PACK_ADD_9-5-17_PAAF, s I Y+ CORNax fND. 8XAS5 CAP CUTI►ICATR Or MINCAT1Ml We, the undersigned qw"erty owners, do hereby certify that we have eassod to be surveyed into lots sill of the fellewing deecribd pespty to Witt Two tracts of land situ&". lying and bola& to the RNtboest Qmrtet Southeast Quarter (SEkSRI) of Section Twelve (12). Tewsbip Twesty-elght (20) North. Reege Twenty-two, (22) west. P.M.M.. tlsthe" Coeoty, Msatam sod tote partloularly described as follows to Witt Tract 1 - Ragieeing at the NR corner of Stanley Addition No. 42 of which a plat awn cep is an file in the Clerk and Recorders Office of Flathead Cowq. Nwstasso said pow bola$ on the southerly R/W of U.S. Highway No. I oad hate& so a 1839.00 toot edNO curve concave seetheastorly and having a radial kearteg of S 0' 48' 33" Si thefte v a soothwasterly direction and along said R/W thrO80 a eoutwOl angle of W W W as arc length of 1250.12 feet to a sot tree pin whwh is the F.G. of said "INAM 1 tliSSlae S 49' 32, 40" W sod ceatieeing along ones; R/W 319.93 tout to a Potosi UPON" � 17' 20" E 10.00 feet to a points theme S 49' 32' 40" W 20�.00 feet to a pMsq S #0 27' 20" E 20.00 feet to a points theme S 45' 36''4e" W 30.04 feet to s S 61' 44, 14" W ".91 foot to a point (radial bearing'" M' 02' IT" W) 40 e eadios curve concave northwesterly$ theme through a esstwal 4214 of l3o so me arc length of 278.05 foot to a point (radial tearing of S 16' ' Zia 2)1 sbawo S W St' 40" E 11.90 (set to a poietl thassa S S9s le' 09" W 153.92 feet to a pefstl IbMes N 20' 09' 04" W 52.11 feet to a points said poise Ming the A corer of ftbeM AMltbh and having a radial bearing of N 20' M' 04" W and a rsdtus of 10N.M feeti Neesa northeasterly through a control anglo of S' 24' 14" as aft length Of 139.30 feet se e points thence N 30' 15' 33" W (radial bearing) • distaste of WOO feet to • patilt M a 1054.00 foot radius curve; theme sertheasterty through a control &"to of 1 31' $7e an arc length of 194.43 fast to a points theme 0 490 11' 3r R 39d.74 feet to a pdt1t1 thence S 0' 38' 00" W 26.21 feet to a points thence N 49' 27' 54" 9 290.19 fees to • points theme S 0' 35' 31" W 12.69 feet to a petati theneo M 49' 31' 40" R 21.96 lout to the P.C. of a 1970.00 foot radius curve to the rights thence tbteugh a caetrsl angle of 34' I4' 34" as arc length of 1251.64 foot to a Point which is the N oorest Of Lewis sad Clark Additions thence N 33' 33' 31" R 171.95 feet to a point we the M@bWty R/W at Meridian Roads theme S 49' 30' 54" R 30.00 foot to a point an the easterly boundary Liao of Section 12. Themb S 0' 29"-04" W 2".40 feet sad aloe& said eactiou Lies to a point; thence N 09' 30' %" W 30.00 toot to the plate of beginning am one- tataing &.541 acres of laud More or less. That said Tract 1 is sotvey" and deactibed for city annexation of portion of U.S. Highroy Me. 2. Tract 2 - Caenteecisg at the NW eoresr Of M99e lds Addition No. $1 Of whteh a Plat OW Mop is an file to the Clark sad Recorders Office of Flathead Cousty. NNtann. said POW being on a 1850.00 foot radius curve comove awtbeestsrly •sd having a redlal b*otb* of S l9' 03' is" Es theme southwesterly sad along said curve tbrougb a cost"! MA& of 11' 35' 03" an arc length of 374.04 test to a sat tree pis (radial be•tieg so S As 38' 21" R) and being the tree plats of ►eginntgg of the tract hersLID dsscrtb"s bhMse S 35' 46' 00" O 235.44 feet to a set iron pins these. R 34' 41' 29" W M-40 fslst M • pint to the center of Spring Creeks thence S W It' 42" W 3".30 feet to • feed !eM pial theme N 0' W 31" R 35.7S feet to a sat iron pie oe the ssetharly R/tt Of S•S. Nighaey M. 2; theme N 49' 32' 40" R 141.6offeet to a tend two pis Which is the P.0• of a 1.830.00 feet radius curve to the rights tbsecs thrsegh • sngls K 90.04 qr m an length of 316.% tees M the piano of bled •101 bow Cf led sots of lone. That "W sweet to N 00�A �wuot we sawn ;saws our he" be Wei iiii NTATR4O► AMA ) SS tONMTT� ) 0e this yet 97 be ore Mo Notary Faseesal v appeared n Met' n to es to be the persons whose eeMoare s t of dedication and aekeowled&e4 to Mo that theys ettmn to of 21 4 w, the Moyer and the city clerk Of the City of Rolisp"l, ""tamp do beeeby se"W 1 4 rt astcespeoying plat was duly exantsed and ap1treved by the City Caessil of bee 4111 riNp11 at its regular sooting held on the -day of 97 . ATTRST t Nor" - City of Kalis a 1, Mestam City • City of wellepolls CRRTIFICATR OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS i - � OtRECTIOR OF PUBLIC WOW fua ry of lLlieP•11. O"a" do tors fy the acc"Wasylng plat confess toi�ng additienn ee plaw !d Citysf Kalispell. Mesta", already platted, aa citeu'j�e?e,00lt pMil. of N&M I. , City Atts•sib0 for the City Of RAILOPell. Nbsteso0 de b*101 esttify that I have exasland the plat of PACK AMITION. AMMON N0o fl aed M Mee0F state that there is a eertiftcato of title ftos a Iteessd abstreetet atted" ed Shat the •ease as sb is the Certificate of "dicattou are the Owners. City Att"W - L•Pa . annielft saw www or w llr j� SEC. rN0. (' SET S!N!S N INtdM an . S 8916'03..E - 260/.GZ �e n1�d= Moab 7 - .3 w, t • ce a x _ .'ate. "?• # mil';. ': .. .�. -; AL, i.