S. 89e53�W.
Of Dedication
KA(CW ALL MEN BY 7HESE PRESENTS: that we Nouard J. pbston and .Ar(sboJ L- Poston, hasband and wife of Flathead County,
State of Montana, do hereby certify that us have car[sed to bar sarveyad, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks,
streets and a//eys, as shoran upon the annexes: plat the foliouainy described tract which is a tract in the Sorcfhu eat
Oaariler of the Soathuerst 0144%f4tr (.Sw it SW #) of sect10A 5'eveniteen (17)0 Township Twenty-eight (2B) North, Ranye
7irenty-one (Zi) West of the Mop4nna Principr✓ Meridian awd beriny Avore par(/cu/arly .(escrrbeot as fo/loua, to rr /t:
Beginning at the Southoest corner of fhe afore said Soclion /F7; thence S. 89• So' E. 30.00 feet; thence IV. O• 07' W.
/I57.93 feet to fhe Lrue pyo/et of beginning of thls subd/vls,ion; thence S. O. 07' E. 966.28 feet; thence M 764 1/ E.
373.69 feet; thence s. 58. 49' F. 30.00 feet; thence S. 130 4P9' E. MZ.19 feet; thence S. 896 50' F. 461-30 fewi- %
-the westerly right of easy of U.S.M/ghe+wy 94; thence upon the Westerly right of M& 4 U-S.Nriyhe*5 93 N. 330 00' I✓.
loe6.2a feet; (hence S. 89. 33' W. 45.3/ feet; thence N. Z3+ 34' W- Z7Z.50 feet; hence S. 89• 53' W. /ZO.00 feet to
the po/at of be9inn/ey. The afore said Sdivision to be knmam as POSMV ADDITIOV To KAL%SPELL and that land included
in fhe streets and alleys as shoeun upon the annexed plat is ibereby granfQd sect donated tb -&he "a of fhe public foreuer.
a W?Nelss ►1 UMW -we have signed our /Awwes and affixed otarBrea/s this ZZ�l dray of 194ZA.D.
A /et-t-er fro/n -the Coum-tyy Ai-torney Dean ✓eI1 ison sta-teing
ownership. A certificate of ti-ela -froma licencedmbstractor
anL /etters giving content to platting are i/aoe tv/th -the
C/erk and Recorder upon -the `V 3 day of 196Z.
Glenn E. Mi//house-clerk anar
Flathead Cowrty, Nonfana
On this 22�/ day of AA befer�e nus, 1 , a fld wife,
, k /c
in and for the Stale of Mon a, par a.I/y appeared i-/sward .J. pia ens be/ L. Poston, hasband and urife, b+racun
to me to be fhe persons mho naves are $&Ascribed to the forrgoing certificate, and acknowledged to me tAat--they
executad the sanw.
Residing in Ka / lspe // , MonYAna
Hy Comamrssion expires
r. Donald D. Dahl, Montana Registered Number 798-5., a competent sarueyor, do bereb,Y Certify that &e hanth
of Jenusry /9i2 A.D. aK ruder my supervision a carefal and eaccurate surveymas n"e of the tract as shown capon this
plat, that sold plat urns chide in strict conformity to said siurvey and thart the cortrses and distances are true and
correct to tfre best of myq /9fonnation and be/lef, and that t;he canners of all tots were plain /y ot&eked on the ground,
-that said survey aces rrede in strict conformity with Section /1-601 et. seq. 12 C-M. 1947.
Subscribers and sworn to bsfore me a Notary Public in and for• the State OfMonfana apon this'al-Iday of
Resid"!ng at Aalispel/l, Moat"'L
e/y Corn&#/ssion eXpi res June 8, /963
Certificate Of County Surveyor
1, Oona/d D. Achl, CowA-ty Surveyor M and ter -the County of Plathoad, state of de hereby certify that I have
examined t &#annexed plat of R'1STONADO/T/tA1l 7t7 KAL/sPELL anrd de hefebyasPrraue of the sr�nre, Dated at Ka/isptll, Montana,
the Z3 e.( day of 1962
I, Oscar Wendt, CMie~ of, fhe Board of Comm iss/wners of Flathead County, Stacie of aAd I, G/inn E.
M'{lllOuse, Clark of said. boerd do hereby certify tfhada.,Ea ~eting of said board held on the _day of
194Z A.D. the anneXert plat o, MS7CWADDI7 0M NO MLISPELL man examined and approved by
aid boGof Caftwisaioners- Said ha&.*d w&;Ues rCqui ofa �k in th/s S&Adivisian Ls it is less ihax
tu.urty res in •cress.
Glenn E. it/house-C/ark of Board