NORTHWEST_TRACTS_RESUB_L25_BLK_1_20170032_NWSL By' Larsen Engineering and Surveying, Inc., P. C. civil Engineering and Land Surveyying P, O. BOX207% 1370Airnort Road Kalispell, Mont. 59901 Phone: 406-752-7808 IN Donald R. Larsen, P.L.S. Jeff H. Larsen, P.E., P.L. S. rn� Ng o9 �a W 8 1 12 '-1— 5/8' REBAR & CAP(j BY 7328LS w g o Mo; m z REBAR & CAP Heir Ri) 7328LS (LOT Zo/ (LOT22) 00X �s M„) (LOT2/) 137.55 137. 5' R1� (LOT24) 375.23' 375.4'(R1) (LOT 23/ 373.38' 373.5'(R1) (S/NOPAH SUBDIVISION) 786.7'(R1� — S 89'48'21" W 786.04 614.56' 405 26' W 405.6'(R1) o 1ag 1 LOT /6 G)8 ti z 784.8'(R1) N 89*48*16" E 784.24' 405.26' 4050(R1) h8 (LOT /7) Z 782.9'(R1) N 89*48'11" E 782.45' 405.37' 405.6 o8 (LOT /8/ _ 781.0'(R1) N 89'48'07" E 780.65' 405.42' w 405.6'(R1) 08 8 (LOT /9) z ^ 779.1'(R1) N 8W48'02" E 778.86' 405.47' 405.6'(R1) n (LOT20) O E1/4 CORNER, BRASS CAP BY 7156LS PER CORNER RECORD 5/8' REBAR & CAP BY 7328LS P�VVER (PAC HT All 30' RIGHT OF WAY FOR MERIDIAN ROAD PER NORTHWEST TRACTS SUBDIVISION PLAT (TN�ORNER N MILE pR��E MMIILE DRIVE OF PER"NOFOR RRTHWESEST (��-IR�QR" ER) TRACTS SUBDIVISION PLAT 830.00'(Rt) 630.00' (THREE MIL EDRIVE) 1 S 89'47'31" W 2519.57' S1/4 LNER, BRASS S 89-47'31- W(R2) 2519.57'(R2) CAP BY 10803LS PER CORNER RECORD BOUNDARYSURVEYDETA/L 1" = 100' Owner • Jacob Da vid Ek Date: February20/7 d-\NEW FILES\EK\EK.DWG s a) SECTION CORNER, J AL CAP BY 474013, 12 PER CORNER RECORD 0 7 1161 SUBDIII//S/ON PLA T RE-SUBDI VISION L 0T25, BLOCK I, NOR THWEST TRACTS SE1,/4 SEC. 1, T. 28 N., R. 22 W., P.M.M., FLATHEAD CO., MONTANA . 0 30 60 90 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 30' UT/L/TYEASEMEN T CERT/F/CA TE The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm or corporation whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telecommunication, electric, power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under, and across each area designated on this plat as "Utility Eaements" to P�ha�vee and to hold forever. U u VV OWNER State of Montana) SS: County of Fla he d On this ' der of in the year 20 2-7, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared UatD)1 Dry )" c ,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some. M ARDe3 M. LARSEN ,An s 1iOTAm'PU�ImV01 NOT Y PUBUC for the State of Montana is Shed Mortars •t� SEAL • Rsai�ircadLaxeslde,Morrana RESIDI My omwnimon Eepeae M commission expires o„Ipp Mardi 09. 2019 y P SUBDIVIS/ON PLA T NOTE All house numbers will be visible from the street, either at the driveway entrance or on the house. (L OT dol 379.2'(Rt ) 378.198'" N 894816E N 89*48'16" E STREET 117 ADDRESS UNR A 3 LOT I Co CTS, BLOCK �I 0.14 ACRES o OT 25,� NORTHWEST T (L ," :�• 301.79' S 89'48'11" W 377.08' 377.3'(R1) (LOT24) MONUMENT WAS SET S 13'27'01" W, 0.39 feet FROM TRUE CORNER BECAUSE A FENCE POST\ OCCUPIES THE TRUE CORNER CERT/F/CA TE OFDED/CA T/ON I (We), the undersigned property owner do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed and platted into lots all of the following described property as described in the Certificate of Dedication and shown by the annexed plat or map situate, lying and being in SE1/4 of Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: Lot 25, Block 1 of Northwest Tracts, a map or plat on file in the office of the Fla6kad County Clerk and Retarder. Containing 0.87 acres of land. Together with and subject to all easements apparent or of record. The above described property shall be known as the Re —Subdivision Lot 25, Black 1, Northwest Tracts. In witness whereof I have caused my hand to be set this l(U day of 20 )� U OWNER State of Montana) SS. County of Flathe� On this �(Z—dof in the year 20_, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally ap� , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. /1 M wfs attA `"2 a• � * SEAL • ARMS M. LARSEN NOTARY PUBLIC IorwN Stms d Mortarrs Raeidirq at LakeWde, MonW� �yo/Mo�tsc° My ComriYSNon tE�Q Net My commission of Montana CERT/F/CA TE OF COUNTY C/TY COUNCIL We, the Mayor and the City Clerk of the city of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana do hereby certify that the city of Kalispell accompanying plat were duly at its regular meeting held on examined and approve,.d_by the city of the _/9_ day of - I_U , ��_, council of"he 2013 LIS16 T Mayor CityClerk v F City of Kalispell, Montana City of Kalispell, Montana 92 CITY A TTORNEYCERT/F/CA TE =- '''•-"'°^�`P.P This plat has been examined by the office of the City Attorney according to Section 76-3-612 (2), M.C.Az7jrryrrtll11111111"`\\`\ Relying on Title report No. 75/ lVe and has been approved based upon information submitted by the developer and or his agent. zt •f301 Z o _. /9 City Attorney, City of Kalispell, Montana Date OWNER S CERT/F/CA TE This division of land is exempt from review by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality because this division is located within jurisdictional areas that have adopted growth policies pursuant to Chapter 1 or within first-class or second-class municipalities for which the governing body, certifies, pursuant to 76-4-127, that adequate sorm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities will a provided, Pursuant to 76-4-125(2)(d), MCA OWNER State of Montana) SS, County of Flathe On this ILL dy of in the year 20n, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared L rL I ¢ 1- known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrumen Ind acknowledged to me that they executed the same. STREET g M L4q 117 ADDRESS 3 tt 2atM�F: . LARSEN NOTTAARYY,%1BBMfoforr 1h@ UNfT E1 � �\ ' SEAL ' stall of mortarst RoWLa sarw !7 rn=' My Cuarchoemie anrisdW Bows; Lore o 0 0.73 ACRES rn WA/VER OFPRO TES T OF SID The owner(s) hereby waive the right to protest the creation of and SID for the purpose of financing improvements to area roads which will specifically benefit this subdivision. OWNER State of Montana) SS: County of Flathe On this 16 day_af the year 20 �� , before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared �)c�Cn 1 known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instruments, and acknowledged to me that they executed the some. as M Uqy ARM M. LARSEN °P atAaFi NOT�PPU��the NOTARY PUBLIC for t e State of Montana Residing at lakeside, Mo WU RESIDIN d; c° My cmmtis:on Boras My commission pine ��BO/Moog• March 00. 2019 -- Plat # 201i0032 Abstract# 201700012682 Fees: $36.00 by: SS by LARSEN ENGINEERING & SURVEYING Date 6/21/2017 Time 8:30 AM Debbie Pierson, Flathead County Montana e� NTA A(y NOTARY PUBLIC f r the State of Montana RESIDING at My commission expires Z�/ LEGEND SECTION CORNER (AS NOTED) mom 1/4 CORNER (AS NOTED) ® CENTER OF SECTION (AS NOTED) 1/16 CORNER (AS NOTED) • FOUND 5/8" REBAR & CAP BY 7328LS O SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED LARSEN 9250—ES (R1) RECORD DATA PER NORTHWEST TRACTS SUBDIVISION PLAT (R2) RECORD DATA PER C.O.S. 13196 ;R1IF/CA TE .OF SUR VEYOR NUMBER 9250-ES APPROVED 2011.1L EXAMINING LAND SURVEYOR REGISTRATION NUMBER_a3Z$t"S STATE OF MONTANA SS COUNTY OF FILED THIS oiiSTDAY OF-SnZ,201A.D. AT$lp O'CLOCKA M. CLERK AND RECORDER BY:. A DEPUTY co AgST aLPy3 INSTRUMENT RECORD NUMBER Q0%-►coo\;ktoSZ I aor1 co3a SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET