titi�� R=175.00' ✓ S5 I:-163.75' A=53036'43" \ R=175.W \ L=78.65' A=25045'02" \ 4 \ 4 5' utility easement n� b Lot 49 Q0 Owners: Paul W. Copecla vet Jeniferj. Mitchell S$vermont Properties LIS P Date: August 2018 Purpose BoundarylineAdjustmeat Descri ttom Lots 50 and 51 Block 18 as shown on the Plat of SikecbrookEstates Phase I lyiagin Section 13,Township 29 North, Range 22 West Principal Meridian Montana, Flathead County containing 0.702 acres of land, more or less, all as shown hereon. Subject to and together with appurtenant easements of record The above described reacts of land are to be known and designated as the AMENDED PLAT OF LOTS 50 & 51 BLOCK 18 SILVERBROOK ESTATES PHASE 1: 2 ner's Cadficatiom We herebp certify that the purpose of this sure Tis to relocate common boundaries between existing lots a platted subdivision that five of: fewerlots ate affected and that no additional lots are hereby created. Thetefore,this survey is exempt from review as a subdivision pursuant to Section 76 3-207 (1) (d) M.C.A. We certify Lots 50 and 51 ate exempt from sanitation review by the Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to ARM 17-36.605 (4 (b) as a parcel that has no existing facilities for water supply, wastewater disposal, or solid waste disposal other than those that were previously approved by the reviewing authority under Tide 76, chapter 4, part I M.C.A. or that were exempt from such review because no new fatuities will be constructed on the parcel and the division of land will not cause approved facilities inviolate any conditions of approval, and will not cause exempt facilities to violate any condition of exemption a vet jeeo fer j. Michell STATE OF MONTANA SS COUNTY OFPLATHEAD��✓ On r_ j day of p 018, before me, the undersigned, a NotatyPublic for the State of Montana, i Personally appeared the above -signed, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the fisegoinginstrunent and owl«lged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notary Seal the day and year first above written.goof ruetmeta `P�14 MaiOinaat K�hoM. Monrms car �atioA Exms_ a amwy'ya. iota ». Sllvermont Properties LLLP By Name a -Ire/' i mil. C-'Z Cr-1 {� Title _ a y STATE OF MONTANA :SS COUNTY O$ FLATHEAD ) On this—U—day of �M c"tNO2/ 2018, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, Personally aPPeared the above -sped, known to me to be the person whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowleW to me that they executed the some. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notary Seal the day and year first above written "M Mwr 8ntad Mo Waiaina st Kablo a.mwom I Dated this l day of _ ,2018 SURVEYORS NOTE: Surveyor has made no investigative or independent search for easements of rarotd, encumbrances, restrictive covenants, ownership tide evidence, or any other facts that an accurate and current tide search may disclose. EXAMINING LAND SURVEY^ORAPP1� R_,OVL: A Dated this 1',Itkda of %1�1 W,IX 2018 tKl s Examining LandSury tti5 Montana license No. 7328 S- 41 -1-7 I STATE OF MONTANA ) :SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) FILED ONTHE ADAYOF eAber 2018 AT 16:68 O'CLOCK K, PAIDFRAMi� -DO30'ae cY O;'k k. CLERK & RECORDER BY DEPUTY INSTRUMENT REC. No. oW Do0 a1WA/.3_ rtie i� aMoora Plat # 20180068 Abstract# N/A 201800022543 Fees: $29.00 by: TM by GLACIER SURVEYING Date 9/14/2018 Time 10:58 AM Debbie Pierson, Flathead County Montana SHEET 1 OF t SHEETS