RIDGEVIEW_SUB_AMD_L2_and_3_11-1-25_RIEG' CC i /,, ,07 BY: DONALD R. LARSEN SURVEYING HBO TWO MILE DR., BOX 2071 KALISPELL, MT AMENDED PLAT OF LOTS 2 & 3 OF OWNERS : MOWER & ANDERSON RIDGEVIEW SUBDIVISION SEPT., 1988 LOCATED IN GOV/T LOT 8 SEC. 6, T 28N9 R 21 W, P. M. M. FLATHEAD COUNTY, MT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Two (2) tra.cts of land, situate, lying and being in Gov't Lot 8 of Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, N.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Lots 2 and 3 of the Ridgeview Subdivision, a map or plat on file and of record in the office of the Flathead County Clerk 8 Recorder, as amended on the annexed plat and made a part of this legal description. The above described tracts of land are to be known as the "Aimended Plat of Lots 2 and 3 of the Ridgeview Subdivision". (6aS15 Of BcavrTtq) 201 0 20 40 �� z LEGEND FOUND 5/8" REBAR 0 SET 5/8" RE BAR d CAP STAMPED 3980 S NOTE: As the measured distance from the Northwest Corner of Lot 4 to the Northeast Corner of Lot 2 is 3.31 feet short of record distance, the nortth line has been proportioned. OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that the purpose of this survey is to relocate common houndaries of two (2) existing parcels in a platted subdivision; fewer than 6 par- cels are affecte nd no additional parcels are here- by created; th refq,re, this survey is exempt from re- view as a sub ivij�ion pursuant t SecLfq Tfi-3-.207 (e) M.C.A. / State of Monta.ra County of Flathean On this day of in the year, 198 9 , before me, fiery sonal y appeared JIN'Y�-v � /,Z.C-L✓{l�r%. ,and _ 2Y�rta-�- �x, known to me to be the persons whose ea•r.es are subscribed to the within in- strument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. 9 „ NOTARY PUBLIC RESIDING dt�4 My Connnission APPROVED: or the State o xuires ontana 41 , 198S Examining Land Survey ryistratIT No.��5 CERTIFICAATE of SUPVi_YUR onal(I R. IFdrsen, 398U- 0 DONALD R it LAR-EN a !r f t STATF of MONTANA )SS COUNTY of FLATHFAD ) Filod for record this day Of_ ���� 198L ato'clock,_�M. County C erk R Recorder by:222C�k) BOOK PAGE__ INST. REC. NO. 3