QUARTER_HORSE_EST_RESUB_L2_and_3_and_8_and_9_and_and_10_pg2_8-11-38_QHRgi� -)/ -4 0 B a v�j /A. By: Lensen Enpp/needng end 8vfwy/ng, /na, P.C. Civil Hngin"jYng and Land Surveying P.O. S®x 2071 780 TWO Aoffis Dfiiv® Kalispell, Mont 59901 Aftone: 40 --752 78018 D rnW R. Larsen, P.LS JefH. Larsen, P.E., AL& 0 SUBDIVISION PLA T RHmSUf Lip/ VISION OF L 0 TS 2p Sp 8p 9 A 10 OF O(�,!i R TER R HORSE f- S I ,� TES S S1 /2 OF SECTION 2, T. 28 N., R. 22 W:, P.M.M., FLATHEAD CO., MONTANA I U"I./TYCERT/F/CATE A ten (10) foot wide utility easement is hereby reserved for each lot of this subdivision, centered on the utility service for each lot. Said easement shall extend from the point of origin to the required service point. The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide, telephone, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, ' the right to the joint use of an easement for construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities in and under each area designated on this plat as Utility Easement" to have and hold forever. All extensions or additlons to existing and future utilities shall be underground. �n A(t Y OWNE Mo OWNER State of Montana) SS: County of Flathead) On this ��1' .�dayy of in the y or 200 { before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared l+u /ate ° T �f F idr M"fg fez aftt known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, dnd acknowledged to me that they executed the some. NOTARY PUBLIC for the tate o o tana RESIDING ate. My commission expires U f C-) 1 '7 OWNER OWNER State of Montana) �S County of ftathd) On this -4�da of Se ern in the year 200 before me a Notary Public for the State of Mo , personally appeared err' ._ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the f egoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. n - NOTARY P LIC for the State of--Merrtana L36d�,' -5 ` RESIDING at- 6/_vGD I My commission exp' es !�. ItC State of Montana) SS: County of FI thead) /' On this day of in the year 200 `t�, fore e a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared E o me to be the person whose ribme is subscribed to the foregoing ins rumen , a' -acknowledged to me that they executed the some. VAIVI 2 '1• NOTARY P for the to o Mort)=J� RESIDING aI. M commission expiress A a I' Owner. Harlan & Sheila Johnson Living Trust; Terri F, Smiley, Levi F. & Hannah F. Wilner; Robert & Patricia Beberg; Roderick S. & Sherie E. Leese; Ronald & Marcia Sharpe Dale: ✓u/y2004 CERT/F/CA7F OFDED/CAT/ON I (We), the undersigned property owners do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed and plotted into lots all of the following described property as described in the Certificate of Dedication and shown by the annexed plat or map situate, lying and being in the South 1/2 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: Lots 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 of Quarter Horse Estates, a map or plat on file in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder. Containing 60.0 acres of land. Together with and subject to all easements apparent or of record. The above described property shall be known as the Re -Subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 of Quarter Horse Estates. In witness whereof I have caused my hand to be set this_ _-day of200 _'� . OWNER --V OWNER State of "n 'SS County of ) L On this of �" in the year 200! , before me a Notary Public for the State of ft� personally appeared__ r �__ Sm. ____, known to me to be the l� b CcnriL' v� person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some. NO PUB the State of -Me star a- L C e Vi S: ✓\ RESIDING at My commission exprYes--Oh � � ' - Via.,, I� � � q� • State of Montana) SS: County of Flathead) On this the yer 200_ before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Kul v sA ft�.-{ 4 a_��_crwnown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, an acknowledged to me that they executed r,z the some. _ State of Montana) SS: County of Flathead) �-�'�� On this IS� day of t � , in the year 200A-_, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared VCL 1PCSf`,L-V-llfQd known to me'to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing i` s d acknowledged to me that they executed the some. • MOy` NOTARY P L for e State of Mo no 8X: °7 RESIDING a �(_ =m' My commission expires (( '� ; CER77F/CA7E OFOQUAff YCOWM/SS/O/VERS We, the undersigned, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana and _, County Clerk of said County, do hereby certify that this accomponying plat of Re -Subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10 of Quarter Horse Estates, Flathead County, Montana, c`s has been submitted to the Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana for examination and ound by them to conform to low an was op roved by t m at a regular meeting held on the t-day of Chairman -Board of County C mmissioners County Clerk -Flathead County Flathead County �RD gym,>m/ TE Of CERT/F/CA TE OF COUAMYA TTORNAEY This plat has been examined by the office of the County Attorney according to Section 76-3-612 (2), M.C.A Relying on Title report No. and has been approved bo upon information submitted by the developer and/or his agent. 15?$ -Y9NX date by a INSTRUMENT RECORD NUMBER 2"6643 OZ.11(so SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET(S) 0 NOTE: ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET