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, E,?yg1b6wf Yho And Surmidn9p I vi, , 2Rxs21'�G we rd�L; 2V-,'h i,'t,�.°rm �dt'd r `'r, j ,s r . .e pu. r,Y REBAR P 1,vP eY 'tic :. td 89'42':5t" C _._ _._-......._ . '794.1 z - s9r , , - 250' ';ODE E.P.A. TRANSMISSION EASMENT. ,� vr 3 axe : i (BASIS OF BEARINGS, C.O.S, 7970) N 89'42'57" E 1316.55 Cl/4 CORNER, '. /8- REBAR AND CAC' BY 2510-S I 80' MDE ACCESS'. AND----j 26.G9 _ I UTILITY EA5FMEhrT, t CENTERED ON PROPERTY ; LIME FOR FUTURE ACCESS TO 'ME NORTH. F� T2 g ^ "" 10.006 ACRES (GROSS) q o "' 9A19 ACRES (NET) . + G nt) RADIUS, ACCESS _ , ANDtlT11!T; EASFkdffJT. i =6 ) R 0.0( ACCESS fiCi D� PRiVA.E A(.t,.. a..: W9 t. , -gt)°cr5'2ti"-1 f L-61.81 -- AND UTILITY EASEMENT F +; - Y _. I � t R e .Fri s , i �1 (CENTERED o;T PROP. YtH , Al 4" %g k Cu T i , i Lora $r tv. .,'? 1 16 AC,REL `NEB, ra ,� �. NY 'Lorg le <6 � ; ,. 10.000 ACRES GR03S" 9.5? ACRES NET) u3 4t4r+ re° ER ` `5' REBAR r' r) 2 1r-S. 89AR'll' y,:` A ten (10) feet Mac extend lino the paint „S+/10 CIORKER, 5/8° REBAR & CAP BY 251E-S. 1 2 OF SECTION 2, T. 2 , 22 W.p P" FLATHEAD CO., MONTANA 200 G 200 _..._._.._____. 400 600 Feet HORiZONiAI SCALE: 1° : 200' 27.80 LOT 41 10.003 ACRES (GROSS) 9.11 ACRES (NET) OIZ*5 S 8T4S 3 W O.tA6r-Treg i4vxsa L_*, 4E 4LOT 1 1(1019 ACRES (GROSS) C4 9.57 ACRES (NET) Out SE1/1:6 CORNER, REBAR & CAP BY 1312.57 S 89'412" W n+ is iwirbFy reserved for each lot of this subdivision, .entered on the utility service for each iot. Said easement shaft 'he required servilee point. The urraersigned !^areby gran' a rto eucF ar d ew+xv person, firm or corporation, whether pudic or prWe, provirIrg or offering to provide, teleiefene, efectdr power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to fire Public, the right to the iolnt use of an easement f,r construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their tines and ether facilities, In and airier cacti arch designated in thin {riot as "Utility Easement' to ho're and hops forever. Aft ex#etY^vignti nr eidion7 t,, n"g ar3�tu?e uttI1,r. shelf be. underground, State of Niolta'i a; z County Of Fkl r On this _dc personoLy appF,:aFed_/*41_U_ > person wahose, r o.r.e iLsubcoAbed t'; the scree. y' aft; ilu a 2001 .. .. ^S4 ) -1..5.'x>vf7°i tl,awa c, 4 in the Year Qu_r.�_ tefor <ne a Notary ?wUFrily err the Stara ©f Montana, /a Known to 'ne. to be nil- n F .cx cuted P.: :. Yi "r:rat C. �r,'r, in,tritrnen ar,w vaKliala.td t:. c .h a rca g� Y NOTARY PUB E" a tiTa rt fe of Montana RFSOINc My cornmissi n expires ,(4 rgtl; $k S. 97 1 W Z (C. 0 S. 6127) GE 1/16 CORNER, 5/8" REBAR & CAP BY 5428--S. N 89'42'57s E �.r�. vn L®T4 Lou L®Ts t T7 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) In 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) 5,001 ACRES (GROSS}I m 4.78 ACRES (NET) !2 I 4.78 ACRES (NET) '� 4.78 ACRES (NET} 4.33 ACRES (NET) !! CIZoi teal r :� AREr COUNTY ROAD CENTERED ON SECTION UNIT) IF Gf. DEGLARED I F.., 88'58'35" E 128&04 �i - c: 10 -.. _ _ - LoriLorif L0r12 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) 4.78 ACRES (NET) 4.78 ACRES (NET) I iip3 � 'lo}o i c I cn 4.',5 620.45 f N 89,35'11' W 'r i I ar T _ z3o 5,000 ACRES (GROSS) e„^ i 4,78 ACRES (NET) 317.12 320.29 620.21 13 •;`' 131 .49- N 89'48'12' E 24.80 I (SML W4 TFR -- .. (60' DECLARED COUNTY ROAD, CENTERED ON SECTION LINE) SUBDIVISION PLAT NOTES A. All lot addresses and unit numbers shall be visible from the road, either at the driveway entrance or on the structure. B. All utilities shall be placed underground. C. On street parking is prohibibited. D. All lot owners within the subdivision shall waive the right to protest an RSID on the private road within the subdivision boundaries. k i I i I fi SE SECTION CORNER. M.D.T. ALUMINUM ! l) MONUMENT PER j j l C.O.S. 13423. CER77FICA TE OF CA rt 1 (,l# , the undersigned property owners do hereby certify that d* have cclused to be surveyed acid flatted Into lots ail of the following described property as described in the certificate of Dedication and shown by the annexed plat co trap situate, lying and being in the `oath 1fi2 of Section ", Township 28 North, Range 22 `'Nest, p.M,M., Flathead County, Montano and rric•re particularly dirs.ribed as foliowst Beginning ,at the C1 116 comer of anid Secti.n 2; theme N 8942'57" E, f294,12 feet to the Gi/4 c rrnar of said Seot;rm as hirfrca i4 39"42'u1" E, 1346.55 fee. to the f .1/16 cory yr $ ;•aid 'Section ; thence 'C' 5 L° , , f c f e r' 2; t% u f,'046'33° W, 1353.83 i+; k19 T2.,!" t, i'7C 't; feet the Ei, IC corner :; veld � iron =., '1er1c F feet along the East bo+urfalmy of said Section .2, said ;mint is the Northeast ,-,ortrur of 5uhdiuislon No. 204, a Mali or plant on flie in the office of the, Flathead County Clark and Recordor', therice S 8Q'48'1Z W, 1312.49 feet to the Northwest corner of sold Subdivision No. 2,04; thence N 0036'18" E, 280 feet to the SEij16 corner of said Section 2: thence S 83°48'12' W, 1312.57 feet 10 the CSI/16 corner of said Section 2i thence S 89°48`11" W, 1300,96 feet to the SWI/'',Fi comer of said Section 2; thence N 00°43'54' E, 1319A3 feet to the point at beginning. Containing 120.03 acres of land. Containing 120.03 acres of land. Together with and subject to all easements apparent or of record. The above described property shall be known as Quarter Norse rstates Inc witnea;s whereof i b.avc , ritIced my hand to be set tills .. ..f5ty = 20G �(- _........ ,_. A" L;' R l � tydtlEk v =tt State of Montana) SS, County of Fiat e i r 1.. T.. f..- v. Y. Y. i t. ..d Montana,v _ f r t i v. f2 r the sta e e .. a ,vF.a Public f e year vUt. before .. }� r 1i the r _ ran thls 5.�.�.da J �w_. ..,.//, ,a� , , personaity app+tared� y ._ knE'r;dr) f'Gr riffs to bE'' +nc ', Person Whose Warne � s E,Faribe! the fartgoing i a ntc..Fs=ia 5 kn wi ¢y)e,.€ to „� t",ia# executed dt; ,he name. N{CTARry`,' atif3it �hc :3t�r c1 Murr}care My mi' exist � .._ . , . ...... 1'1e, the undersigned, )pia +1 i_�.�'�`:..{{i .. ilir!{r "xi�7r1 i`r i4`i+, i2€}*Xr,{ .`lf ra,i vkrY f.�.:: t4}riG; C" t",Y Flathead County, ia' ontori{7 Gri Ci.'�%.°�+�`'r.A,�_�?�, � �.ti.,ix.'teI �, _, County +..,relk 'i said CotPnty, do hereby ertlty that this accomparrying plot of Quarte'r Horse F"C tu:i, Flathead' tCrawsty, Montano, has, been 4,otcn,it't<dcl to rr +. Montana has n found a fft#N'Yt to „'. :r Ar^ e .. i atl3 ,t7Y e?fSlY rTiCSa,iC7Yt 71d a i3..v the E3aitrd of Commissioners Y.+tpt...� of Flathead . aurrfy, Meat e y Conform t,c f low/end woo approved by thern at a re±,ritlor meeting held on the ;� -dog F Q fJtralrrnan r3oarf of t101„rrr,p C€,mrnl.,,resrrer„ tcrurrty Clerk -Fi!atil..ta# ,c,. � Hothead Count„ M... , j f r ! € i , a�hii rai.",A. This plat ia.F tr:1 .xamincrf s the }tile;: ei the C;rrttniy Attrrrruy a err ,ra r . . r 1 } (j, Relying cir, Tide report No �onrt hris been approved, hood clprYrl r-torrrtabov rtibfmbled by the: developer and/or cis agent. leyA date by W,Fc-nr) l CORNER 1AS e101F.D. .�C,E1�3ESU/1!/Ml�;° 1 r(ftNEf {A<; ilFSTFt'rj FC1, - 20.002 ACRES fGROSS)) LOT f - 16.24 ACRES (NEr) - 10.000 ACRES �W20S5} [01 2 - 9,09 ACRES (NET) t.F:NTER OF SECTION �A r 'si,i0 i; - 10.003 AV2ES GROS )))) I,07 3 914 ACRES (,NFT% - 5,000 ACRES GROSS) LOT 4 - 4.1D ACRES /NFT @ i2 C ORNITR (,AS NOTFID) LOT 5 - 5.000 ACRES (GROSS) LOT 5 4 78 ACRES �NF n LOT 6 - 5,000 ACRES (GROSS) LOT C 47 ACRES tvEt1 ( ) S FOUND 3 dA RE9AR to t;Ap, 2516 3 ktt€'!:_ES t r rfff'r;i, UT 7 - 5.001 ACRES C,ROS5 0-1 , 4 3 ACRESS NET, }T 8 - 20,GO2 ACRES (GROSS) L.n.T b t7.13 ACREC YNET)) L' 9 - 10,000 ACRES (GROSS) LOT 9 9.52 ACRES AT) � SFT 1/2' n 21- RFHA 1NiTh FLi't,°vTi� tOT TO -- 10,019 ACRES (GROSS) Loi 10 - 3.57 ACRES AT PiF STAkiF tt, LARSEN ` 2 ,'. tF LOT 1T -Sono ACRES (GROSS) LOT t1 - 4.78 ACRES (ME r LOT 12 - 5.000 ACRES (GROSS), LOT' 12 - 4.78 ACRES (NET, LOT 13 - 5.000 ACRES GROSS LOT 13 - 4.35 ACRES INET) 00 NoWbr' 1.ftAMe_�P eew-R- ) LOT 14 - 5,000 ACRES ((GROSS LOT 114 - 4.78 ACRESNETj TOTAL. 120,03 ACRES (GROSS) 10802 ACRES (NET) a } >r z A�,ER 7JIFI JEFT H. dFFFZy E;kkEN KCISTRA1ION NUMBFR 92.rt F. I the undersigned owner of the property shown by this subdivision � . - l.oOtRS�d1 fi p P let plat hereby waiver the right to protest the creation of an RSID on r� 925D-E the private road within the plat's boundaries. This waiver is and U 'r t tinterest, shall he binding on my bans, assigns, and successors nDn dKI, . J Tvfh� XAMINi ' At D "ilk",ESwtJR REG1 TRA71Cil'IUMBEi� Ildleu M. Vol Per adding d. TAIE OF MONTANA _S fr F COUNT( 04 State of Montana) 4 � k" SS: 5' til,. ;Fi?v�>"� ',''r vit- J ,� ,wL`�"'ri.G. County of f fathead) On this_ ,day of LF in the year 2002, before w4me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared ,- - .-- t ; •. • Ct WK Air KF,. (I; R I lelen M. Vogler KaediaTg known to nee to be the person whose , name are subscribed to the foregoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. :. EPU r r i n NOTARY PUBLIC '")rthe,StatecifMontana i.rTi`>.ilrlLal„•rc..+ LD 61,liuiBER ��.,, � ,��°� R> SIIDtNG atr My Commission Ox t es - C fIE2T 1 OF 1 SHEF T):a)