PURDYS_ADD_8-1-1_PURT- c 1 I . 23.63 " gig ,r��aai�°c 12.6120. ° 3+74.4 I r I I I I I I I i II I I I I 1 T- 8W T- 8 T- eu I I I i I � I I I I 1 II , 1 I . I t I I I I II I I I - - - - - - - -I- - L - - - - - - - - - - - -------------I-- - - - - - - - - - - -- If32 I I I T-8A8 I T-8AA �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0+82 I I T- 8A I t — — — — — — — — — — — — —1 — — WEST — 150.0— — — — — — 0+32 18 ( 17 $ k8' 12 W P08 PURDY 132. 30.0� ®30 0' +51.0 0 19 1 20 V IoIn w h r CC 0 ? S. 88012' W 1320' PURDY's ADDITION Lot 2 Lot I N 890 J 30" E 28 O Q O Ct F� W vl r -o 01 W N Q�\\ N ------- - - - - -- 4 -_--------- W A° 00 3 v o C 0 0. ---------Paa14----------------- i 4 V. % ------0`c-------------- - - - - -- 5 ty O PURDY'S ADDITION TO KALISPELL NE114 NE114 Sec. 19-28-21 Scale l" = 50' CERTIFICATE OF uEDICATIiON We, A. A. Purdy and Myrtle G. Purdy, husband and wife of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed and subdivided into Lots as shown on tine annexed plat the following tract of land to wit: A tract of land in the North cast Quarter of the Nolrth East Quarter (NE4NE;) of Section Ninteen (19), Township Twenty-ei.;ht (28) North, Range Twenty-one 1(21) West of the Montana Principal Meridian and being more particularly aescribed as follows to wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 19, Township 28N., Ran gre 21k., M.F.M.; Thence S. 88'121 W. 162.0 feet along the North boundary of Section 19 to the true point of beginning; the:.ce conitinuing S. 88 12, W. 151.0 feet along the North boundary of said section to a point; thence S. 6 G81 W. 173.1 feet to the Northwest corner of Brown's Addition to Kalispell; thence N. 890171 3G. E. 263.0 feeet along the North boundary of Brown's Addition to the West boundary of the County Road known as the Airport Road; thence N. 0*061 E. 103.8 feet to a point; thence S. 8T 121 'w. 132.0 feet to a point; thence N. 00081 E. 75.0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.90 acre. This subdivision to be kAoW as PURDY'S ADDITION TO KALISPELL. IN WITNESS niiE {ECF wE nave set our hands and seals thAs day of n�Q�N_ 1968 A.D. ALEXANDtR P14R1)Y YATL.F. GENE✓/Eve PuRDY STATn OF .MONTAi.A JJ COL:DTI OF 1'vAl'hr ali On this aay of 196t, befure me the undersigne)u, a Notary Public in and for the State of Imontana, ers,_a_iy appcare uAld>aodOPAPfharPu.d,,.,,ary.nedeawl�B°yurdyo hushar:a anu wife, known to me to be the persons wr,ose uamus are subscribeu to ttie foretoinig certificate and acknowledge to me that ttiey executea the game. IN riTN;,SS 'o1nEHEOF I nave set iri; hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. Mary-ollc:--state or Montana Residing at K:aiispell, Montana My commissions expires .z iS` . /9Gp CERTIFI CATc, OF �rivn I, William E. wheeler, a Montana -icensed Professional rnrineer an,d Land Surveyor, re istration No. 394-ES, do hereby certify that under my supervision a -careful anu accurate survey of the tract shown upon the annexed plat, that sal' plat was ;aaue in strict conformity tosaid survey and that the courses and distances are true and correct to ti.e best of my ialowleuge ai,_ elief, and that the corners of all lots were plainly marked on the ground, that sai,i survey ai.0 plat was made in strict conformity with Sections I1-6u1 thru 11- 614-1, as applicable of the Revised Ooae of :,ontan,a 1947. d l _ g/l am h, whleeir i-,on aria Reg. _"o. ro S'I'nTE OF MOi4TA;A o SS COUNTi OF FLAThi:AD o Subscribed and s n to before me, the iv,uersi,�;led, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana this 0 ( %, day of lobo A. /. I'i hITN;,SS WhhH60F 1 havice set my hand and affixed my seal. N 890 584 28 3,16' 2 80.0' gl Gv- S.890 584 430.0' �C) ,001 ..ouar t'unlic--state of '!ontana Resi ing at Kallispell, M terra My commission expires CEHTIFICATE OF COGNTY AT`IrOHNEY A letter from the County Attorney, James H. Oleson, stating ownersi.dp, and a certific�ate of Title /A from a ;icei,sea Abstractor was filed with the County Clerk and Reccarder upon the !A day of 1968 Flatheau Country --State of Montana C CRHTIFI.;dTr. OF COG.,'TY SGiii;i�lOR 1, William c,. Wheeler, i''latheaa County Surveyor in and for the County of Flathead, State mf Montana do hereby certify that I nave examined the annexed lat of FLHy 'S A..d TION TO KA�larhLL and hereby approve the same. Datea at Kalispell, Montana this day of 1968 A.D. . n11v c uL- rlaaneau county Surveyor CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMIMISSIONERS I, Clifford Haines, Chairman of the Flathead County Board of County Commissioners, Flathead County, State of Montana and I, Gleyan E. Mill Ouse Clerk of said board do ]hereby certify that at a meeting of said board held on the / Id- day of 1966 A.D., the annexed plat of FT'RDY1S ADDITION TO KALISP was examine app ve y sa boalyd of commissioners. Said board waives the park requirement as this subdi sion is less than twenty acres in area. Attest: Z oners enn STATE OF MONTANA j COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ( ss Filed oaie._l _.d8y ot......... yown . D.1 ..... at..... o CI ............ ..? ....................... . � ....... owner hr 84wwdw /fa�rLz