We, the undersigned qw"erty owners, do hereby certify that we have eassod to be
surveyed into lots sill of the fellewing deecribd pespty to Witt
Two tracts of land situ&". lying and bola& to the RNtboest Qmrtet Southeast
Quarter (SEkSRI) of Section Twelve (12). Tewsbip Twesty-elght (20) North. Reege
Twenty-two, (22) west. P.M.M.. tlsthe" Coeoty, Msatam sod tote partloularly
described as follows to Witt
Tract 1 - Ragieeing at the NR corner of Stanley Addition No. 42 of which a plat awn cep
is an file in the Clerk and Recorders Office of Flathead Cowq. Nwstasso said pow
bola$ on the southerly R/W of U.S. Highway No. I oad hate& so a 1839.00 toot edNO
curve concave seetheastorly and having a radial kearteg of S 0' 48' 33" Si thefte v a
soothwasterly direction and along said R/W thrO80 a eoutwOl angle of W W W as
arc length of 1250.12 feet to a sot tree pin whwh is the F.G. of said "INAM 1 tliSSlae
S 49' 32, 40" W sod ceatieeing along ones; R/W 319.93 tout to a Potosi UPON" � 17'
20" E 10.00 feet to a points theme S 49' 32' 40" W 20�.00 feet to a pMsq S #0
27' 20" E 20.00 feet to a points theme S 45' 36''4e" W 30.04 feet to s
S 61' 44, 14" W ".91 foot to a point (radial bearing'" M' 02' IT" W) 40 e
eadios curve concave northwesterly$ theme through a esstwal 4214 of l3o so me
arc length of 278.05 foot to a point (radial tearing of S 16' ' Zia 2)1 sbawo S W
St' 40" E 11.90 (set to a poietl thassa S S9s le' 09" W 153.92 feet to a pefstl IbMes
N 20' 09' 04" W 52.11 feet to a points said poise Ming the A corer of ftbeM AMltbh
and having a radial bearing of N 20' M' 04" W and a rsdtus of 10N.M feeti Neesa
northeasterly through a control anglo of S' 24' 14" as aft length Of 139.30 feet se e
points thence N 30' 15' 33" W (radial bearing) • distaste of WOO feet to • patilt M a
1054.00 foot radius curve; theme sertheasterty through a control &"to of 1 31' $7e
an arc length of 194.43 fast to a points theme 0 490 11' 3r R 39d.74 feet to a pdt1t1
thence S 0' 38' 00" W 26.21 feet to a points thence N 49' 27' 54" 9 290.19 fees to •
points theme S 0' 35' 31" W 12.69 feet to a petati theneo M 49' 31' 40" R 21.96 lout to
the P.C. of a 1970.00 foot radius curve to the rights thence tbteugh a caetrsl angle
of 34' I4' 34" as arc length of 1251.64 foot to a Point which is the N oorest Of
Lewis sad Clark Additions thence N 33' 33' 31" R 171.95 feet to a point we the M@bWty
R/W at Meridian Roads theme S 49' 30' 54" R 30.00 foot to a point an the easterly
boundary Liao of Section 12. Themb S 0' 29"-04" W 2".40 feet sad aloe& said eactiou
Lies to a point; thence N 09' 30' %" W 30.00 toot to the plate of beginning am one-
tataing &.541 acres of laud More or less. That said Tract 1 is sotvey" and deactibed
for city annexation of portion of U.S. Highroy Me. 2.
Tract 2 - Caenteecisg at the NW eoresr Of M99e lds Addition No. $1 Of whteh a Plat OW
Mop is an file to the Clark sad Recorders Office of Flathead Cousty. NNtann. said POW
being on a 1850.00 foot radius curve comove awtbeestsrly •sd having a redlal b*otb*
of S l9' 03' is" Es theme southwesterly sad along said curve tbrougb a cost"! MA&
of 11' 35' 03" an arc length of 374.04 test to a sat tree pis (radial be•tieg so S As
38' 21" R) and being the tree plats of ►eginntgg of the tract hersLID dsscrtb"s bhMse
S 35' 46' 00" O 235.44 feet to a set iron pins these. R 34' 41' 29" W M-40 fslst M •
pint to the center of Spring Creeks thence S W It' 42" W 3".30 feet to • feed !eM
pial theme N 0' W 31" R 35.7S feet to a sat iron pie oe the ssetharly R/tt Of S•S.
Nighaey M. 2; theme N 49' 32' 40" R 141.6offeet to a tend two pis Which is the P.0•
of a 1.830.00 feet radius curve to the rights tbsecs thrsegh • sngls K 90.04
qr m an length of 316.% tees M the piano of bled •101 bow
Cf led sots of lone. That "W sweet to N 00�A
�wuot we sawn ;saws our he" be Wei iiii
0e this yet 97 be ore Mo Notary
Faseesal v appeared n
Met' n to es to be the persons whose eeMoare s t
of dedication and aekeowled&e4 to Mo that theys ettmn
4 w, the Moyer and the city clerk Of the City of Rolisp"l, ""tamp do beeeby se"W 1
4 rt astcespeoying plat was duly exantsed and ap1treved by the City Caessil of bee 4111
riNp11 at its regular sooting held on the -day of 97 .
Nor" - City of Kalis a 1, Mestam City • City of wellepolls
- � OtRECTIOR OF PUBLIC WOW fua ry of lLlieP•11. O"a" do
tors fy the acc"Wasylng plat confess toi�ng additienn ee plaw !d
Citysf Kalispell. Mesta", already platted, aa citeu'j�e?e,00lt pMil.
of N&M
I. , City Atts•sib0 for the City Of RAILOPell. Nbsteso0 de b*101
esttify that I have exasland the plat of PACK AMITION. AMMON N0o fl aed M Mee0F
state that there is a eertiftcato of title ftos a Iteessd abstreetet atted" ed Shat
the •ease as sb is the Certificate of "dicattou are the Owners.
City Att"W - L•Pa .
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