NORTHVIEW_HEIGHTS_SUB_PH_1_2-12-35_NVHOWNER: NORTHVIEW HEMM'S, IAX� A11,41) IWAARK III, 1113NSIM' AND MICHELI Apw HEMY B`T� THOMAS, DRAN AND HOSKINS',, IN(,,, 690 NORTH MERIDIAN SUIT.F.' #101 ICAUSPI.P.11, Mr, 59901 KIM& (406) 752-5246 DAIT�', NOVI 2002 IIIIEGIRS SOUIH 1/4 CORNEK SITUION I NOT FOUND OR ',,13 I/Ib, GORPAI FOUND ts,W REBAR FOUND l 1/2" Pff` ilti COPPER WELD, OR AS KIGIED FOUND 5/8" REMAR W/CAl" MARKED "9525 L,S" SEf 5/8" WEB W/(.,AF1 MARKED 'I LS" UIR.,11"Y EASIEMIN] (A S'T'REET ADOREASS A III A NA III AAA III N, , NA A I'm", A A AAA I "I 'I I I IN I I AN 11 o A 11 o I I I I I I I I I I I A I ANN A ,I W " I 1110 11 A 11 A A.1— AN A Al 0%tF Awsl 1. T 1,114ttl " It \A, fq8/"'�,/'4,jAef 591 76' (3 INN Is II 9 i bt), 56154' " No 01; PLAT C41:' pm Periii rwwwwq 11,111 0MIF111"THVIEEW HEIGHTS SUB D I V1%w)1(.)NIIuwI%e, F"HASE 1`1 1.0CA"T"ED IN THE SOU"MEAST OUARTER OF' THE SOUTHWES1111" 01JARTER OF SECTION 1. TOWNSIAIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 22 WESSITIR v PMM., FLANT011EAD CO'IN TY'k, MON"TANA. PINNINW.'l—ARKA "FOIAlAn�i I AWS TWA AC ROADS 3,302 A(,�', ............... . ..... I IWAL 9,15'Ar AC,, 18 S8qI,S4,30"E 4 13 2 1 211 ;Nr or 4 A, I A, 1 3 11) Ail 0,15 MC 208 a A) A QD tl / M.5 m. A ''NA, ... A .... A mANAAA—A, I—ANIIII... A,( NI A, EAST N(I)R77111101"' 110011 cow WE= 1 '1' 17.97, A�, . . .... AANTN,,� ANANA . NA, ................. A A A mesa wit 011,11, J22, 21 1111, YYr 08 rvpnre20 3 A( 9 A AC" qm ?" , t"I TAN, NO I .!AI tram OpolW° I V I q A I 17 At) �AA ml Tj AD ,310 AC", f� 'po A ANA- 19 I Al hip �,� A, AAAAi i4p GI "'N 2*1 Ye G{i IN I =IN,IAA,,PotA87 Ake,,I, t 6Y Yd N AAN N\I IN TA, II.AN, `AANI,NAANw ia �,AAN i ANA A, CAI AWN caw mad eIq A, A $4 ir NI fA 139 AC Aall A uptd" `137 W "lids A pA J' AC' 11111 211 N Vi - 00 11 0 h "AIIIIII, "ANIJ up a51i"f, imm P'lel ffiSr 5/ Rp Vio, ANA. fif litAIrallo e r� \�rl ) Nf), 42 sIH jps NC,�q P0,Ff /4 3" MP ON PE IN I- 6-A, Rtn AN ej At IIIA, dkm ttm Uo ey 5/0" raIm flItIi Wr CANIERUNE HIRE& MILE [XVIE IN I I oa, 200' 300, AS ID A L E: dim EEFTFIR(,,�PAI E OF' DEEDCKI ION I i eI i,t n � I e rs i g rmt i I, �pe e PeVhy or%I�u�,rS, (10 �Jrij.eby cmrtify that wee horve caused to be smeyed anti lAotied into hAs I sbeets A,cw shown by the plot and Amertiheate of survey heirountc) aitcwe."hneap, lhr, falk),ying describexi trad�of land, to ImAW A tract of kind located in Hie SotAheast qLKM ter of thew SmAlimust quarter of Section 1, Township 2H North, Rlulge 22 Wesl, Princ4mt feierirfian, kiowwtorn(Ia, Flobvsid Gc"inty, Montsma, behg nune qm,fi,-,,idorly wiescribed as fotkowx corrinvItmirrej ur, dw f4corifiII C*rner of Nact 1 01 Of SUYVey No, 1142f, records of Flathead County, and Uwe POIkIl' X-IMIGIMMUNG; ffif,,�,mce N82*43'.30"W cilong the Noith boundary of suid tiact, a distarme of 571,30 feel to the Ishm-thwest corner al said trirct� thonce 504"Iti'l3V cloarg the We,It ilcmirdary A)( tract, a Ydisteancet of 62f,533 test to the Southwest corner of sak) ti<uJ, sifld cownrer being on the hkyrth vight (,of -)orry of a Slate I ighway known as f1wee kkI Drivo„ drerict, S89*34'12"W afora) sisid tight. of w(,�iy,, I efistwmce of E0,08 feQ ikomce leavirq saki iQlA ch my N0411613"ll a chstance of 32147 feo� thence 1404"14027 as :110tance 1 311`502 fee t� thence 1`41533'45"E a disiance, of 6 I,5r 1,33 feet to a poinl (m the Dout bounclary of !Um plot of khmidowlimid.- Unit No, 2, pecords (,4 FfottmiW COUrot.)6 Rmnce SOW5,00"F along said tImI car (Ashmice of 462.21 leaf to the, tAlaithwest conmr of fract 1 of Certrficrde of Survey thy 9693, reonnis of Flathmid County; thence SOCY26'12"W alonq JjrrWw Weif birnridrny of sold track a distance of 69CL38 feet to (lrafi POINT Of-RE'GINNING, kxImotoining 9,157 o,,rcnos. the otiove described land 4 doWgrrated curci io be known as Northview 1-keight,,,w Subdivision Phase I located in the Southerud riumtef Io the S(ruilimmi quarter of "Urction L lownsilip 20 Nortir, Range 22 Wes[ Flincifocil bleridion, Montana, FRAhead (ounty, MclntArgojw114 'Ur"AINANNIFTY .... 191015104101T Tlm irridmigned hereby grants m4o each and eym-y peram, firm cm omporalnion, wimthom public or pthwate, ilroviding Or offeI tx) ro'cripide telephiale, tolerpopli, electric power, gem, cabk,� felevision, Imcder or sewer ssnoice to the PL944, the fight to Uie� joirit usee of on easement frer comAitAc1ion, oymintenance, rwepau A�rnd imnowfl of their hnes anol othen f(milities in and unde� eoch tm"II'a Ajesignaled Oil thm plot as "IKHRY kIA hI cur(i 1cIA hold forever 4, . .. . . . .. ... ... ...... .. fAI IE1 LE HENSLI,.f" kl()RH,hATE:W HEIGHIS, LU", BY NAMIA --A II County (A &S. On this Cloy o ...... . . ...... ... .. ... . 20, be4cre u.10, flIM orideersignect, to Notary for Ule fActe of personally upwpeaned � - � , 11!' tIIIIII'I 11.1""'I'�' r rl-�? � . . . i I EII known to me to be the person(s) WiriaSa subscHihed ko thin inshurneiii, rmd acknowWodged to me that they execided the severe. A P taq ubW 0 !peen,!peen,Stake of RNo esidiret at MY camnissk"I exilhas Slate Ofto County of 5s, . I . . ... . .... ()n in'we I I I day of --.1 11 - ---, I . ...... .... .. A 20 brefore nre, the undeisigned, a Notary I:("- the !Aote of pelsonally UPPIVOINJ known To n-le, to be the, tmrsonjej whrisic narne!"u)" is(pre') subscribed to this instrurnerd, ond ac0owledged to not 1hat Nliq# exe,,cufed lhe sairm, I "'a NcAary Putdic for the ",Pate of Residir)IIf at 41 "^ae.� My (0r1VIjfrWj,r!,-,,hk)n expines t": ANV 0 AI CEER"WISCATE OF 4Aqo'JTY Al aIORNEY This PkA has been examined try the office of the (I Attrivney arex,ri-ding 110 /ff . 1114N r 612(2), M.(,..A, relying upon title r(,qrort No—!&� .10.02.—, , , cruol upproved Lmsed cm infoornation suirimitted bthee; velolr rare' ai�Ifidceifre"^ Ciky APtoi rr,v e, hrI Mantuan Ka 1:1rala sal . . . . . . ... ...... . . ... .... .. y Ilre flwjblk�. WiNnks Director, Citsot` ll, lficeies ht trifed iriblicy ffif herwoven senbi have been inWalled and/or f"we been approved for inslalkitan in accorduricot. Lo CHy of Kofli.spell construction storrokirds, and as per (,it y Resolution All inqnove"wrils not yet conqAetmi shall be wmAjecL to a sukodiviskin hnliovirn&At. agreement between tips devedenmr and them clty. CEEFR AT IFICATE OFT WARVE11 (W �!IARK LAND DEDICATIONA lo) oiI ....... . .... of tlnIlwseaII' (�Oaiily, Montano do cortify Ural the followirrII'l r"If(Iltro WUS Marks by Hum City of Kulispell IIA (.i nietArng thereof held on the J-11—doy rtc, the proceedings of said body to YdL 21(K and witered ii nosrnirch as Inc rledk,;afiarj I)f Park land within thrr pkitted avew(i at Northetiew SubdOshn-Phcise I is undesivaWe for khe reasons set foith in the rninul,es of this meeling, it is heu(iby of(lined by tlm City CouncH of KaNspoll that lorrd licIdicatiem Am Park floirposes be warved (Ind that cash in Herr of Park kind in the arnounk of 1 4?0 dollan"", bu, acc,"oelytee'l in accorckinm with the prolvisions ot '76 3 (1 M.(,.A, In witre-As ishernof , I 1'I.(NIo."m"IIVmeimc, ed h%y, 'ay1�°Ih20 A N� Ifteieso White, (Iork of Council a"k " _ JUpywWw .....W Cam,A F MAY01`3 Thr,e (,'iiy Comrcil rif Kalispell, Montano dorels heveAwy certify thrif it Nis may. tkus sub(fivision plat and hovirig found the saim to contoory) to I(JW, aI)I)f0VAsS it" and f1jereby accepts the dedbatkmn to putdif: qse of any cuid I kvr�,ko shom ()In this plart bei% ekq.,w(l to r-mich y 'ot dediC rfimeri l, Kenn Moyeor 19 1017011:1- 6 14 11!:::: ....... Impuly ....... . ....... RECE,P 1ION N04200'!� 00*10-1.1 14 P rr. S H EE T "'I OF ,i V4 Wrk 1, 4 AII