PARKDALE_NO_2_12-3-37_PKD3, V '�✓}'£ i..+ w h a q x, I { y r t o : o 3 } e. "+ V6 '3P7J"� ff X�P Zs:..: .- 4 j7(`<i`, t..�.7`m : �;»`�d'L5iY�' d ftm 'fir.-+.,J��$ .� ,. [.a �a r �i .r...1 #✓ ..t .i z�r k'Y A1'?'sy, }it r~ t'ts,, f % r., oo s \ r t r y L` „ ,ry fj , r, It ? ; mr r 7 t` �f u-..u.0 w vac...rca. uvr :xwrwmem.ri ,mi nn xmmmmaw-xmw»zarmx.:wvzmvwemm?,xnWxs"irvwwnz,. ""``�n'rmxYm arww^:4'r�'smi+.exxix , c i= r ` r Cc ( A r r M �i4e, Y y J G ;S' Lf -7 (( r` -1-D'ZIA All-', -j i pting Lot ID of the Amended Plat of a Portion of Lot I Parkdalle A Subdivision { Y%l Govt. atrf`t 13 Set. a 3 ,r 1 A Wit \ / - NW1 ; 1 14 Sec 8 28a, 'b , 3 b n, rot lr it r t A e lo� i A r r e r s' 3 Roan 's%^x as Cry A`04. f r lee% r _ ;rz , tIG . y� jb y t {.. t b.-�YRy'?S elh*_ x y 6+ `yP ,z i« n 1 azLit r,. ,' ,' "` 1- °rt.,.f Alt'' r"t!IFf 00 00 "`4f tr t" !,g'ta, let y v<<? �,% E ��" 5Gv G ;,R,. .* <, 1 Td� a.d,h ,3,: � ,'y e'�r"0if 9I0 di,. e' � lA'.R ,>:,Y '..l'�'� 4�• hr t )) r yJ „„ 9, 0 ' (R) .Y'. X f.3� rS • ,.+� , OD N 9 49 l ± Lr is y e1 {� 7.6 .,..ir�f� `r,% t rinr t ,'a?3.: \ 4 d,% 4 a xm` F fr '' < nIN ;.d,f 36 \/ i' F w' +! k t .tit iv 3f7 ddr. a �+ 5y$ is r. `'f � xa. Y \ l X' R4 , y,+,a. {{ \ / St EY / Via,. x a, r �4Y Yr ._ ,.. _ _.... .,.....F?..,. ...�. _. ._.... -a. ...,...._-_. .. y. b t ✓h 4 .. .. , .tv \ 1. 3a3 � a a= r Y f J. 1111"r, , .. a 4 nF Y jl, Ax 8err ,IPr. ".. z / .. P ..., .. ....., <£'. i.. t_' F 5,t,'` i ., g 6 lj is .$ '0,1 RV toy t..W l 4 d t k=.r s= 1° t' s, 54 w . ,4 ,!,s: i \ ,_ �' ',1. ,1 t �, ,m�= � F f,r \ �„ ry tr: � "}.,_• t A ,# „�, s { 4 SC AL17 I" '= 100 ° 100 50' 0 100' 200 (`EFITIM'CATE OF DEIICATION iti 1A, 1F3, IC, ID) We, tde undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused fc be surve,,ye�d aza� platted into lots and private easernents all of the foillowins described property and as shown by the annexed plat, to wit: A tract of land in Government Lot 13 of Section 5, Government Lot 16 of S6ci,ion 6, and in the N$d1114 N 114 of Section 8, all in ToWnehil? 38 @forth, Range ?,. `Ve st, p M-M, Flathead COunty° described as icllows. Commencing Fat the northeast corner of the N 1/l NHO,/4 of .said Section 8, said corner, being the TRUE POINT T OF REGIf+fNING of the tract of land herein described, then 0 5 30 t' along the west boundary' of said IVFd1/4 NW1/4 a distance of .'13,50 feet: thence N66',0215"E 6L'CQ feet: thence N52'51'3CE 69,77 Peet thence N611'4751 E 279,35 feet to a pctint orr the conterline,- of a 60 foot county road, known as Whxftefasls Stage; thence along said centerime t 1a fallowing two courses N43°14'15 `W 6640 I"eet and along a curve to the rieb.t having a redial bearing of iV46'45 `45T, with a radium of 26700 fees tfirough a central angle of 24'3 t';5 ` for an Arc length cur 114,20 .feet" to a point on the south boundary of Government Lot 13 of said Sec.tro.; 5• cam point having a ,radial beetling of 371'16'08" � t?;e8`ace A(,90'00 iaf"' along said south boundary 4918 feet to tile southeast coarser, of Loot 'I" PARKyALE, a platted subdivision records of Flathead County: thence along the east boundaries of said Lot .,I" of l�ARATIALE" the Lal owileg four courses: N04`£3,6 C,3' w'69 1F feet, N04 3p 15' ✓ 68 F,,, x Y 8 E 3��9,5f1 feet to flee fret. h'8�`=l8'�.5 E" f48 .,3 feet and tVLA.,S � southeast corner of Faroe 'A" as shown on Certificate of Survey No, 15396, records of Flathead County: thence N90'00,00"W 634.28 facet along the south boundary of said Parsed `A 'o a point on the centerirae of the Stillwater Raver; Thence �dong the tsnte rhne of said Still€vater^ River the following h))me courses S'fl3'1S 58"E 3t.,.3 feet: S..'_i '3 ' 1,3"E 14h' 0 feet,S,? ° 1 ,5`9 98 ? feet: ,S`€1;?00"E 61749 feet; 30' 50 15 "Ni 66,77 feet, .301 2Z O3 W 15852 feet:, S15'45 55 156 15 feet; S` 34 EIS 29"W 15996 feet, :S0l r2'125'E 58.70 feet to a point on the south boundary :f Government .Lot 16 of said Section 6; slapnce Al89`494> �F along said south boundary l'39.06 .feet to the pint of tyeginiiing coiitalrtsng I1.254 acres snore or less, being subject ter Land t,�ge'lrer rw<t„h a}s a,r.+g=urtenant easements of record. „e- .le,a<<<c.bed tic=<at: if laird is b:r lira€;wn and cles'c'ria`.ead as 'l'A#aft0t?I,ie;° T_.ti"Ah"tb'l, A (not kdLLG°z tl3rw", ,SLahrz,a3VJv8t?s"� w a a" rlr taan d rat the A`W1,r`4 NWI/4 of S°ecsaota 8, Township P13 North, Range, ,c YeaF. aar.Flathead w-o, rty' described as follows k.3iz?sect7g at the nor thvleFt ^are'!ae of" the Ny1/4 NW1,14 of said ,;action 6 thence 300'05SO":E along the west boundary olf ..aid N 1,/4 1V J/4 a distance or :?13,50 feat to %. cq<H , of -:.7 k" 7;.{G s ',he as ` of land described: then the alftt-.� r OI,S. OF uE"€atFfhl1�.. of mla,r tract _t .a.rd herein ce c on lraearr" g ,S°C`r 05, 30'117 along the west boo radar / of said NW114 ffW114 as or.stanwe of 167.Z] feet to the northwest corner of Tract °r1.< as shown and s° deibed on i-"ertrficate of Suurvey No 5.�?16 records" of Flathead County;A.$r cihenc'e li;.ong the north boundaries of said Tract a" the foldncafrg four ses. N8 t'05'4.1 "E l57,49 feet; N66'5 Y 0 `.E 1Sa. 58 feet; rvt .,, i7", ll&53 ?'net sand A1,58",243a;'F c;2R00 feet. r'het"tc;•e V58'51 Sh "W 4:5 O,? feet to a point on lh.." centerline of a 40 foot county red known <% luver°sadc Drive, thence ,Sti37°7, 0j W along said renter"Matto' 4s. 59 feet to a point oil the centertIne of a 60 foot c.'ount(/ road kza os«rt as Khdphsh Stage, thence aiong/ said centerline the tollowing two ' ru,:res illone, a .a carve to, the deft with o radial fea,inif of 'W, e radius ,f 608-00 feet, through a cezatral angle oi 0' r7 36 fur ass a,r£, errgth of r}a? 9'3 feel to a point fraying a radial bearing of N464545'f, and N43'14 15" " 7,? 70 tee€; he+ace S894751" 079.85 feet, thence S5e'5,l u6`W 69.77 fees ,`hence 6806 feet to the point of beginning containing 035 a,re;r ,�` l3e'ir3 a`&d t3 �ct to and d together wJt4h all a : p C,u'.r,�.'td ;d b t t.: r`d SpY%'xp1, t„s err less, g 1 is pp „ record CERTIFICATION `NF'.rl�w„ e her t r ceir tkfar that the purpose of This (Jiv'iSion of wand is to riA, rchatc1 bcuraarlines between a single lot within a platted -subdivision', ,award ,adjozrat.ragj land outside a platted subdivision .lad no 3.. :. .,.<rve •-s hereby ., e. _,., 4,re this division .. .f 4V.a¢t.a r�vici�,ac>:"�a! �Yat� sa.. a,re taesebrr creased. E.Ir t a, eahrc rava from, review as a sabd!v;Mtrxparsu aa�t to Section �~{7 Ad =° Lot tla has no existing facilities for wa ox suPply, iwreste'wate .; :ki1 3 tswa and .rood Yarzacte dlsposaai, and no new f.,tcifities ak+iH i,, <,:£`1.n, t .acted :,,n f„„r.`a`e" par -el, ofid ;.s tlXerer""etie e.".iGnipt from review ky 1 osxkL. .ahp epa"enf uEranr^15 Quaa y "a�"A4i ii#.�.gi1},. fOHN C, BVUELLER (Parcel Y W LL IA M 1 SCALES _ (LOT '.t C 1;.- _. WILIJAM D. 6fcMANUS (LOT "ID") YTA I,L '?F rd ONT'ANA ) DA7y REVISED PURPOSE OSE Vt � ts? NAINIVE T OMPSt,a,1 (LOT 11A',r CfT'Y OF KAa°ISP L, (LGI /. DO OT HY R SCALES (LOT <C`') RITA �fiuKi NUS (LOT 714.�' _. x ;S Crsunt,, of Flathead) "� _ .,?rz this�'. day of c a 200 �, tacPoro one, a Notary F'zatzdr.,c an as for the State xf Montana, personally appeared SiifflV C. biIYELLE'm' known to arse to be, t e persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and who d y ;aclrn d to me that he executed the same, ,S`tbw of b3or�mmn Notary t'ub1'�cfrrl' the N y � Printed name of Not+�'ry, r leg " Residing at ra(y +s`ommissr'on expires_,.._,.,.. STATE OF t4 ON1 ANA) St5 County of Flathead; -. On this � , day of _� , 9003, �before me, & Notary Public in a, for the l3t,ate of Montana, personally appeared NAI?PNE THOMPSON known to M to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and >':.t a r resame, ,: G e. .ciw..,d �!i_ who .,+ycknowleqge<.a e hat ,� he crc to Tor' rh ,ra e •. f us ra w P 0, SOX 160 („,' ) tF rya 5 6,3 IcM.1"ailUS, 9S'$¢ 11A S, , n:X RITA SCALES, WILLIA L. & DOROTHY R CITY OF K L.ISPEL,L, U LLER, JOHN C. DECEMBER 11, 1995 Y AMENDED PLAT .SEC' 5, 6 & LEVEA se,, ;° oni corner (as nc"2tt'd) _, rxli r ae_m_ s expires 1 1 / 4 Curren fas noteed j'TAT E „ V M0A(; AA'x) v :set 5;/8k24 Reber try fl_`ap f l°tt81 fr <-;Yunty of Flathead) NOTE, Monuments set s'aecentiber ,1.r�;1 ff�e =',r'AArl,ds,.._.. :._`��',..�..}.,fdb£Ax„°!'+f_�...:.=_�^.!�.....�a...R..., .u"'�kr_;?, ��ftl;F"t' s72 G, a ISrLFtat",y �''d,ililrC' adA a%31'� d Found 5 Ld Rebar � =,aa a 768.1:Sts .t :ar' 6X.Ce Late {}R tYdhf #C«iiii "c', ,rq ":ns 4i }G d3� appeared � 'i \,- � �14..:-A�y, ` ? �s tFo$,.@n Found �8 (as noted) Ct Xf ¢ri'AtCckC.lCa Corporation td+:q£, oil, behalf of the CITY OF KALISPELL, ..,_ _....._.-^._- /�� E'ef'IkGS� name(a)' known to kp to f) the 1J#'k"54aa^aq Found J iT/V Y&ex/ar' fR`M' Cap 's, ,w ' ^., .. ., the a,1 asp �waosnrrbed to .Wtdv t' foregoing , u koae caaru .anstnearxaerat �y' g'8` card who , < Ft,. a�zrly acknowledged £,.:q I gR; .... flaccid .1 kh..ym g �.;.+: lraforatPataon Per the. .aaaac r,,,;,d FF1 µµ... p yy, 5 ,me °'„chat s'heyth ) ex:c"ut:ed S, the r"✓'Aa.me. Plat Plat o �` a Portion jjgi 9 d of Lot .r or#iAX:V{:ah e Printed name of Notary ?� Residing at tl ': Ify c roaaaxaessaons' � (PI) Record Information Per C OF)' 5.,,?1 ; F.,. Existing Fence braes S 1 TE OF /i, q � SS d s,�a4$3ty aj �.L�) �• '^� �,T.F g}$"j§ �f �'} ,r^¢g'. {.1,+�'ti r'y SYL P. PJSb.Y a�afL F, S +�k✓4ry,E"h.,+ On this-Z 21e'---day 2'10 -L before nine, a Notary Public in and' presiedent for the ,3tate c»P� �5_� personally appeared WILLIAM L. SCALES and DC1lZrTHY fl, SCALES known to me to be the persons whose nsarnes are subscribed APFRqVWL9. " x o > they n w _ &Y � tt"a rPa:�' ,Ikht to Pfae ,r.regoatrg instrkarn.,raat and Inca drily araleaau ledg d n,x,cuted "he same. Notary Public `,cr the oate of ^z . t of€ e5. $ w P }'3:'z, {d ,Pik erFC «tr d .3t a s 3 t,cTV OF MONrTTANA,r u+ ,.rr,d it`,,i sl Flathead) On thjs'._.__' -day of_.0,�4, �?00_:_r, before me, aP Notary Public irs and for the State oaf hfontanapersonally appeared WILLIAM D. McMANUS and RITA e e subscribed to the lc•ldffftlS' known to one to be flip persons w os� .rrrtnes are f, regurng c strsn2e st ao who daily acknowledged to toe that they executed she Notary Public for the State of Minot a Printed name of Notary_...._ Re.ciding at___ My r.,."taararratssion er;ptres EXAMIXI of y:.,tt IVD ,`sl ll1i ; ., R t ?LfC. Viz- 544,8+�,.' .. . _ STATE }�' x.���� f f W h ('10UNTIll OF t $ u 1 lfr ;fP ltsd'k ,_,.. 4 , r 11k`s"Fatf`TY d N iPh 4afl"IaaIA.` i' >+rt 1, ,k't'"... m a` G,�y"t' x , No, : .r .rL.,